This article explains what data can be migrated from your current practice management software and how to export the data from that software. Software applications starting with the letters H, I, J, L, and M are listed below.
Tip: See one of the articles below if your current practice management software does not start with the letters H, I, J, L, or M .
- Contacts
- Matters
- Unbilled Time Entries
- Unbilled Expense Entries
- Navigate to the Manage section.
- Click Export at the top of the page.
- Navigate to the Projects section.
- Click Export at the top of the page.
Time entries
- Go to the Reports section.
- Click Detailed Time.
- Change filters to All Time and select Include archived items in filters.
- Click Run Detailed Time Report.
- Click Export at the top of the page and choose CSV.
- Go to the Reports section.
- Click Detailed Expenses
- Change filters to All Time and select Include archived items in filters.n
- Click Run Detailed Expense Report.
- Click Export at the top of the page and choose CSV.
- Contacts
- Click the Contacts page link.
- Click the Export link in the sidebar.
- If you do not see an Export link, this means that you do not have export permissions enabled. Ask your account owner or an administrator to update your permissions to enable exporting.
- Select the type of export you want. CSV format is recommended.
- If you export less than 100 contacts, an automatic file download will begin.
- If you export more than 100 contacts, Highrise will send you an email with the file once the export is complete.
- Contacts
- Matters
The contact file is extracted from Hoowla when a backup is generated. You can generate a backup by following the steps listed here.
- In Hoowla, click Reports.
- Select Company Reports.
- Edit the report to select the date range you require.
- Download from Case Created Report and then export the matters.
- Contacts
- Matters
- Go to the Contacts tab.
- Choose the Filter symbol on the left side of the screen.
- Click CSV.
- Click Export.
- Wait until you are prompted to download the file.
- Go to the Matters tab.
- Choose the Filter symbol on the left side of the screen.
- Click CSV.
- Click Export.
- Wait until you are prompted to download the file.
Infusion (Keap, InfusionSoft)
- Contacts
- Matters (derived from contacts)
- Click the three horizontal lines on the top left of the page and select Contacts.
- Filter the contacts to include Clients or Entire Contacts.
- Click Actions on the mid left of the page and select Export.
- Choose columns that needs to be exported.
- For the Delivery method of the exported data select View in browser/download or Email.
- Select the file type for export.
- Click Process and then click Okay to continue.
- Save the CSV file to your computer or find it in your email inbox.
- Contacts
- Matters
- Unbilled time
- Contact Insight legal through their support team to request an export of the database file.
- Insight email support:
- Insight phone support: 01252518939.
- Contacts
- Matters
- Tasks
- Notes
You can export data from all tabs (all of the records of a certain type, such as contacts or organizations) or a subset of data from a tab. Additionally, users must have export permissions to perform these exports. Insightly admins can access this setting by clicking Profile icon > System Settings > Users and checking the box next to Data Export Enabled for a user.
Export data from all tabs:
- From the left navigation bar, select the page you would like to export records from (Contacts, Organizations, Opportunities, Projects, or Tasks).
- Select type.
- On the right sidebar, click the Export link.
- For contacts and organizations records: You will be presented with another page of options to select from. Click the appropriate link for exporting contacts, organizations, or their notes.
- The export will produce a CSV file that you can save from your browser. You can rename the file and choose a folder to save it to.
- Repeat these steps for each category where you have data to export.
Export a subset of data from a tab:
- Select the page you would like to export records from (Contacts, Organizations, Opportunities, Projects, or Tasks).
- Narrow down the list of records by using one of the following methods:
- Choose an option from the Filter or View lists above the records (this is the only option for tasks).
- Select from the tag list in the right sidebar.
- Create a custom filter.
- Click the checkbox above the records. This will select all the visible records.
- Click More above the list, and then click Export. Your browser will save the file to your computer.
- Contacts
- Matters
- Log in to INSZoom.
- Select Reports in the left navigation bar.
- Select Reports 1.0.
- Select Adhoc Reports from the list of reports. If you do not see Adhoc Reports in the list, you may need to contact INSZoom to request access to the Adhoc reporting functionality.
- Select Add Template.
- Enter a name for the template (e.g. Clio Contact Export) and save.
- Add the Input Columns. There is a maximum of 100 columns per report. These are the columns you will use as filters:
- Select Attach/Remove Columns above the Input Columns box.
- Choose Client from the Find In dropdown.
- Choose the columns in the Removed Columns list on the left side.
- Select Add to move them to the Attached Columns list on the right side.
- Select Save.
- Add the Export Columns. There is a maximum of 100 columns per report. These are the columns that will be exported for the contact:
- Select Attach/Remove Columns above the Output Columns box.
- Choose Client from the Find In dropdown.
- Choose the columns in the Removed Columns list on the left side. Include Client ID in order to link the contact to the matter.
- Select Add to move them to the Attached Columns list on the right side.
- Select Save.
- Run the report.
- Select the value(s) for the Input Columns you added to filter the report accordingly.
- Select Get Report. Check that popups are not blocked.
- Select Click Here to download the report as an excel/csv file from the popup window.
- Log in to INSZoom.
- Select Reports in the left navigation bar.
- Select Reports 1.0.
- Select Adhoc Reports from the list of reports. If you do not see Adhoc Reports in the list, you may need to contact INSZoom to request access to the Adhoc reporting functionality.
- Select Add Template.
- Enter a name for the template (e.g. Clio Matter Export) and save.
- Add the Input Columns. There is a maximum of 100 columns per report. These are the columns you will use as filters:
- Select Attach/Remove Columns above the Input Columns box
- Choose Case from the Find In dropdown.
- Choose the columns in the Removed Columns list on the left side.
- Select Add to move them to the Attached Columns list on the right side.
- Select Save.
- Add the Export Columns. There is a maximum of 100 columns per report. These are the columns that will be exported for the contact:
- Select Attach/Remove Columns above the Input Columns box
- Choose Case from the Find In dropdown.
- Choose the columns in the Removed Columns list on the left side. Include Client ID in order to link the contact to the matter.
- Select Add to move them to the Attached Columns list on the right side.
- Select Save.
- Run the report.
- Select the value(s) for the Input Columns you added to filter the report accordingly.
- Select Get Report. Check that popups are not blocked.
- Select Click Here to download the report as an excel/csv file from the popup window.
At this time there is no option to export usable format from Interbill for migration data. The Export/Import option has been known to completely remove data from the database, rather than make a copy. We recommend not using this option without assistance from Interbill support.
- Contacts
- Matters
- Unbilled Time Entries
- Unbilled Expense Entries
- Outstanding Balance (a single line item that represents the summative balance at time of export for a matter)
There are two options for backing up Juris data. See the steps below for more information.
Note: All users will need to be logged out of Juris for the backup.
Option 1: Juris Management Console Backup
Juris backups include Juris Suite time and expense entries that have been synchronized with the server, as indicated with an entry key within the grid. Time and expense entries stored only in the local cache file (not synchronized) are not included in the backup. Additionally, backing up via Juris Management Console also shrinks the LDF file upon completion. Follow these steps to create a backup using the Juris Management Console (JMC):
- Verify that all users have closed Juris.
- Click the Start button on the Windows Taskbar.
- Select Programs > Juris > Administrative Tools > Juris Management Console to the open the Juris Management Console window.
- Double-click Juris Management Console to expand the folder in the Juris Console list.
- Double-click [Your Firms Name] Data to expand the folder.
- Right-click the Database folder and select All Tasks and then Backup to open the Juris Backup wizard.
- Click the Right Arrow button once.
- Select New Backup from the Backup Device list.
- Enter the Name of your backup in the Name field. For example you can enter Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or End of year as the name of your backup file.
- Click to check the File radial box to enter a destination path for saving your backup.
- Click the ellipsis button to open the Browse for location of Backup file window.
- Select the folder you want to save your backup to. The file path needs to reside on the server and not on the local workstation.
- Click OK to return to the Add New Backup Device window.
- Enter \[Name of your backup].bak at the end of the destination path in the File field. The [Name of your backup] is the same name as you entered for step 9.
- Click OK.
- Click the Right Arrow button once.
- Click the Right Arrow button to open the Backup Confirmation window and do not change the Media Name field. The Media Name field is populated from the Windows System Clock.
- Click Finish to backup Juris.
- Click the X to close the Juris Management Console.
Option 2:Backing up Juris using SQL Server management Studio
Follow these steps to backup your Juris data using the SQL Server Management Studio:
- Verify that all users have closed the Juris program.
- Place Juris in Maintenance or Backup mode depending on reason for backup.
- Click Start and select Programs > Microsoft SQL Server > SQL Server Management Studio to the open the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio window.
- Log in with your credentials.
- Click next to Databases to expand it.
- Right-click Juris [ your client code ] and select Tasks, and then Back Up... to open the Back Up Database - Juris[ your client code ]window.
- Select Full from the Backup type: dropdown list.
- Enter the[ Name of your backup ] in the Name field.
- Click Add... to open the Select Backup Destination window.
- Click the ellipsis button to the right of the File name field to open the Locate Database Files window.
- Click to select the folder where you want to save your backup.
- Enter the[ Name of your backup ].bak in the File name field and click OK.
- Click OK on the Select Backup Destination window.
- Click OK on the Back Up Database - Juris [ your client code ] window to start the backup.
- Click OK on the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio The backup of database 'Juris[ your client code ]' completed successfully. window.
- Right-click JBills[ your client code ] and select Tasks, and then Back Up... to open the Back Up Database - JBills[ your client code ] window.
- Select Full from the Backup type dropdown list.
- Enter the [ name of your backup ] in the Name field. Use the same Backup set Name that you used for Juris[ your client code ]to append the JBills database backup to the Juris database backup.
- Click open the Select Backup Destination window.
- Click the ellipsis button to the right of the File name field to open the Locate Database Files window.
- Click to select the folder where you want to save your backup. Use the same destination file that you used forJuris[ your client code ]to append the JBills database backup to the Juris database backup.
- Enter the name of your backup in the File name field and click OK. Use the same File name that you used forJuris[ your client code ]to append the JBills database backup to the Juris database backup.
- Click OK on the Select Backup Destination window.
- Click OK on the Back Up Database - JBills[ your client code ] window to start the backup.
- Click OK on the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio The backup of database 'JBills[ your client code ]' completed successfully. window.
- Close Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.
- Contacts
- Matters
- In Management Reports, click Client Details.
- Select All Case Worker.
Open matters:
- In Management Reports, click Open Cases.
- Select All Case Worker.
Closed matters:
- In Management Reports, click Closed Cases.
- Select All Case Worker.
LawCloud (LawWare UK)
Unbilled Time Entries
- Unbilled Expense Entries
You must contact LawCloud to get access to your LawCloud Database ( They will send you an email that contains and encrypted and compressed back up file. The password is your default LawCloud password. Then you can follow the steps below to access your data in your backup. LawCloud may offer to extract the data into a requested format, but the service will incur a fee. If you have any issues with these instructions please contact LawCloud directly.
- Open SQL Server Management Studio Express and connect to the SQL server.
- Expand Databases.
- Right-click on the database you want to back up, and then select Tasks > Back up (this is not available for version 2018/2019).
- On the Back Up Database window, make sure the Database field contains the name of the database you want to back up.
- Select Full for the Backup Type.
- Click Remove to remove the default/last backup file name.
- Click Add to open the Select Backup Destination window.
- Click [...] next to the File Name field.
- On the Locate Database Files window, select the folder where you want the backup file to go. By default, it is ..\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Backup.
- In the File Name field, type the name for this backup, with a .bak extension. For example, xyz_20080221.bak for a backup of the XYZ database created on 21 February 2008.
- Click OK to close the Locate Database Files window.
- Click OK to close the Select Backup Destination window.
- Click OK to start the backup. The progress icon displays in the lower-left corner, and a completed successfully message displays when it is done.
- Contact LawFusion for more information.
- Contact LawFusion using the Access Customer Success Portal:
- The Access Group may charge for the data export.
- For any issues, contact The Access Group directly.
- Contacts
- Matters
- Notes
- Accounts receivable balances
- In the navigation menu on the left, click Reports.
- Add a new template.
- Select the relevant report from the dropdown and then select yes under Holiday Card Recipient, otherwise the report will not show any results.
- Select all of the report column tabs.
- Contacts
- Matters
- Unbilled Time Entries
- Unbilled Expense Entries
- Outstanding Balance (a single line item that represents the summative balance at time of export for a matter)
- Sign in to your LeanLaw account.
- Click Settings.
- Click Firm Info.
- Click Download Firm Data.
- Contacts
- Matters
- Related Contacts
- Unbilled Time Entries
- Unbilled Expense Entries
- Outstanding (a single line item that represents the summative balance at time of export for a matter)
- Trust Balances (a single line item that represents the balance at time of export for a matter or contact)
- Go to Reports. The report will open in a new browser window.
- Select Matters and Clients at the top of the page.
- Select Matter List.
- Select All for all the options.
- Click View Report.
- Pick CSV from download options.
- Go to Reports. The report will open in a new browser window.
- Select Matters and Clients at the top of the page.
- Select Client and Cards.
- Select Client Detail.
- Select All for all the options.
- Remove the filter for Creation Date.
- Click Search.
- Toggle Selected Cards to All Cards.
- Toggle Excel to CSV for file output.
- Select Download.
All contacts (clients and other):
- Go to Reports. The report will open in a new browser window.
- Select Matters and Clients at the top of the page.
- Select Clients & Cards.
- Select Card Detail.
- Select All for all the options.
- Remove the filter for Creation Date.
- Click Search.
- Toggle Selected Cards to All Cards.
- Toggle Excel to CSV for file output.
- Select Download.
- Contacts
- Matters
Legal Files
- Contacts
- Matters
- Related contacts
- Notes
- Open SQL Server Management Studio Express and connect to the SQL server.
- Expand Databases.
- Right-click on the database you want to back up, and then select Tasks > Back up (this is not available for version 2018/2019).
- On the Back Up Database window, make sure the Database field contains the name of the database you want to back up.
- Select Full for the Backup Type.
- Click Remove to remove the default/last backup file name.
- Click Add to open the Select Backup Destination window.
- Click [...] next to the File Name field.
- On the Locate Database Files window, select the folder where you want the backup file to go. By default, it is ..\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Backup.
- In the File Name field, type the name for this backup, with a .bak extension. For example, xyz_20080221.bak for a backup of the XYZ database created on 21 February 2008.
- Click OK to close the Locate Database Files window.
- Click OK to close the Select Backup Destination window.
- Click OK to start the backup. The progress icon displays in the lower-left corner, and a completed successfully message displays when it is done.
- Contacts
Note: LollyLaw has additional reports that can be run, but these reports only provide segmented information that is not sufficient for migrating data. For instance, a report on only certain matter types can be exported at a time, while a full listing of ALL matters is required for migrating them. In addition, a "notes" report only provides one note per export, but a listing of ALL notes linked to the case or contact is required for migrating.
- Select Settings.
- Click Export.
- Select Download All Contacts in Account. An email will be sent to the account owner with the download file.
- Contacts
- Matters
- Matter Notes
- Unbilled Time Entries
Note: Clio may be able to export tasks, unbilled time entries, and unbilled expenses depending on the data export.
- Contact Mattero support and request a backup.
- Contacts
- Matters
- Open Merus Case
- Navigate to Contact Listing page.
- Hold down SHIFT+6 to show entire contact listing list.
- At the top right of the table, select Export to Excel.
- Open Merus Case
- Navigate to Cases on top left.
- Click on Browse Cases.
- Select Open or Closed cases.
- Navigate to the printer symbol on top right and select Export to Excel.
- Contacts
- Matters
- Contact Notes
- Matter Notes
- Tasks
- Unbilled Time Entries
- Unbilled Expense Entries
- Phone Communications
- Calendar Events
- Outstanding Balances (a single line item that represents the summative balance at time of export for a matter)
- Trust Balances (a single line item that represents the balance at time of export for a matter or contact)
Note: We cannot import emails because they cannot be exported properly from My Case.
- Click your name and select Settings.
- Click All Settings.
- Click Import/Export and select the Full Backup subtab.
- Click Create Backup.
- Under cases, check the box for All Firm Cases.
- Under options, click to check the box for Include Archived Items.
- Click Create Backup.
My Invoice Estimates Deluxe 10.0
- Contacts
- Matters
- Click Run Reports.
- Generate the Accounts Receivable report.
- Click Save and then save as CSV.
- Repeat steps 2 and 3 to generate the Custom List report.