Clio Manage Task Reports

Reports in Clio Manage are designed to help your law firm track deliverables and get insights into all aspects of how the firm is performing. Task reports provide a comprehensive overview of task status and task productivity for each firm user. See below for a summary of each task report in Clio Manage and what type of information the report offers.

Note: Every report in Clio is unique in the criteria it uses to calculate financial data. This means that comparing reports is not recommended. Additionally, not all reports are available for all Clio subscription plans. Learn more about reports available on your subscription plan and upgrading your plan here.
Tip: Learn more about generating reports, creating reports presets, and viewing a history of generated reports here.

Task progress by user report

The task progress by user report is designed to give firms a detailed overview of each firm user’s task progress in each task status, including pending, in progress, in review, completed, and total completed tasks. This report also includes time estimates and actual time tracked. When generated, this report includes the following categories:

This column lists each firm user on the account. 
This column shows the number of tasks with a pending task status. If you selected the box for Include time estimates when generating the report, you will also see the estimated amount of time for the pending tasks. 
In progress
This column shows the number of tasks that are in progress. If you selected the box for Include time estimates when generating the report, you will also see the estimated amount of time for the tasks in progress.
In review
This column shows the number of tasks that are in review. If you selected the box for Include time estimates when generating the report, you will also see the estimated amount of time for the tasks in review.
You will only see this column if you checked the box for Include completed tasks when you generated this report. This column shows the number of tasks that have been completed and the actual time it took to complete the tasks. If you selected the box for Include time estimates when generating the report, you will also see the estimated amount of time for the completed tasks.
Total tasks
This column shows the total number of tasks for each firm user and the total estimated time for the tasks. If you selected the box for Include time estimates when generating the report, you will also see the estimated amount of time for all of the user's tasks.


Task productivity by user report

The task productivity by user report is designed to give firms a detailed overview of each firm user’s task productivity, which is measured by the number of tasks each firm user has upcoming, overdue, and completed. When generated, this report includes the following categories:

This column lists each firm user on the account. 
This column shows the total number of upcoming tasks for this user. 
This column shows the total number of overdue tasks for this user.
This column shows the total number of completed tasks for this user.


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