Matter Status

In Clio, the matter status categorizes the state of a matter from start to finish. In Clio Manage, matters can be open, pending, or closed. In Clio Grow, you can create multiple matter statuses that fall under the intake, hired, and did not hire categories.

Tip: Learn about closing and reopening matters here.

Change matter statuses for matters in Clio Manage

In Clio Manage, matters can be open, pending, or closed and are organized by these categories in the main Matters tab. Pending matters can be for prospective matters where you are considering a case, or in situations where you are preparing to close a matter. You can change the matter status when editing the matter in the matter form or when viewing the matter’s dashboard.

Note: You cannot add, edit, or delete matter statuses in Clio Manage.
Change status in matter formChange status in matter's dashboard
  1. Go to Matters and click Edit. You can also search for the matter in the search bar and click Edit matter in the matter’s dashboard.
  2. Go to the Matter details section.
  3. Under Matter status, change the status.
  4. Click Save matter.


Create and manage matter statuses in Clio Grow

In Clio Grow, you are provided with a list of starter matter statuses that you can edit or delete. You can also add your own. These matter statuses will fall under the intake, hired, or did not hire categories. Your matters will be categorized by matter status when viewing the Pipeline, which helps you keep track of the status of the matter at any given time. The Pipeline, itself, is also separated by category (intake, hired, or did not hire).

Add newEditDelete
Note: You cannot change the matter status category after it has been created.
  1. Go to Settings > Matters > Matter Statuses.
  2. Click New Matter Status.
  3. Enter the name and select the category.
  4. Click Create Matter Status.


Change matter statuses for matters in Clio Grow

Matters in Clio Grow are organized by matter status and can be found in either the Matters page or by viewing the Pipeline. You can change the matter status when viewing a single matter’s page, when viewing the main Matters overview page, or when viewing the Pipeline.

Single matter's pageMatters overview pagePipeline
  1. Search for the matter in the search bar.
  2. Change the matter status in the field next to Status.


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