Legal Aid UK: Migrate Data


You can migrate default Matter information such as Matter Numbering and Matter Description, you cannot migrate Legal Aid fields automatically. The Legal Aid information needs to be recorded manually after the matter migration is completed.

Important: You will need to migrate matters before activities or bills can be recorded or imported to the matter. You cannot change the matter to Legal Aid if there are time entries, expense entries, or bills.

Once Legal Aid matters have been migrated, they will need to be converted to Legal Aid by the firm manually by selecting one of the Legal Aid practice areas, completing the required Matter fields, and choosing the relevant billing preference.

Note: Crown Court cases should remain as ‘private’ matters.

After migrating legal aid matters into Clio, complete the following steps to step up the matters.

  1. Go to the matter and select Edit matter.
  2. In the Practice area field, select Criminal Controlled Matter, Civil Controlled Matter, or Certificated Civil Matter.
  3. Optional: Scroll down to the Legal Aid section, and add the UFN, enter the Case ID and Case Start Date (Case Start Date)/(Case ID).
    • If left blank, Clio will assign the UFN automatically: Case Start Date = Today’s Date, Case ID = sequential count, with the first being 001, the second 002, etc.
  4. For fixed fee legal aid matters, under Billing preferences, select Fixed fee.
    • Select the appropriate fee category from the dropdown menu.
    Note: To determine the escape fee threshold for a matter, you will need to update the Billing preferences of the matter to a Fixed fee to calculate the threshold.



Imported Legal Aid, client contacts will need to be manually edited by the firm to add the advanced details for legal aid and date of birth. Contacts are not automatically flagged as Legal Aid contacts when imported into Clio. After you import legal aid clients' contacts, edit client contacts to add the advanced details for legal aid and date of birth. Learn more about Legal Aid here

  1. Go to the client in question.
  2. Click Edit Contact.
  3. Click Add advanced client details for Legal Aid.
  4. Enter the required Legal Aid details (including date of birth).
  5. Click Save contact.



Important: You will need to convert private matters to Legal Aid matters before adding any activities or bills to them. Failure to change the matter to Legal Aid before this step will result in the exclusion of these activities and bills from the Legal Aid report CSV.

Legal Aid activities cannot be migrated alongside matters and contacts. They are imported after you have completed transforming your imported matters into Legal Aid matters. Consult your migration specialist about activity migrations for your firm and how to modify those activities to appear as Legal Aid eligible actives in billing.


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