In Clio Manage, each matter has a dashboard that provides an overview of matter information, such as financials, work in progress, basic matter details, custom fields, a timeline of matter-related events, contacts linked to the matter, and related contacts for the matter.
Tip: You can also add related or associated matters to a contact's dashboard in case you need to connect a matter to a contact that may not necessarily be a case for that contact. Learn more about associated matters here.
Access matter's dashboard
You can access a single matter's dashboard from a few places in Clio Manage.
- Go to Matters.
- Find your matter and click the matter’s name.
- Go to Contacts or search for the contact in the search bar.
- Find your contact and click the contact's name.
- In the Client's matters section of the contact's Dashboard, click the matter's name.
- Click the search bar in the Clio Manage header.
- Search for your matter and click the matter's name.
- Click Recents in the Clio Manage header.
- If you recently viewed the matter, click the matter's name under Matters.
Manage matter dashboard sections
This section shows key financial information, such as work in progress, outstanding bill balance, matter trust funds, matter budget, and time and expenses. In this section, you can create a quick bill, view bills for this matter, request matter trust funds, and add time and expense entries.
- Work in progress: The value in this box shows the combined total of all unbilled time entries for this matter, including any time entires on bills in draft and bills pending approval. Click View bills to generate a quick bill. Learn more about generating quick bills here.
- Outstanding balance: The value in this box shows the total amount overdue on approved bills for this matter that have not been paid. Trust requests are not included in this total. Click View bills to view all outstanding bills for this matter.
- Matter trust funds: This box shows the total trust fund amount held at the matter-level for this matter, including the minimum trust fund balance. Click New request to generate a new trust funds request or Edit to edit the minimum trust funds balance for the matter. Learn more about trust funds management here and the minimum trust balance feature within the matter form here.
- Budget: This section shows the value of current billable activities related to the matter budget. You can specify the matter budget when creating or editing the matter. Learn more about the matter budget feature here.
- Time: This value shows the gross total for all time entries logged by your firm on this matter. Click Add time to add a new time entry. Learn more about time entries here.
- Expenses: This value shows the gross total for all expense entries logged by your firm on this matter. Click Add expense to add a new expense entry. Learn more about expenses here.
Custom fields
This section shows the contacts associated with the matter, their basic contact information, including phone number, email address, and address, and any applied contact tags.
- Export: Click Export to download a CSV file of the contacts on the matter that includes all basic contact information.
- Tags: You can change a contact's tags by editing the contact.
- Email: Click the email address to begin composing an email to this contact. The email will be composed outside of Clio Manage.
- Address: Click the clipboard icon beside the address to copy the address.
Related contacts
Related contacts
This section shows related contacts for the matter. Related contacts are contacts separate from the main contact on the matter. Related contacts can be parents or guardians, siblings, spouses, children, caretakers, etc. You can view the related contact's basic contact information, including phone number, email address, and address, and any applied contact tags.
- Add/Edit: If you do not have any related contacts on the matter, click Add to add a related contact. If you already have a related contact on the matter, click Edit to modify the relationship, remove the related contact, or to add more related contacts. Learn more about adding related contacts in the matter form here. Another way of adding a related contact is through the associated matter relationship. If you add an associated matter to a contact's dashboard, the contact for the associate matter will appear as a related contact.
- Tags: You can change a contact's tags by editing the contact.
- Email: Click the email address to begin composing an email to this related contact. The email will be composed outside of Clio Manage.
- Address: Click the clipboard icon beside the address to copy the address.
This section shows a timeline of all activity on the matter, including anything that was created, edited, or deleted. Click Filters to sort the timeline by user, type of matter activity, and/or whether an activity item was deleted.