After generating and sending bills, you can manually send clients reminders about their outstanding balances or enable automated bill reminders. Automated bill reminders send outstanding balance reminders to your clients and bill recipients on a cadence that you select.
Send manual bill reminders
You can send your clients manual reminders for outstanding bills and balances. If your client has multiple outstanding bills, the email will show all overdue bills. Follow the steps below to send a manual reminder.
- Go to the main Billing tab.
- Select the Outstanding Balances subtab.
- Click Send next to an overdue bill.
- By default, Clio selects the outstanding balance bill template. You can change this selection.
- Click Send client balance.
Enable automated bill reminders
When this feature is enabled, Clio uses the issue date as a reference point to send an automatic reminder. Once an automated bill reminder is sent, you can find that message in the main Communications tab or the Communications subtab for the matter or contact. Follow the steps below to enable automated reminders for an outstanding bill.
- Go to the main Billing tab.
- Select the Outstanding Balances subtab.
- Optional: Click Columns and verify that the Reminders column is checked.
- Under the Reminders column, toggle the button on.
Manage automated bill reminder settings
In the automated bill reminder settings, you can change the default behaviour for whether reminders are enabled or disabled for all outstanding bills, select whether you want the reminder to be sent to contacts only or both contacts and bill recipients, change the reminder schedule, and select a different bill message template. Follow the steps below to access these settings.
- Go to Settings > Billing > Automated Bill Reminders.
- Make any changes.
- Click Save reminders.
Disable automated bill reminders
If you need to disable automated bill reminders for only some bills, you can do so from the Billing tab.
- Go to the main Billing tab.
- Select the Outstanding Balances subtab.
- Optional: Click Columns and verify that the Reminders column is checked.
- Under the Reminders column, toggle the button off.