A key part of intaking new clients and growing your business is tracking performance data on your leads and reporting on matter status and value for new clients. Clio Grow offers a dashboard that can help you understand the performance of your marketing efforts and reports that can help you determine the value of your matters and the performance of your referral sources.
Tip: Learn more about how to create a digital marketing strategy for your firm and grow your business here.
Your Dashboard gives you an immediate overview of your digital marketing metrics. These metrics are organized in a way that can help you understand which require immediate action, how to set benchmarks for your firm, and how to evaluate outcomes over time. This dashboard shows key actionable metrics for leads captured through all of your digital marketing channels, including leads from appointments booked via Clio Scheduler. It is broken down as follows:
Pipeline health
This section shows leads as they progress through your sales Pipeline over a specific period of time.
- To review: This shows leads that you need to review.
- Ignored: This shows the leads that you ignored.
- Leads qualified rate: This is the percentage of leads that were converted into matters. It is calculated by the total leads converted into matters divided by the total leads received.
- Intake: This shows the leads that were converted into matters in Clio Grow.
- Not hired: This shows the converted matters that you did not hire.
- Hired: This shows the converted matters that you did hire.
- Matters conversion rate: This is the percentage of matters that were converted to hired. It is calculated by the total matters converted to hired divided by the total matters created.
This section shows the total number of leads and their value over a specific period of time
- Leads: This shows leads received during the selected date range.
- Estimated value: This shows the estimated value of your leads during the selected date range.
Revenue potential
This section shows the estimated value of the matters in your Pipeline over a specific period of time.
- Intake value: This shows the estimated value of the leads that were converted into matters over a specific period of time.
- Hired value: This shows the estimated value of the leads that were converted into matters and then hired over a specific period of time.
Matter revenue report
The matter revenue report in Clio Grow is designed to provide a detailed overview of the revenue generated through matters across both Clio Grow and Clio Manage. This report integrates lead sources and referral information from Clio Grow with revenue outcomes from Manage, offering detailed and flexible revenue insight across platforms.
Tip: You can manage the data columns on the following fields with an asterisk (*). Learn more about generating this report here.
By default, the report displays key details such as the primary contact, lead source, Grow and Manage matter, and revenue (billable profit). You can also customize the Grow and Manage data with columns and filters, export the report as a CSV, bookmark the settings, or share with firm users.
Note: The data for this report will refresh from Grow when you generate the report and when new filters are applied. Data from Manage will refresh at midnight EST and the time will appear on the report.
Basic Filters
- Primary contact: This column shows the contact with matters in the filtered matter creation date and is sorted alphabetically by first name.
- Email *: This column lists the primary email address entered when a contact was created.
- Lead source: This column will show the source of a prospective client and will be unassigned if no lead source is assigned.
Referred by *: If a contact referred the prospective client, this column shows the name of the referral source.
Clio Grow Data Filters
- Matter: This column lists the name of the client’s matter in Clio Grow.
- Matter description*: This column shows the information entered in the Description field when a matter was created.
- Matter type*: This column shows the type of matter. This is similar to Clio Manage practice areas.
- Matter status*: This column shows the current status of the matter in your Pipeline. Learn more about matter statuses here.
- Status date*: This column shows the date the status was updated to the status shown.
- Location*: This column shows the information entered in the Location field and can be used to track the trial location or the location of the incident.
- Estimated value*: This column shows the anticipated total legal fees to be earned entered in the Estimated value field when a matter was created.
Clio Manage Data Filters
- Matter: This column lists the name of the client’s matter in Clio Manage.
- Matter description*: This column shows the information entered in the Description field when a matter was created.
- Practice area*: This column shows the information entered in the Description field when a matter was created.
- Status*: This column shows the matter's current status. It can be Open, Pending, or Closed.
- Status date*: This column shows the date the status was updated to the status shown.
- Location*: This column shows the information entered in the Location field and can be used to track the trial location or the location of the incident.
- Originating Solicitor*: This column shows the firm user who was selected as the originating attorney on the matter. If no originating attorney was selected, it will be blank.
- Responsible Solicitor*: This column shows the firm user currently responsible for the matter. If no responsible attorney is selected, it will be blank.
Clio Manage Revenue Data Filters
- Unbilled time*: This column shows the total amount of unbilled time for each matter. Unbilled activities are activities on bills in draft or bills pending approval.
- Unbilled hours*: This column shows unbilled time entry hours for the matter. Unbilled time entries are time entries that are not generated on any approved bills, including time entries that are not on a bill and time entries that are on bills in draft or bills pending approval.
- Unbilled expense*: This column shows the total amount of unbilled expenses for each matter. Unbilled activities are activities on bills in draft or bills pending approval.
- Billed time *: This column shows the dollar value of billed time entries for the matter. Billed time entries are time entries on approved bills.
- Billed hours*: This column shows billed time entry hours for the matter. Billed time entries are time entries on approved bills.
- Billed expense*: This column shows the dollar value of billed expense entries for the matter. Billed expense entries are expenses on approved bills.
- Collected time*: This column shows the dollar value of billed time entries on generated bills that have been paid.
- Collected expenses* This column shows the dollar value of billed expense entries on generated bills that have been paid.
- Revenue (billable profit): This column shows the total value of revenue calculated in Grow, all recorded billable amounts minus your expenses.
Matters added report
The matters added report in Clio Grow shows visuals regarding lead source and matter types using the matters added to your account, your Pipeline's value, and your conversion rate.
- Matters added: This refers to the number of leads or matters that have been added to the account within a given period of time. It is broken down by lead source and matter type. The report provides a visual representation, in either graph or table format, of which lead sources and matter types are generating the greatest number of cases.
- Pipeline value: This refers to the value of your matters in the Pipeline within a given period of time. It is broken down by lead source and matter type. The report provides a visual representation, in either graph or table format, of the estimated matter value from each lead source and matter type.
- Conversion rate: This refers to the total hired matters divided by the total of all matters added in a given period of time. It is broken down by lead source and matter type. The report provides a visual representation, in either graph or table format, of the percentage of clients that have been converted from leads to hired clients from each lead source and matter type.
Matters added report
The matter report in Clio Grow shows visuals regarding lead source and matter types using the matters added to your account, your Pipeline's value, and your conversion rate.
- Matters added: This refers to the number of leads or matters that have been added to the account within a given period of time. It is broken down by lead source and matter type. The report provides a visual representation, in either graph or table format, of which lead sources and matter types are generating the greatest number of cases.
- Pipeline value: This refers to the value of your matters in the Pipeline within a given period of time. It is broken down by lead source and matter type. The report provides a visual representation, in either graph or table format, of the estimated matter value from each lead source and matter type.
- Conversion rate: This refers to the total hired matters divided by the total of all matters added in a given period of time. It is broken down by lead source and matter type. The report provides a visual representation, in either graph or table format, of the percentage of clients that have been converted from leads to hired clients from each lead source and matter type.
Referral report
The referral report in Clio Grow shows you matters that were referred to your firm. It provides a summary of which referral sources your potential clients are finding your firm from and the types of matters brought to the firm.