Reports in Clio are easily accessible from the Reports tabs in both Clio Grow and Clio Manage. In Clio Manage, you can generate reports with filters, save presets of specific filters for most report types, and view a history of the reports you generated.
Generate reports in Clio Grow
You can access three different reports directly from the Reports tab in Clio Grow. Each report allows you to filter data based on specific parameters to meet your needs.
Matter revenue report
The Matter Revenue Report provides a detailed overview of the revenue generated from matters in Clio Grow and Clio Manage. Before generating, convert contacts and matters from Clio Grow to Clio Manage so data fields populate accurately.
Tip: Bookmark Grow reports in your browser to save its selected fields and columns and share the URL with other Clio Grow admins using the same configurations.
This report shows contact-level data for matters in Clio Manage, including contact information, lead source from Clio Grow, referrer from Clio Grow, and matter details from Clio Manage. If a matter exists only in Clio Grow, the report will not display any associated Clio Manage fields.
Note: This report will refresh Grow data when you generate the report and apply new filters. Manage data will refresh at midnight EST, and the time will appear in the report.
- Go to Reports
- Click Matter revenue report.
- To generate this report, first enable shared contacts.
- Set all report filter parameters as necessary. A list of filter parameters are provided here, along with a brief description of each parameter.
- Click View report.
- Once generated, click the blue quick links to view contacts or matters in Grow and Manage.
- Optional: Click Columns to adjust the columns included in the report, and Update columns to apply the changes.
- Optional: Click Filters to adjust the columns included in the report, then click Apply filters to apply the changes.
Note: To download this report, click Download CSV. The CSV will include all previously selected columns and pages. You can also print the downloaded CSV.
Matters added report
This report shows a chart and table view of matters added, the estimated value entered in Clio Grow, and the Conversion rate. You can filter this report to view data with specific parameters, including by date range, matter type, status, lead source and users, then download and print CSV files of tabular data.
- Go to Reports.
- Select Matters added report
- Optional: Click Apply Filters to adjust the data according to your needs, then click Generate Report to apply the changes to the report.
Note: You can toggle between viewing your data as charts or as a table using the chart or table icons. When viewing your data as a table, you can click Download CSV to download the data, which you can also subsequently print. You cannot download or print the Clio Grow report charts.
Referral report
You can generate a referral report for details on how clients find your firm. After you generate the referral report, you can filter to view data with specific parameters, including by date range, matter type, status, lead source and users, then download and print CSV files of tabular data
- Go to Reports.
- Select Referral report.
- Optional: Click Apply Filters to restrict data.
- Optional: Select the chart icon to view the data as charts. You can also select the table icon to view the data in tabular format.
- Go to Reports.
- Select Referral report.
- Optional: Select the chart icon to view the data as charts. You can also select the table icon to view the data in tabular format.
- Click Apply Filters.
- Select a date range or enter a custom range, and then select or deselect matter type, lead source, or user selections.
- Click Generate Report.
- Go to Reports.
- Select Referral report.
- Select the table icon.
- Optional: Click Apply Filters to restrict data.
- Click Download CSV.
- Optional: Print the downloaded CSV.
Generate reports in Clio Manage
Each Clio Manage report has a specific set of filters that apply to that report. You can generate various configurations of each report to suit your reporting needs. You can generate most reports in both CSV and PDF format, and some reports can be generated in Excel and Web formats. If you choose to generate a report in CSV format, you can also customize how your report appears by hiding, unhiding, and reordering columns.
- Go to Reports > Reports.
- Select a report category under Categories.
- Click the name of the report you want to generate.
- Select your filter parameters.
- Under Output format, select how you want to view the report. If you choose CSV format, click Select and reorder columns to hide, unhide, and/or reorder columns in the report.
Select and reorder columnsYou can hide, unhide, and reorder columns for the following Clio Manage reports: billing rate report, client activity report, fee allocation report, matter balance summary report, matter productivity by user report, originating attorney solicitor report, trust ledger report, trust management report, and revenue report.
Note: Hiding a column will not delete any data from the report. Your generated report will not show the column data, but you can always activate the hidden column if you need to see that data.- The columns listed under Active columns will appear in the report in the listed order once the report is generated. If you do not want a column to appear in the report, uncheck the box next to a column's name to hide it, or click the three line icon next to a column's name to drag and drop the column under Hidden columns. If you want to reorder the active columns, click the three line icon next to a column's name to drag and drop the column to any position around another active column.
- The columns listed under Hidden columns will not appear in the report once the report is generated. If you want to show a hidden column in the report, check the box next to the column's name or click the three line icon next to a column's name and drag and drop it from Hidden columns to Active columns.
- Click Reset to default to reset the report columns to their original view.
- Click Clear selected to uncheck all columns and move them under Hidden columns. You are required to select at least one column in order to generate the report.
- Click Generate report.
- Optional: If you downloaded the report as a CSV or PDF file, print it from your computer.
Generate, schedule, and manage reports presets
With report presets in Clio Manage, you can quickly generate reports you access on a regular basis. When generating a report, you can save the selected filters as a preset that you can edit at any time, eliminating the need to remember your report filters every time you generate the same report. You can also schedule one of your own presets to be run at any cadence that works best for you and enable report generation at a future date of your choice. Once your scheduled preset is generated, you will be notified by email.
- Go to Reports > Reports.
- Select a report category under Categories.
- Click the name of the report you want to generate.
- Select your filter parameters.
- Select Save as a preset.
- Enter a recognizable name for the preset.
- Click Save preset. You can also click Save & generate to save the preset and generate the report immediately.
- Go to Reports > Reports.
- Select a report category under Categories.
- Click the name of the report you want to generate.
- Select your filter parameters.
- Select Save as a preset.
- Enter a recognizable name for the preset.
- Next to Add Schedule, toggle the button on.
- Under Repeat, select the cadence of the report preset and the time and/or date. Reports will be sent to your inbox for up to 12 months.
- Daily: The scheduled preset will be run at the same time each day.
- Weekly: The scheduled preset will be run at the same time each week on the selected days.
- Monthly: The scheduled preset will be run at a monthly cadence of your choice. You can choose to have it delivered at any monthly interval of your choice from every month to every 12 months.
Select the time that you want the schedule to begin and the date that you want the schedule to be effective.
- Generate report at: The first report will be generated at the selected time.
- Schedule effective from: This option allows you to automatically generate the first report at a future date. For example, if this date is set to July 15 and the schedule is set to repeat every month on the first of the month, the first report will not be generated until August 1.
- Click Save preset. You can also click Save & generate to save the preset and generate the report immediately.
- Go to Reports > Preset.
- Click Generate next to a preset’s name.
- Go to Reports > Presets.
- Click the report preset name.
- Change the filters.
- Click Save preset.
- Go to Reports > Presets.
- Click the down arrow next to Generate and select Delete.
- When the warning prompt appears, select Delete preset.
View reports history table
The reports history table in Clio Manage shows a record of reports that you ran in the previous six months. When you generate a new report, the record will appear as a new line item in the history table.
- Go to Reports > History.
- Sort the table by Date generated or Report name. By default, the table is sorted by the date a report was generated.
- Optional: Click Filters to filter the table by category, report output, or date generated.
- Optional: Enter a keyword in the Search by report name field to do a keyword search.
- Click a report’s name to view the report in the same output format that it was originally generated.