Clio Grow Emails, Communication Templates, and Campaigns

In Clio Grow, you can use communication templates to streamline your intake process when sending forms and documents, scheduling appointments, and creating email campaigns. You can also create and schedule reminder communications for forms, documents, and appointments, and create standalone email templates that are not attached to any intake process or checklist items.

Note: All firm users can access created communication templates.

Personalise emails sent from Clio Grow

By default, emails sent from Clio Grow are sent from You can also connect your own email address, allowing clients to see that you sent an email rather than Clio Grow. Once sent, you can view sent emails in the sent folder of your email inbox. You can also add a custom email signature that will be added to the bottom of each email sent from Clio Grow.

Connect your email address

When connecting your Gmail, Outlook, or Exchange email address, you can sign in directly to establish the connection. See the first tab below for directions for these email address types. If you want to set up a different type of email address, such as GoDaddy, Yahoo, iCloud, AOL, etc., see the directions in the second tab.

Gmail, Outlook, or Exchange Different email provider
  1. Go to Settings > Email & calendar.
  2. In the Email integration section, click Connect email.
  3. Click Gmail, Outlook, or Exchange.
  4. Click Connect email.
  5. Follow the prompts to connect your email address and authorise the connection.
Add a custom email signature
  1. Go to Settings > Email & calendar.
  2. In the Email signature section, click Add email signature.
  3. Add your email signature.
    • You can copy and paste your signature from Outlook or Gmail, enter custom text and/or add images, files, and hyperlinks, format lines, add numbered lists, and more.
  4. Click Save Signature.


Create communication templates

You can create templates for forms, documents, manual appointments and Clio Scheduler appointment types, and communication emails. Communication email templates are standalone templates that you can use to send email to clients or use as part of an email campaign.

Clio Grow has a default list of communication templates for forms, documents, and appointments. You can edit these templates as necessary or add new ones; however, you can only have one reminder email template each for forms and document.

Note: Templates cannot be duplicated.

  1. Go to Settings > Communication templates.
  2. Select whether you want to create a new template for a form, document, or appointment, or a communication template.
  3. Complete the template details.
    • Template name: Enter the template's name.
    • Template applied to: Select which appointment type(s) you want to assign this email template to.
      Note: This only applies to appointment templates.
    • Email subject: Enter the template's subject.
    • Greeting format: Enter the greeting salutation used to start the email template before the contact's name appears. 
    • Contact name options: Select how the contact's name will appear in the template.
    • Body: Enter the body of the template.
    • Automatically CC everyone assigned to the matter: All users assigned to the matter will receive an email copy. 
    • Sign off format: Enter the sign off salutation used to end the email template before the firm user's name appears. 
    • User name options: Select how the firm user's name will appear in the template.
    • Attachments: You can add attachments to the template, such as an image of your firm logo or a video. You cannot embed videos into the body of the template.
  4. Click Save.


Edit communication templates

  1. Go to Settings > Communication templates.
  2. Click the template name and select Edit.
  3. Make your changes and click Save.


Delete communication templates

You cannot delete default communication templates in Clio Grow. You can only delete communication templates that you created.

Important: This is an irreversible and permanent action.

  1. Go to Settings > Communication templates.
  2. Click the name of the template and select Delete.
  3. When the warning prompt appears, select Ok.


Create checklist templates and email campaigns

Checklist templates are groups of actionable items, including appointments, tasks, forms, documents, and emails, that you can add to a matter’s intake process. Email campaigns are groups of communication email templates that you can add to a matter’s intake process and schedule them to automatically send to your clients.

You need to create the templates before using them in a matter's intake process. When you add a checklist template or email campaign to a matter, it will appear as a block of items, differentiating the template from individually added items.

Create checklist template Create email campaign
  1. Go to Settings > Checklists & campaigns.
  2. Click New Template.
  3. Name the checklist template and add any appointments, tasks, forms, documents, or emails.
  4. When you are finished, click Create Checklist Template.
  5. You can edit a checklist template by clicking the template name and selecting Edit.


Use communication templates

You can use communication templates that you created when sending intake process emails, as checklists for work in progress, and when sending standalone emails. Intake process emails are used for preparing and sending forms or documents to clients, when scheduling manual appointments, or as part of email campaigns. Checklists are used to check off work in progress. Standalone emails are used for sending individual emails immediately or at a scheduled date.

If you set a due date and reminder for a form, document, or manual appointment, your clients will also receive the appropriate reminder emails. The reminder email templates can be modified in your settings.

Note: You can only send a client an email if the client has an email address added to their contact card.

Send intake process emails

After creating a communication template, you can use it when sending matter intake process emails, including emails for prepared forms and documents and for appointments. To send an email for an intake process item:

  1. Go to the matter's Intake process section.
  2. Under Add single item, select Create New Appointment, Prepare Form, or Prepare Document.
  3. Follow the directions for preparing a form, sending a document, and creating an appointment.
  4. When preparing the email, select one of the communication templates, and click Send Email.


Add checklist template or email campaign to matter

After creating a communication template, you can add a checklist template or email campaign to a matter. Once this is done, you can edit, delete, and mark template items complete like regular intake process items.

  1. Go to the matter's Intake process section.
  2. Select the Add checklist, automated workflow, email campaign box and then select a template. The template items will appear as a block of checklist items.


Use email template in standalone email

When sending a standalone email to a single contact, you can use the email template that you previously created to send the email immediately or at a scheduled date.

Immediate email Scheduled email
  1. Go to the matter or the contact.
  2. Click the Emails tab.
  3. Under Email Templates, select a template that you previously created. 
  4. Make any changes to the template.
  5. Once finished, scroll down and click Send Email.


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