Calendar Set Up and Settings

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In Clio Manage, you can use calendars to create and keep track of client and firm events, track court deadlines using court rules, view upcoming tasks that are due, view events through Google and Office 365 syncs, and more.

Tip: If you integrate your Clio Grow and Clio Manage accounts, you can view appointments booked through Clio Scheduler in your Clio Manage calendar. Learn more about Clio Scheduler here.

Default calendars

Clio provides default calendars to get you started: Tasks, Statute of Limitations, the Firm calendar, and your personal calendar. You can also create your own calendars and share calendars with firm members.

When viewing the Calendar tab, your calendars are separated into My calendars and Other calendars. My calendars include your personal calendar, the tasks, statute of limitations, and firm calendars, and any calendars that you create. Other calendars are calendars that other firm users create and share with you. Learn more about sharing calendars here.

Note: You cannot delete the Tasks, Statute of Limitations, and Firm calendars.
Task calendar
This calendar shows you tasks that are assigned to you. You cannot view another user’s tasks on this calendar. Learn more about tasks here.
Statue of Limitations
This calendar shows you statute of limitation dates for your matters. If you see a calendar event on this calendar, you cannot edit the event itself; however, you can click the event to go to the matter information, which you can edit.
Firm calendar
This calendar is automatically shared among all users on the account. Its purpose is to show events and appointments that require full firm visibility. You can, however, change permissions for the calendar and change who in the firm can see it. Learn more about calendar permissions here.


Create calendars

You can create an unlimited number of calendars. Once created, only the user who created the calendar can edit or delete the calendar itself. To create a new calendar:

  1. Go to Calendar.
  2. Click More and select Add new calendar.
  3. Name the calendar.
  4. Optional: Click Add Calendar Share to share the calendar with other firm users or groups of users. Learn more about sharing calendars here.
  5. Click Save New Calendar.


Change calendar view

Once you add calendar events to your calendars, you can view the events in agenda format or view them using the day, week, work week, or monthly views. 

  1. Go to Calendar.
  2. In the top section above the calendar, select Agenda, Day, Week, Work week, or Month.
    • The Agenda, Day, Week, and Work week selections will show up to 10,000 events per week. The Month selection will show up to 10,000 events per month.


Change calendar names, sharing permissions, and colours

You can only edit and change sharing permissions for calendars that you created, but you can change the colour of any calendar that is visible to you. Changing the colour in your user account will not affect colour settings for any other user. 

Change name and share settingsChange colour
  1. Go to Calendar.
  2. Under My calendars, find the calendar that you want to update.
  3. Click the down arrow next to the calendar and select Edit calendar.
    • Here you can rename the calendar and add and remove which other users or groups of users can view the calendar.
  4. Click Update Calendar.


Delete calendars

Only the user who created the calendar can delete the calendar. To delete a calendar:

  1. Go to Calendar.
  2. Under My calendars, find the calendar that you want to delete.
  3. Click the down arrow next to the calendar and select Edit calendar.
  4. Select Delete Calendar.
  5. Check the box confirming the action and then click Delete.


View or hide calendars

If too many calendars are actively visible in the Calendar tab, it can clutter your view of events. You can hide or show relevant calendars by following the steps below:

  1. Go to Calendar.
  2. Under My calendars, click the checkmark next to a calendar’s name to hide the calendar or click the empty box next to the calendar’s name to show the calendar.


Deactivate/reactivate users and reassign work

If a firm administrator deactivates a user’s account, the deactivated user’s calendars will no longer be visible to any other firm users. This is true regardless of whether the deactivated user previously shared a calendar with other firm users. Calendar events will still be visible to other firm users but cannot be edited if they were made on the deactivated user’s calendar. Zoom meetings will automatically be removed. If you need to edit or delete events from a deactivated user’s calendar, you can either reactivate the user or reassign work.

Note: Only administrators can activate or deactivate users and reassign work.
Deactivate userReassign workReactivate user
  1. Go to Settings > Manage Users.
  2. Select Deactivate below a user’s name.
  3. When the warning prompt appears, click Deactivate.


View Clio Grow appointments in Clio Manage

If you integrate your Clio Grow and Manage accounts, you can view Clio Grow ad hoc and Clio Scheduler appointments in your Clio manage calendar. You can also select which calendar you want the Clio Grow appointments to be visible in.

Step 1: Connect Grow and Manage

Learn more here.

Step 2: Change which calendar appointments are sent to

  1. In Clio Grow, go to Settings > Email & calendar.
  2. Go to the section titled Send events to Clio Manage calendar.
  3. Click the dropdown box and select the appropriate calendar.


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