Edit and Delete Contacts

You can edit and delete contacts in both Clio Manage and Clio Grow. Once a contact is deleted, it can only be recovered in Clio Manage, not Clio Grow. If the contact is recovered, it may not necessarily contain all the information it had prior to deletion.

Tip: Find recently viewed contacts in Clio Manage by clicking the Recents button in the Clio Manage header.

Edit contacts in Clio Manage

Clio Manage does not have a bulk edit feature for contacts. You can only edit contacts in Clio Manage individually.

Tip: If you update a client’s name, and your matter numbering for the client’s matter(s) contains the client’s name, remember to update the matter numbering by editing the matter(s). Learn more about matter numbering here.
  1. Go to Contacts and click Edit. You can also search for the contact in the search bar and click Edit contact in the contact’s dashboard.
  2. Make your changes.
  3. Click Save contact.
Note: If you use QuickBooks Online and you remove any contact information, such as email address, and the information continues to re-populate after saving your changes, you will need to first remove this information in QuickBooks Online.


Edit contacts in Clio Grow

You can edit a contact in Clio Grow in the contact’s specific page or from the contact’s matter’s page.

Contact's individual page Contact's matter's page:
  1. Go to Contacts and click the contact’s name. You can also search for the contact in the search bar.
  2. Click Edit contact.
  3. Make your changes.
  4. Click Save.


Manually merge contacts in Clio Manage

While there is no option to automatically merge two contacts, you can manually move data from one contact to another. If you have multiple contacts with similar information, you can take manual steps to move data from the secondary contact to the primary contact and then delete the secondary contact once the primary contact has all the necessary information.

Note: Invoices and payment transactions do not need to be individually moved since they are linked at the matter-level. Once the client is changed on a matter, invoices and payments will automatically link to the new client. 

Step 1: Rename the secondary contact

  1. Find the secondary contact and click Edit contact.
    • The secondary contact should be the contact that has less data in order to spend less time moving data from one contact to the other. 
  2. Rename the secondary contact's Last name by adding the number 2 at the end of the name.
  3. Click Save contact.


Step 2: Reassign the secondary contact's matters

  1. Go to the secondary contact's Dashboard.
  2. In the Client's matters section, click Edit next to a matter's name.
  3. Under Client, select the primary contact.
    • The primary contact is the contact that does not have the number 2 at the end of the last name. 
  4. Optional: Check the box for Update matter name/number when saving changes to update the matter numbering scheme.
  5. Click Save matter. 


Step 3: Reassign the secondary contact's associated matters

  1. Go to the secondary contact's Dashboard.
  2. In the Associated matters section, click Edit next to an associated matter's name.
  3. Click Delete.
  4. Confirm the action by clicking Delete relationship.
  5. Go to the primary contact's Dashboard.
  6. In the Associated matters section, click Link matter.
  7. Add the associated matter and relationship and then click Save. 


Step 4: Move remaining data from secondary contact to primary contact

Email and phone logs Contact notes Documents
  1. Go to the secondary contact's Dashboard.
  2. Select the Communications subtab.
  3. Click Logs and select All, Phone, or Email.
  4. Click Edit next to a log.
  5. Remove the secondary contact from the To and From fields and then add the primary contact in these fields.
  6. Click Save email log or Save phone log
  7. Repeat steps 4-6 for the remaining email and/or phone logs that you want to move. 


Delete contacts in Clio Manage

When you delete a contact in Clio Manage, you also lose contact notes, client portals, and access to Clio for Co-Counsel. Invoices, matters, transactions, and payments will continue to exist in Clio Manage but will no longer be associated with the contact.

Bulk Operations tool:
Users with administrator permission and the primary subscriber can access the Bulk Operations tool to remove several contacts at once. Contacts deleted through this process cannot be recovered. The bulk operations process will not remove duplicate contacts associated with matters, related matters, employees, transactions, notes or communications.
Tip: You can view which firm member deleted a contact in the Firm Feed.
Delete single contact Delete multiple contacts Delete all contacts in bulk Delete duplicate contacts in bulk
  1. Go to Contacts and click Edit. You can also search for the contact in the search bar and click Edit contact.
  2. Click Delete contact.
  3. When the warning prompt appears, check the box confirming the action, and then click Delete contact.


Delete contacts in Clio Grow

If you delete a contact in Clio Grow, you will lose all data linked to the contact, including matter data where the contact is listed as a primary contact. Deleting a contact in Clio Grow will not delete the same contact in Clio Manage. Additionally, you cannot bulk delete contacts in Clio Grow.

Important: Clio Grow contacts cannot be recovered once deleted. This includes work done on any associated matters.
  1. Go to the contact.
  2. Click the Contact options dropdown and select Delete Contact.
  3. When the warning prompt appears, check the box confirming the action, and then click Delete.


Recover deleted contacts in Clio Manage

The Recovery Bin in Clio manage contains deleted items for up to six months. If you delete a contact in error in Clio Manage, you may be able to recover it using the Recovery Bin. This process may only be partially successful. Follow these steps to attempt recovery of a deleted contact:

  1. Go to Settings > Recovery Bin.
  2. Click Filter.
  3. Under Type, select Contact, and then click Search.
  4. Click Recover.
  5. Select Ok.


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