In Clio Manage, each individual contact has a dashboard that provides an overview of the contact's details such as basic contact information, any matters if the contact is a client, any associated matters for the contact, contact custom fields, and billing information.
Tip: You can also add related contacts to a matter's dashboard in case you need to connect contacts to a matter that are somehow related to the matter. Learn more about related contacts here.
Access dashboard for individual contact
You can access a single contact's dashboard from a few places in Clio Manage, including from the main Contacts tab, from a single matter's Dashboard, from the search bar, and from the Recents button if you recently viewed the contact.
- In the left navigation menu, click Contacts.
- Optional: Click Filters to narrow your contact results.
- Search through your list of contact's and click the contact's name.
- The first subtab is the Dashboard for the contact that you selected.
- In the left navigation menu, click Matters.
- Optional: Click Filters to narrow your matter results.
- Search through your list of matters and click the matter's name.
- The first subtab is the Dashboard for the matter that you selected.
- Under the Contacts section of the selected matter's dashboard, click the contact's name.
- The first subtab is the Dashboard for the contact that you selected.
- Click the search bar in the Clio Manage header.
- Type in your contact's name and then click the relevant search result.
- The first subtab is the Dashboard for the contact that you selected.
- Click Recents in the Clio Manage header.
- If you recently viewed the contact, click the contact's name under the Contacts section.
- The first subtab is the Dashboard for the contact that you selected.
View and manage dashboard sections
Contact information
Contact information
This section shows contact details that you entered when you first created the contact. You can change the information in these fields by editing the contact. Learn more about editing contacts here. You can also perform other actions depending on the field:
- Email: Click the email address to begin composing an email to this contact. The email will be composed outside of Clio Manage.
- Address: Click the clipboard icon beside the address to copy the address.
Custom fields
Billing information
Billing information
This section shows the billing information that you entered when you created the contact. You can modify this information by editing the contact. Learn more about editing contacts here. If your firm has Clio Payments enabled, you can add new payment methods for the contact, request payment methods from the client, and manage current payment methods. Learn more about requesting and storing payment methods here.
Client's matters
Client's matters
This section shows matters for this client. You can view the matter by clicking its name.
- All/Open: Click All to see a list view of all matters for this client or Open to view only open matters. Learn more about matter status here.
- New matter: Click New matter to add a new matter to the client. Learn more about creating matters here.
- Edit: Click Edit next to a matter's name to edit that matter. Learn more about editing matters here.
- Quick bill: Click the down arrow next to Edit and select Quick bill to generate a quick bill for the matter. Learn more about generating bills here.
- Duplicate: Click the down arrow next to Edit and select Duplicate to make a copy of the matter. Learn more about duplicating matters here.
Associated matters
Associated matters
This section shows associated matters for this contact. Associated matters are displayed on a contact's dashboard when the contact is not the client but has a relationship with the matter. You can add associated matters to this list view directly from this box or as related contacts on a matter's dashboard. Once added, you can collapse or expand each associated matter's view by clicking the arrow next to the associated matter's name.
If you created a custom field and selected contact select as the custom field type and then added that custom field to a matter, it will appear on this associated matter list view. For example, if you added a spouse as a custom field on a matter, keeping in mind that the custom field would need to be created as a contact select type of custom field, then that custom field will appear on the associated matter list view under the linked matter.
Note: The associated matter list view will show the newest created matters first.
- All/Open: Click All to see a list view of all associated matters for this client or Open to view only open matters. Learn more about matter status here.
- Link matter: Click Link matter to associate a matter with the contact as a related contact. You will need to select the matter and enter a relationship between the contact and associated matter.
- Pencil icon: Click the pencil icon next to an associated matter's name to edit the associated matter's relationship with the contact. If you want to add or remove any custom fields from this list view, you will need to edit the matter itself.