Send, View and Manage Intake Forms

Send intake forms

When preparing a form to send to a prospective client, you can add the form to a matter as an individual intake process item, as part of a checklist template grouping, or prepare a form from the Forms tab. Once sent, your prospective client can start the intake forms, save their progress, and return to the form without losing their answers.

Note: An intake form link is valid for 14 days. Once expired, your client can click the link in the form email to receive a new email with an active link to the form. After 30 days, that link is permanently expired and you will need to resend the form instead.

Intake process Checklist template Forms tab
  1. Go to the matter's Intake process section.
  2. Click the dropdown underneath Add single item and select Prepare Form.
  3. Select a form, the matter's contact, and the contact that will complete the form.
  4. Select Share form link.
  5. Click Get form link when ready.
  6. Click Continue To Email.
  7. Select the email template from the dropdown menu or add your custom message. 
  8. Click Send Email.


Send Quick Forms

A Quick Form is a combination of an intake form and a new contact with a new matter. If you choose to prepare and send a Quick Form, Clio Grow will also create a new contact and matter for your prospective client. Once sent, your prospective client can start the intake forms, close it, and return to the form without losing their answers. 

  1. Click the down arrow next to the Quick Intake and select Quick Form.
  2. Select the form template from the dropdown.
  3. Enter the lead's first and last names and the the matter type and status.
  4. Choose to Fill out form or Send to client.
  5. Click Fill out form or Send form.
    • Fill out form: If you select this option, you can fill out and submit the form immediately. You can use this option if your prospective client is at your office or on the phone with you.
    • Send form: If you select this option, you can send the form to your prospective client by email.


Set due dates for intake forms

After preparing and sending an intake form, you can set a due date for the form's completion.

  1. Go to the matter's Intake process section.
  2. Find the form.
  3. Click the Options dropdown and select Set Due Date.
  4. Select the due date and then click Update Due Date.


Send reminders for intake forms

After preparing and sending an intake form, you can send your prospective client an email reminder to complete the intake form.

  1. Go to Forms.
  2. Select the Pending subtab.
  3. Optional: Click Apply filters to narrow your results.
  4. Click the form's name to view the form.
  5. Click the Actions dropdown and select Send Reminder.
  6. Complete the email body and then click Send Reminder.


Resend intake forms

If your client's intake form link has expired or if they are unable to find the email containing the form's link, you can resend the intake form to them by email. 

Note: When you first send your client an intake form, the form link is valid for 14 days. If your client has access to the email containing the form link, they can click the link to receive an email containing a refreshed link. After 30 days, the form link is permanently expired and you will need to resend the form with a new link.

  1. Go to the matter's Intake process section.
  2. Find the form task.
  3. Click the Options dropdown and select Resend Form Link.
  4. Select the appropriate email template or compose a new message.
  5. Click Send Email.


View submitted or pending intake forms

You can view an intake form that has been submitted or is pending submission from the main Forms tab or from the matter's page.

View Forms tab Via matter page
  1. Go to Forms.
  2. Select either the Pending or Submitted subtabs.
  3. Optional: Click Apply filters to narrow your results.
  4. Click the form's name to view the form.


Edit submitted intake forms

Once a prospective client submits an intake form, they cannot edit the form. If the form is missing information, an administrator can edit the form to add additional information. Administrators can edit the form from the main Forms tab or from the matter's page. Once the form is saved, it will be saved as a second PDF within the matter. This means that you can view both the original form that the prospective client submitted and the form that the administrator edited.

Forms tab Matter's page
  1. Go to Forms and select the Submitted subtab.
  2. Optional: Click Apply filters to narrow your results.
  3. Click the form's name.
  4. Click the Actions dropdown and select Edit Form.
  5. Make any necessary edits and then click Submit.
    • Once the edits are submitted, the form will be saved as a second PDF, in addition to the original form that the prospective client submitted. You can also view a record of the submission as a new entry in the matter's Timeline.


Download completed intake forms

You can download PDF copy of a completed intake form from the main Forms tab or from the matter's page.

Via Forms tab Via matter page
  1. Go to Forms.
  2. Select the Submitted subtab.
  3. Optional: Click Apply filters to narrow your results.
  4. Click the form's name to view the form
  5. Click the Actions dropdown and select Download PDF.


Delete pending or submitted intake forms

  1. Go to the matter's Intake process section.
  2. Find the form.
  3. Click the Options dropdown and select Delete Form.
  4. Click Remove Item to confirm.


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