Clio Connect: Law Firm Setup

Clio Connect is a secure online portal is a secure online portal that enables law firms to collaborate with outside counsel by sharing messages, documents, calendar events, and tasks. Outside counsel can also track time and contribute to billable work directly within the portal..

Note: Clio also offers Clio for Clients, a separate portal designed for secure client communications and sharing documents or invoices. Learn more here.

Set up co-counsel portals

Before you can share messages and resources with co-counsel, you will need to create the outside counsel as a contact in Clio Manage. Once the co-counsel contact is created with a valid email address, you can share a matter with them. Sharing a matter automatically creates a secure online portal where co-counsel can access the matter details.

When a matter is shared, the co-counsel can view key details, such as the responsible attorney, practice area, matter status, and matter custom fields. Co-counsel can also create time entries, add notes, and log email and phone calls linked to the matter.


Note: There is no limit to the number of matters you can share with a Clio Connect contact.

Share a matter with co-counsel

  1. Go to the matter you want to share and click Share.
  2. Enter the name of the outside counsel.
  3. Optional: Check the box for Notify contacts via email to notify co-counsel that a matter has been shared with them.
  4. Click Share. Co-counsel will receive an email to join the secure portal and view the matter.


Access the co-counsel portal

If your firm already uses Clio Manage and you are invited to collaborate as co-counsel, you can switch between your Clio Manage account and the co-counsel portal to access shared matters. Follow these steps:

  1. In Clio Manage, click your profile icon in the bottom left corner.
  2. Under Switch accounts, find the section labeled Clio for Co-Counsel.
  3. Click the name of the law firm that shared the matter with you to access the portal.


Switch back to your Clio Manage account

To return to Clio Manage from the co-counsel portal:

  1. In the Clio for Co-Counsel portal, click your profile icon at the top right corner.
  2. Under Switch accounts, locate the section labeled Clio Manage.
  3. Click your Clio Manage account name to return to your firm's primary window.


Add co-counsel billing rate

After adding co-counsel to a matter, you can set a specific rate for them. This ensures that the co-counsel can bill for their work using their own rate rather than your firm's default rate.

Tip: If you are invoicing clients for co-counsel work, consider using Clio Payments to allow secure, seamless online payment options for faster collection.
  1. Go to the matter you want to share and click Share.
  2. Check the box for Use co-counsel rate.
  3. Enter the rate.
  4. Click Close to finish.


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