Clio for Clients: Law Firm Setup

Clio for Clients is a secure online portal designed for law firms and clients to communicate and share documents. Law firms can send messages, share document files and folders, and add time entries from Clio Manage web app, and send messages from the Clio mobile app. Clients can scan and share documents, access case details in a central spot, and chat securely with anyone at the firm using the Clio for Clients mobile app or a web browser.

Tip: You can choose the types of email and in-app notifications you receive for Clio for Clients in your Clio Manage notification settings. Learn more here.

Create client portals

Before sharing messages and documents with your client, you need to create a client portal between your firm and the client. Since resources are saved at the matter-level, you need to create a client portal for each of a client's matters. You can create a client portal from the main Communications tab in Clio Manage or the Communications subtab for a matter.

  1. Go to Communications.
  2. Click the New dropdown and select New client portal.
  3. Select the matter. Your name and the contact appear. If you are creating the portal from a matter’s Communications subtab, your name and the contact will automatically populate.
  4. Click Create client portal.

Tip: While in the client portal, click Print messages to download a PDF that contains a record of all your correspondence on the matter in the client portal.


Add participants to portals

When you create a client portal, you and the client are automatically added as participants. You can also add other participants, such as other firm members or other contacts who may be related to the matter. 

Important: Participants will have access to all messages and documents shared within the client portal. If you remove a participant and then re-add them, they will still have access to previously shared messages and resources, including those sent in their absence.

  1. Go to the matter’s Communications subtab and click Go to client portal. You can also click Client portals in the table and click View.
  2. Next to Participants click Add.
  3. Start typing to find firm users or contacts.
  4. Click Add.

Tip: Click Add time to create a time entry for any correspondence. You can also add time to any shared documents by going to the Documents subtab.


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