This article explains what data can be migrated from your current practice management software and how to export the data from that software. Software applications starting with the letters N, O, P, Q, R, and S are listed below.
Tip: See one of the articles below if your current practice management software does not start with the letters N, O, P, Q, R, and S.
- Contacts
- Matters
- Matter notes
- Tasks
- Calendar Events
Follow the steps below for contacts, matters, and matter notes. Alternatively, we can pull data from a full backup (Needles.db and Needles.log files) of the database.
- Go to Reports and select Case Information.
- Click Case Listings.
- Select Party Name .
- Select Status. The report will appear in the product.
- Click the print button at the top of screen to print to PDF.
- Check Print to file.
- Select Print.
- Save under Excel with headings.
- Go to Reports and select Mailing Labels. The report will appear in the product.
- Click the print button at the top of screen to print to PDF.
- Check Print to file.
- Select Print.
- Save under Excel with headings.
Matter Notes:
- Go to Reports and selectCase Notes. The report will appear in the product
- Click the print button at the top of screen to print to PDF.
- Check Print to file.
- Select Print.
- Save under Excel with headings.
- Contacts
- Matters
Note: The exports will not format headers properly. You will need to export the client and matter listings in PDF format to manually adjust headers.
- Open Orion.
- On the left side panel, navigate to Desktop > Reports.
- Click Standard Reports > File Maintenance.
- To export contacts, choose Client Listing.
- Ensure that the Style selected is Details (system).
- Apply any filters under the Options section.
- Choose Export > Excel Data File. The file will be automatically open after exporting. An error may occur if there is no valid program installed.
- Open Orion.
- On the left side panel, navigate to Desktop > Reports.
- Click Standard Reports > File Maintenance.
- To export contacts, choose Matter Listing.
- Ensure that the Style selected is Details (system).
- Apply any filters under the Options section.
- Choose Export > Excel Data File. The file will be automatically open after exporting. An error may occur if there is no valid program installed.
- Contacts
- Matters
- Matter Notes
Step 1: Contact Osprey to get access to your Osprey Database. They will send you three separate emails:
- The first will contain your Download URL and username to sign in to the backup site.
- The second will include you backup password to sign in to the Backup site.
- The third will include your encryption key to access your extracted database.
Step 2: Follow the steps in this article:Download your Osprey backup
Step 3: Follow these steps to access the data in your backup:
- Open SQL Server Management Studio Express and connect to the SQL server.
- Expand Databases.
- Right-click on the database you want to back up, and then select Tasks > Back up (this is not available for version 2018/2019).
- On the Back Up Database window, make sure the Database field contains the name of the database you want to back up.
- Select Full for the Backup Type.
- Click Remove to remove the default/last backup file name.
- Click Add to open the Select Backup Destination window.
- Click [...] next to the File Name field.
- On the Locate Database Files window, select the folder where you want the backup file to go. By default, it is ..\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Backup.
- In the File Name field, type the name for this backup, with a .bak extension. For example, xyz_20080221.bak for a backup of the XYZ database created on 21 February 2008.
- Click OK to close the Locate Database Files window.
- Click OK to close the Select Backup Destination window.
- Click OK to start the backup. The progress icon displays in the lower-left corner, and a completed successfully message displays when it is done.
- Contacts
- Matters
- Tasks
- Unbilled Time Entries
- Unbilled Expense Entries
- Calendar Events
- Outstanding Balances (a single line item that represents the balance at time of export per matter invoice)
- Trust Balances (a single line item that represents the summative balance at time of export for a Matter or Contact)
User list:
- Click Options > Lists > Lawyers and Rates.
- Select Include inactive users.
- Click Print. If you are prompted to send to the printer change the settings click File > Printer Setup > Report > Change the printer to Adobe PDF.
- Save the PDF file.
Practice area list:
- Click Options > Lists > Types of Law.
- Click Print. If you are prompted to send to the printer change the settings click File > Printer Setup > Report > Change the printer to Adobe PDF.
- Save the PDF file.
Note: If you need additional fields for contact or matters, check the box next to the fields. These fields will migrate to Clio as custom fields.
- Go to File > Contact Manager.
- Click Export.
- Select Layout Name > All.
- Click Change.
- Select the Common tab and check boxes for all fields.
- Click the Other tab and check boxes for all fields.
- Click Ok.
- Under File Format select CSV.
- Under Output File select Browse and pick a destination for saving.
- Check the boxes for Contacts, Clients, and Vendors, and then click Export.
- Click Yes when asked to save changes.
- Repeat steps 8 - 11 but select Word for Windows as the File Format. This will provide you with the headers for the CSV file.
Open matters:
Note: If you need additional fields for contact or matters, check the box next to the fields. These fields will migrate to Clio as custom fields.
- Click File > Matter > Export.
- Select Layout Name > Open Matt.
- Click Change.
- Select the Main tab and check boxes for all fields except Disable updates with other software.
- Select the Address tab and check boxes for all applicable fields.
- Select the Selections tab and check boxes for all fields under Court and File.
- Click OK.
- Under File Format select CSV.
- Under Output File select Browse and pick a destination for saving .
- Leave the Name field as Open Matt.
- Click Export.
- Click Yes when asked to save changes.
- Select Active Cases only.
- Click OK to start Export.
- Repeat steps 8 - 14 but select Word for Windows as the File Format. This will provide you with the headers for the CSV file.
Closed matters:
- Click File > Matter > Export.
- Select Layout Name > Open Matt.
- Click Change.
- Select the Main tab and check boxes for all fields except Disable updates with other software.
- Select the Address tab and check boxes for all applicable fields.
- Select the Selections tab and check boxes for all fields under Court and File.
- Click OK.
- Under File Format select CSV.
- Under Output File select Browse and pick a destination for saving .
- Leave the Name field as CloseMat .
- Click Export.
- Click Yes when asked to save changes.
- Select Inactive and/or Archived Cases only.
- Click OK to start Export.
- Repeat steps 8 - 14 but select Word for Windows as the File Format. This will provide you with the headers for the CSV file.
Unbilled fees (time entries):
- Click Data Entry > Register.
- Select the Time tab.
- Check the box next to Filters and click Filters.
- Select Unbilled and click OK.
- Check that the date range is what you want and click select.
- Click the Excel button. Filename: Reg Time [date].xls
- Pick an accessible destination and click Save.
Unbilled disbursements (expense entries):
- Click Reports > Client > Ledger.
- Click the Matters subtab or Advanced if the Matter tab is not visible.
- Complete the appropriate fields.
- Click the Common subtab, and select Adv. Search.
- From the drop-down, under Field, select Invoice Number.
- Under Comparison, select Is Blank.
- Click the Other subtab and only leave Disbs selected.
- Click OK and the report will start displaying on the screen. Wait until the report is done. It will show Report Done in the bottom left.
- Click export to Excel. Filename: Client Ledger.xls
- Pick an accessible destination and click Save.
Accounts receivable (outstanding balances):
- Click Reports > Journal > Billing (Fees) Journal.
- On the Common tab select an End Date.
- Uncheck the box for Include Paid Invoices.
- Optional: Filter by attorney.
- Click ok. The report will display on the screen.
- Review the report and once satisfied click export to Excel. Filename: Billing (Fee) Journal.xls
- Pick an accessible destination and click Save.
Appointments/To dos:
- Click Data Entry > Register.
- Select the Appointments tab.
- Check the box next to Filters and click Filters.
- Select the box next to Uncompleted.
- Check that the date range is what you want and click OK.
- Click the Excel button.
- Pick an accessible destination and click Save.
- Repeat steps 1 - 7 but select the Completed box in step 4.
- Matters
- Contacts
- Related Contacts
- Unbilled Time Entries
- Unbilled Expense Entries
- Phone Communications
- Open SQL Server Management Studio Express and connect to the SQL server.
- Expand Databases.
- Right-click on the database you want to back up, and then select Tasks > Back up (this is not available for version 2018/2019).
- On the Back Up Database window, make sure the Database field contains the name of the database you want to back up.
- Select Full for the Backup Type.
- Click Remove to remove the default/last backup file name.
- Click Add to open the Select Backup Destination window.
- Click [...] next to the File Name field.
- On the Locate Database Files window, select the folder where you want the backup file to go. By default, it is ..\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Backup.
- In the File Name field, type the name for this backup, with a .bak extension. For example, xyz_20080221.bak for a backup of the XYZ database created on 21 February 2008.
- Click OK to close the Locate Database Files window.
- Click OK to close the Select Backup Destination window.
- Click OK to start the backup. The progress icon displays in the lower-left corner, and a completed successfully message displays when it is done.
- Contacts
- Matters
- Contact Notes
- Matter Notes
- Open SQL Server Management Studio Express and connect to the SQL server.
- Expand Databases.
- Right-click on the database you want to back up, and then select Tasks > Back up (this is not available for version 2018/2019).
- On the Back Up Database window, make sure the Database field contains the name of the database you want to back up.
- Select Full for the Backup Type.
- Click Remove to remove the default/last backup file name.
- Click Add to open the Select Backup Destination window.
- Click [...] next to the File Name field.
- On the Locate Database Files window, select the folder where you want the backup file to go. By default, it is ..\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Backup.
- In the File Name field, type the name for this backup, with a .bak extension. For example, xyz_20080221.bak for a backup of the XYZ database created on 21 February 2008.
- Click OK to close the Locate Database Files window.
- Click OK to close the Select Backup Destination window.
- Click OK to start the backup. The progress icon displays in the lower-left corner, and a completed successfully message displays when it is done.
- Contacts
- Matters
- Contact Notes
- Matter Notes
- Tasks
- Unbilled Time Entries
- Unbilled Expense Entries
- Email Communications
- Phone Communications
- Calendar Events
- Outstanding Balances (a single line item that represents the balance at time of export per matter invoice)
- Trust Balances (a single line item that represents the balance at the time of export for a matter or contact)
Note: Only administrators can export client data.
Step 1: Update your PracticePanther settings as follows:
- Click your Name in the top right and select Settings.
- Select Company Settings on the left side.
- Under Display Name set the Contact to First M Last.
- Update Matter to Number-MatterName.
- Update Users to First M Last.
- Click Save.
Step 2: Export data. See sections below for specifics.
Important: Once the data listed below is exported to Excel files, all of the files will export with the same name since they all come from the Activities section. In order to differentiate each exported file, change each file's name to a name relevant to the data within the file. For example, after exporting tasks, you can rename the Excel file to "Tasks."
- Click Contacts in the menu bar at the top of your screen.
Set the filters at the top to:
- Primary Contacts
- Assigned To: Any User
- Created Date: All Time
Click Export to Excel on the top right section and select Export All.
- This button is generally located next to Choose Columns on the far right (look for the page icon with the small x).
- Click Matters in the menu bar at the top of your screen.
Set the filters at the top to:
- Assigned To: Any User
- Originated By: Any User
- Status: Any
- Created Date: All Time
Click Export to Excel on the top right section and select Export All.
- This button is generally located next to Choose Columns on the far right (look for the page icon with the small x).
Time entries:
- Click Time Entries in the menu bar at the top of your screen.
Set the filters at the top to:
- Billed By: Any User
- Status: Any
- Date Range: All Time
- Click Choose Columns and check ALL column checkboxes.
Click Export to Excel on the top right section and select Export All.
- This button is generally located next to Choose Columns on the far right (look for the page icon with the small x).
- Rename the downloaded file to Time Entries.
Expense entries:
- Click Expense in the menu bar at the top of your screen. Or, find Expense under the More dropdown.
Set the filters at the top to:
- Billed By: Any User
- Status: Any
- Date Range: All Time
- Click Choose Columns and check ALL column checkboxes.
Click Export to Excel on the top right section and select Export All.
- This button is generally located next to Choose Columns on the far right (look for the page icon with the small x).
- Rename the downloaded file to Expenses.
- Go to Invoices in the menu bar at the top of your screen.
- Set the filters at the top to:
- All Invoices
- Assigned to: Matter
- Any User
- All Time
- Status: Any
- Click Choose Columns and click ALL column checkboxes
- Click Export to Excel on the top right section and select Export All.
- This button is generally located next to Choose Columns on the far right (look for the page icon with the small x).
- Rename the downloaded file to Invoices.
- Click Activities in the menu bar at the top of your screen.
Set the filters at the top to:
- Tasks
- Status: Any
- Assigned To: Any User
- Created By: Any User
- Date Range: All Time
- Click Choose Columns and check ALL column checkboxes.
Click Export to Excel on the top right section and select Export All.
- This button is generally located next to Choose Columns on the far right (look for the page icon with the small x).
- Rename the downloaded file to Tasks.
- Click Activities in the menu bar at the top of your screen
Set the filters at the top to:
- Notes
- Status: Any
- Assigned To: Any User
- Created By: Any User
- Date Range: All Time
- Click Choose Columns and check ALL column checkboxes.
Click Export to Excel on the top right section and select Export All.
- This button is generally located next to Choose Columns on the far right (look for the page icon with the small x).
- Rename the downloaded file to Notes.
Phone/call logs:
- Click Activities in the menu bar at the top of your screen.
Set the filters at the top to:
- Calls
- Status: Any
- Assigned To: Any User
- Created By: Any User
- Date Range: All Time
- Click Choose Columns and check ALL column checkboxes.
Click Export to Excel on the top right section and select Export All.
- This button is generally located next to Choose Columns on the far right (look for the page icon with the small x).
- Rename the downloaded file to Call logs.
- Click Activities in the menu bar at the top of your screen.
Set the filters at the top to:
- Emails
- Status: Any
- Assigned To: Any User
- Created By: Any User
- Date Range: All Time
- Click Choose Columns and check ALL column checkboxes.
Click Export to Excel on the top right section and select Export All.
- This button is generally located next to Choose Columns on the far right (look for the page icon with the small x).
- Rename the downloaded file to Emails.
Calendar events:
- Click Activities in the menu bar at the top of your screen.
Set the filters at the top to:
- Events
- Status: Any
- Assigned To: Any User
- Created By: Any User
- Date Range: All Time
- Click Choose Columns and check ALL column checkboxes.
Click Export to Excel on the top right section and select Export All.
- This button is generally located next to Choose Columns on the far right (look for the page icon with the small x).
- Rename the downloaded file to Calendar.
- Contacts
- Matters
- Sign in to Prevail.
- Open the Administration menu. For some versions, go to File > Export.
- Select Export Contacts.
- Select a location to save the export file and name the file.
Note: If these instructions are not applicable or do not work, contact Prevail for a backup of your data.
- Contacts
- Matters
- Contact Proclaim using the Access Customer Success Portal:
- The Access Group may charge for the data export.
- For any issues, contact The Access Group directly.
- Contacts
- Matters
If your firm has access to ProDoc Small Office Suite, Clio can bring this additional information:
- Unbilled time and expense entries
- Click Tools and then select Export.
- Select Contacts.
- Check the box at the top to include Closed Cases/Contacts.
- Click Select All.
- Click OK.
- Check the box for Include Header Information and then include all categories.
- Save the file.
- Repeat the steps above for cases (matters).
ProDoc Small Office Suite:
- Click Tools and then select Export Data.
- Select Export Charges for unbilled time and expenses.
- Contacts
- Matters
- Related Contacts
- Tasks
- Unbilled Time Entries
- Unbilled Expense Entries
- Calendar Events
- Outstanding Balances (a single line item that represents the balance at time of export for a matter)
Note: Depending on the quality of your data, we may also be able to migrate your calendar, tasks, related contacts, contact and matter notes, and unbilled time and expense entries.
- Open SQL Server Management Studio Express and connect to the SQL server.
- Expand Databases.
- Right-click on the database you want to back up, and then select Tasks > Back up (this is not available for version 2018/2019).
- On the Back Up Database window, make sure the Database field contains the name of the database you want to back up.
- Select Full for the Backup Type.
- Click Remove to remove the default/last backup file name.
- Click Add to open the Select Backup Destination window.
- Click [...] next to the File Name field.
- On the Locate Database Files window, select the folder where you want the backup file to go. By default, it is ..\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Backup.
- In the File Name field, type the name for this backup, with a .bak extension. For example, xyz_20080221.bak for a backup of the XYZ database created on 21 February 2008.
- Click OK to close the Locate Database Files window.
- Click OK to close the Select Backup Destination window.
- Click OK to start the backup. The progress icon displays in the lower-left corner, and a completed successfully message displays when it is done.
QuickBooks Desktop
- Contacts
- Matters (derived from contacts or projects)
- Outstanding Balances
- Navigate to the top of QuickBooks Desktop screen to find tabs for Customer List, Vendor List, and Financial data.
- Click the customers tab or vendors tab you want to export.
- Click the Excel dropdown arrow.
- Select Export Customer List or Export Vendor List.
- In the export window, choose whether to create a new worksheet, update an existing worksheet, or export to a CSV file.
- Click Export.
QuickBooks Online
- Contacts
- Matters (derived from contacts or projects)
- Outstanding balance
- Select Reports.
- Scroll down the page to find the Customer Contact List report (it may also be named Client Contact List).
- Click Customize and ensure the Deleted state is set to All in order to capture all contacts.
- Click the gear icon to customize the columns included in the report.
- Check Client, First Name, Last Name, and the billing/shipping Street, City, State, ZIP, and Country. The Client column will be used to generate the matters.
- Select additional columns as needed.
- Deselect the columns you do not need (e.g. Full Name).
- Expand the Header/Footer section and uncheck Company Name and Report Title
- Click Run Report.
- Select the icon that looks like a sheet of paper with an arrow.
- Select Export to Excel.
Accounts receivable:
- Click Reports.
- Select the Standard subtab.
- Choose Accounts Receivable Aging summary.
- Select 30 days for 3 periods.
- Click Run Report.
- Click the icon that shows a square with an arrow pointing upward.
- Select Excel for file format.
QuickBooks Professional Services
- Contacts
- Matters derived from contacts
- Outstanding balances
- Click Reports at the top of the screen and then select Customers and Receivables.
- Select Customer Contacts List to show the contacts list and receivables.
- Optional: Customize the report by adding other columns in the top left.
- Click Export.
- Select CSV file for the output file format.
- Contacts
- Matters
- Unbilled time entries
If you are running Quill on your local machine or network:
- Access your database backup from within Quill.
- If you are having trouble accessing your backup, you can contact Quill by calling +44 161 236 2910 and selecting option 1 or by emailing
If you are running the hosted version of Quill:
- Contact Quill directly to request a backup of your database. You can contact Quill by phone or email.
- Phone: Dial +44 161 236 2910 and then select option 1.
- Email
Rocket Matter
- Contacts
- Matters
- Related Contacts
- Unbilled Time Entries
- Unbilled Expense Entries
- Outstanding Balances (a singe line item that represents the summative balance at the time of export for a matter)
- Trust balances (a single line item that represents the balance at the time of export for a contact)
- Log in to Rocket Matter.
- Select Settings in the left navigation bar.
- Under Data, click Export Contacts.
- Choose a location to save the file.
- Click Save.
- Log in to Rocket Matter.
- Select Matters on the left sidebar.
- Select Filters to include Open, Completed, and Closed cases.
- Select the Show/Hide Columns button and check all boxes.
- Select Export Report.
Activities (unbilled time and expense entries):
- Log in to Rocket Matter.
- Select Reports on the left sidebar.
- Click Run Report under Billable Activity by User(s).
- Select Edit Filters and do the following:
- Choose the Date Range of the exported activities.
- Add All Users.
- Exclude Invoiced status. Failure to do this step may slow down the migration.
- Include all Activity types.
- Include Expenses.
- Select Export Report.
Matter related contacts:
- Log in to Rocket Matter.
- Select Reports on the left sidebar.
- Click Run Report under I Want To See All Matter Related Contacts.
- Select Export Report.
Trust balances:
- Log in to Rocket Matter.
- Select Trust on the left sidebar.
- Click Run Report at the top right.
- Click Export.
Outstanding balances:
No additional extraction is required. Use the "Current Balance" column from the matters export for the outstanding balances.
RTG Bills
- Contacts (limited)
- Matters (limited)
- Unbilled Time Entries
- Unbilled Expense Entries
- Provide the Microsoft Access Database to the Clio representative. You can get the copy in the RTG Bills folder.
- Navigate to the Supervisor Menu.
- Under the Links heading, click on RTG Bills Menu.
- Click Reports and then select Standard Reports.
- Select Export to File, and then select Client List (No Hidden Clients) (CSV Format) from the options.
- On the next screen, select One Client and then delete the client number and name listed in the text boxes. Re-select All Clients.
- On the next screen, Download the report.
- Provide the Microsoft Access Database to the Clio representative. You can get the copy in the RTG Bills folder.
- Navigate to the Supervisor Menu.
- Under the Links heading, click on RTG Bills Menu.
- Click Reports and then select Standard Reports.
- Select Export to File, and then select Matters by Practice Area (CSV) from the options.
- On the next screen, select One Client and then delete the client number and name listed in the text boxes. Re-select All Clients.
- On the next screen, Download the report.
Unbilled activities (time and expense entries):
- Provide the Microsoft Access Database to the Clio representative. You can get the copy in the RTG Bills folder.
- Navigate to the Supervisor Menu.
- Under the Links heading, click on RTG Bills Menu.
- Click Reports and then select Standard Reports.
- Select Export to File, and then select Fees & Expenses (CSV Format) from the options.
- On the next screen, select One Client and then delete the client number and name listed in the text boxes. Re-select All Clients.
- On the next screen, Download the report.
Sales Nexis
- Contacts
- Contact Sales Nexis to request an export.
- Contacts
- Contacts
- Matters
- Tasks (Incomplete)
- Unbilled Time Entries
- Unbilled Expense Entries
Note: Depending on the quality of the data, we may also be able to migrate incomplete tasks. Tasks without a due date will need to be assigned a due date before bringing them into Clio. Additionally, while we cannot migrate calendar events, you might be able to bring these events to Clio using the calendar sync functions in Smokeball and Clio:
- Select the Reports button on the left side of the screen.
- Select Contact - Full List
- Click Save and select CSV format
- Select the Reports button on the left side of the screen
- Select Matter - Full List
- Click Save and select the CSV format
Unbilled Time and Expense Entries:
- Navigate to Smokeball billing and click Reports on the left side of the screen
- Select Work in Progress - Details from the dropdown
- Ensure the filters are set correctly ('All' Timekeepers, 'All' Areas of Law, 'Time Entries and Expense Entries', Date filter).
- Click CSV to generate the CSV file
- Go to the Tasks tab on the left side.
- In the top left of the screen, click a user's name dropdown and select All Staff.
- Hover over the column headers and right-click on any of the columns and check all of the boxes.
- Click Export at the top of the page.
- Choose the desired save location and click Save to complete the export.
SOS Legal
- Contacts
- Contact and matter custom fields (imported as text-line custom fields)
- Matters
- Matter notes
- Contact SOS Legal to request the export in CSV format.
- SOS Legal email support:
- SOS Legal phone support: 01225 787717.