Clio for Clients: Client Actions

Client access

Clients can access Clio for Clients using either their web browser or the mobile app. Logging into Clio for Clients does not require a password. Instead, clients log in using their email address and an authentication link sent to their email.

When your firm sends an initial invitation to the client portal, your client will be prompted to log in using a one-time password that is valid for only one hour. When the link expires, your client will be prompted to request a new link.

Each time your firm shares a new document or sends a new message, your clients will be able to access the client portal using just their email address and a one-time password authentication link.

Tip: Clients can learn more about Clio for Clients and resources for getting started here.

Trouble logging in? Clients must log in to the client portal using the same email address that your firm sent the original invitation email to. When using the web app, APAC clients should log in to

Mobile app:
The Clio for Clients mobile app is available for both iOS and Android. The benefit of using the mobile app is that clients can connect the app to their phone’s biometric authentication system and log in using FaceID or a fingerprint for extra security. Additionally, the mobile app offers push notifications.
Web app:
Your clients will receive email notifications when something in the client portal requires their attention. Clients can log in to the web portal using their email address and a new access link that gets sent to their email address.


Change language to Spanish

Clients of law firms can choose to view their case details in Clio for Clients in Spanish rather than English. Once switched, the copy in the portal will appear in Spanish and will remain in Spanish when a client closes their session and then goes back to the client portal. Any client portal notifications sent to clients will also be in Spanish. Clients can make this change from either the Clio for Clients mobile app or from a web browser on their computer or mobile device. 

Important: Clients will need to change the language on the sign-in screen and again in the client portal settings once signed in. If the language is only changed on the sign-in screen, the main portal will still be in English.

Clio for Clients mobile app Web browser
  1. Open the Clio for Clients mobile app.
  2. On the sign-in screen, click EN in the top right and then select ES | Español.
  3. Sign in to the client portal.
  4. Once signed in, click the settings gear icon in the top right.
  5. Click Change language and then select ES | Español.


Share documents

With Clio for Clients, your clients can share multiple documents at once while using the mobile or web app. The directions for sharing documents vary depending on which platform they are using and whether they are sharing documents from the Documents or Messages subtabs.

Note: Clients can upload 20 files at a time, with a maximum upload size of 5 GB per file.

Mobile app:

  1. Go to Documents and then click Send document or click Send document on the main screen.
  2. Choose how you will upload the file(s) and then select multiple files or photos if you need to send more than one.
    • You can scan the documents, take a photo, browse photos in your phone, or browse files in your phone.
  3. Optional: add a message, update the file name, or choose the location for your upload.

    Tip: Although optional, adding a message and updating the file name to be descriptive of the file provides useful context to your law firm about your upload. If your law firm previously shared folders with you, you can also choose which folder to upload your file to. Some law firms create dedicated folders for their clients to upload their files to, and they will communicate their preference about where to upload your files.

  4. Click Send.


Web app:

  1. Select the Documents subtab.
  2. Click Send document.
  3. Click Attach document and then select a file or multiple files if you need to send more than one.
  4. Optional: add a message, update the file name, or choose the location for your upload.

    Tip: Although optional, adding a message provides useful context to your law firm about your upload. If your law firm previously shared folders with you, you can also choose which folder to upload your file to. Some law firms create dedicated folders for their clients to upload their files to, and they will communicate their preference about where to upload your files.

  5. Click Send.


View bills

If a firm user shares a bill through the client portal, a client can view the bill through the client portal. Once the bill is shared, the client will receive an email notification. To view the bill in the client portal:

  1. Go to the bill email and click View all bills in secure portal.
  2. Once in the client portal, click Messages to view the firm’s message and the bill. You can also click Bills to view the bill.


View calendar events

If a firm user shares a calendar event through the client portal, a client can view the event by clicking the link in the email notification. Once within the portal, clients can view the event in either the Messages tab or the Calendar events tab. If an event is unshared or cancelled, the event will show as no longer being shared in the Messages tab and will not be visible in the Calendar events tab.

Messages Calendar events
  1. Go to the calendar notification email and select View event in secure portal or Read message.
    • View event in secure portal: If a client is invited to an event as an attendee, they can view all details of the event after clicking this button.
    • Read message: If a client is not invited but the event has been shared to their matter, they can only view limited details of the event.
  2. Click the Messages tab.
  3. Click the event to view the event details.


Log out

To keep data secure, clients are automatically logged out of the client portal after 15 minutes of inactivity. Clients can also manually log out.

  1. Click Menu.
  2. Select Sign out.

Note: Clients can access the portal again to review the case or communicate with the firm at any time.


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