Task Lists

Task lists are templates or groups of multiple related tasks that you can assign to yourself or other firm users. With tasks lists, you can assign groupings of tasks in a single step.

Note: Tasks lists are visible to all firm users, and any user can create or edit a task list.

Create task lists

  1. Go to Tasks > Task lists.
  2. Select New task list.
  3. Enter the name of the task list. The description and practice area are optional fields.
  4. Click Save and add tasks to add individual tasks to the task list.
  5. Click Add task template.
  6. Enter basic information for the first task in this task list. See the sections below on Assign task list and Trigger and relative due date to learn more about the Assignee and Due date sections.
  7. Click Save and create another to add another task to the task list.
  8. Click Save task template when you are finished adding all tasks to this task list.

Tip: Since tasks in a task list cannot be re-ordered, you can delete the tasks in the list and create new tasks to change the order. You can also rename the tasks by adding numbers in front of the name. This will automatically sort the tasks in ascending numerical order.


Edit task lists

When editing a task list, you can do a simple edit by editing the name and description of the list itself or change all information associated with the tasks within that task list.

Simple editEdit all information
  1. Go to Tasks > Task list.
  2. Click the arrow next to View and select Edit list details.
  3. You can now rename the task list, change the description, and update the practice area.
  4. Click Save details.


Assign task lists

When creating or editing a task list, you can set whether to select a unique assignee for that task list or manually assign the task list to any firm users. If you assign a unique assignee, the user linked to the task list will be the default user responsible for completing the tasks. You can still change the assignee when assigning the task list. If you do not assign a unique assignee, you can choose which user should be responsible for the tasks when assigning the task list. 

Note: You can only assign users to task lists. If you need to assign a contact to a task, you will need to create a single task.

Assign task list via Tasks pageAssign task list in matter
  1. Go to Tasks > Task lists.
  2. Click View to see the tasks in the task list or click the down arrow next to View and select Assign list.
  3. Select the assignee, the matter, and the trigger date. Learn more about trigger and due dates in the section below.
  4. Click Assign task list. You can now find the tasks in this list in the Tasks subtab of the matter.

Tip: You can also assign an individual task within a task list rather than the entire task list. With the task list open, click the down arrow next to Edit and select Assign task template.


Set trigger and relative due date

When creating or editing a task list, you can set whether the tasks in the list should all be due on a specific date or whether the due dates should vary depending on other tasks in the task list.

If you use a trigger date for the tasks in a task list, all the tasks in the list will be due on the selected trigger date. You can set the trigger date when assigning the task list.

If you select a relative due date, you can specify the due date of one task in relation to the trigger date of another task. This means that you can select a specific due date for your first task in the task list and set the second task to be due a set number of times before or after the first task in the task list.

Note: You cannot change the due date of tasks in a task list if the task list has already been assigned.


Duplicate task lists

If you need to quickly create multiple similar tasks lists, you can use the duplicate function on an existing task list. When you duplicate a task list, it will also duplicate the tasks within the task list.

  1. Go to Tasks > Task lists.
  2. Click the down arrow next to View and select Duplicate list.
  3. Change the name, description, and practice area for the new task list.
  4. Click Save and edit tasks to update the tasks within the new list.
  5. Click Edit next to the tasks in the list to update them and then save your changes.


Delete task lists

When deleting a task list, you can either delete the entire task list and all its subsequent tasks or remove individual tasks within a task list. Existing tasks will not be removed if you delete a task list or tasks within a task list.

Delete task listRemove tasks in task list
  1. Go to Tasks > Task lists.
  2. Click the down arrow next to View and select Delete list.
  3. When the warning prompt appears, select Delete.


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