Clio Manage Detailed Annual Report

The detailed annual report shows a visual of your personal performance metrics. It displays the target billable time you aimed to reach by the end of the year compared to the actual billable time you logged for the year. The actual metric is composed of your own Time Entries (billed and unbilled time entries, flat or contingency fees) and does not include any non-billable time, expenses, fixed rate or contingency fees, or discounts.

Important: You can only view this report if you have billing and reports permissions and if your billing rate visibility is not restricted. Learn more here.

Set up personal performance target

Before being able to view the report, you need to set up your personal performance target. Once your personal target is set up, you can begin recording time entries and view the Hourly Metrics for yourself in your Personal Dashboard.

  1. Go to Settings > Profile > Personal Performance.
  2. Enter your default user billing rate, the year’s target billings, the number of working days in the year, and the date the fiscal year ends.
  3. Click Save Performance Information.
  4. Start creating time entries.


View and manage detailed annual report

You can view the detailed annual report right from your Personal Dashboard. You can also compare the actual value in the detailed annual report graph to the value in the Activities tab to check for consistencies and view a detailed breakdown of your billed and unbilled time.

View detailed annual reportCompare report to Activities
  1. Go to Dashboard > Personal Dashboard.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page.


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