Create Contacts

In Clio Manage, you can create person or company contacts, and in Clio Grow, you can create contacts yourself or add contacts to your account using your lead inbox. Contacts contain essential contact information, including custom fields, matters, billing preferences, and employees for company contacts.

Tip: Learn more about converting contacts from Clio Grow to Clio Manage here and importing existing contacts into Clio Manage here.

Create contacts in Clio Manage

In Clio Manage, you can create either a person or company contact. A company contact can contain employees or person contacts. When editing a contact card, you can change a company contact to a person contact, and change a person contact to a company contact. You can create a new contact in two places in Clio Manage—from the main Contacts tab and from the Create new button.

Tip: You can see who created a contact in the Dashboard Firm Feed.

Contacts tabCreate new button
  1. Go to Contacts and click New person or New company.
  2. Complete the contact details. Learn more about each section below.
  3. Click Save contact.


Understand and complete contact form sections in Clio Manage

When creating a new contact, the contact form contains three sections of information for person contacts and four sections of information for company contacts. See below for key details of each section.

Contact information

This section captures contact-specific information, including the contact’s address, email address, phone number, and website address. You can add multiple details for these fields. The email address and phone number specified as primary will appear on reports and bills as the primary contact information.

Note: Multiple contacts can have the same email address. You can still share resources to the contacts with the same email address via email.


Custom fields

Custom fields are individualized fields of information relevant to the contact or matter. Learn more about creating custom fields and field sets here. Once created, you can add custom fields to contacts and matters. The custom fields and field sets for the contact will appear in the contact’s dashboard. Follow the steps below to add custom fields to a contact.

Note: Custom fields in the contact’s dashboard cannot be sorted and only the first 12 custom fields will be displayed. Additionally, you can only use custom fields that you created for contacts. You cannot use matter custom fields.
  1. Open the contact and scroll to the Custom fields section.
  2. Click the Add a Custom Field or Custom Field set box and select a custom field or field set.
  3. Complete the custom field details.
  4. Optional: Click the X to remove a custom field or field set.



You will only see this section if you are creating a new company contact. Once an employee is added to the company’s contact card, the employee will appear in the Employees section of the contact dashboard. You can add more employees right from the dashboard. Follow the steps below to add employees to a contact.

Note: When recording the relationship between a company contact and its employees (person contacts), do so from Clio Manage to ensure the relationship syncs to Clio Grow. Recording the relationship in Clio Grow may require you to re-record the relationship in Clio Manage.

Add an existing contact Create a new contact
  1. Open the company contact and scroll to the Employees section.
  2. Click Add employee.
  3. Click the down arrow for the contact field, then select an existing person.
  4. Optional: Click the X to remove an employee.
  5. Click Save employee.


Billing preferences

In this section, you can specify a payment profile for bill payments and add a client hourly rate. By default, the client’s matter is billable based on the hourly billing rate specified in your user profile. You can also add a different rate for each matter. Follow the steps below to change billing preferences for a contact.

Tip: Learn more about billing rate and activities hierarchy here.
  1. Open the contact and scroll to the Billing preferences section.
  2. Under Payment profile, select a payment profile. Payment profiles are created in settings. Learn more here.
  3. Optional: Click Add a custom rate to override your personal rate.
  4. Optional: Enter an LEDES client ID. Learn more about LEDES billing here
  5. Optional: Add the client’s Tax ID number (e.g. VAT identifier). The VAT number field is available to customers listed here.
  6. Click Save contact.


Create contacts in Clio Grow

In Clio Grow, you can create both a contact and matter from the Quick Intake button, create only a contact from the main Contacts tab or from a matter's page, or add a lead as a contact from your lead inbox. You can learn more about the contact-specific details in the section below: Clio Grow contact details.

Tip: After creating a matter, you can add a label next to the matter’s name. This label can provide additional information similar to the matter numbering scheme in Clio Manage. Just go to a specific matter’s page and click Add label.
Quick Intake Contacts tab Matter's page Lead inbox
  1. Click Quick Intake.
  2. Select whether this is a new person, new company, or an existing contact.
  3. Enter the contact details. If the contact exists in Clio Grow, you can select the existing contact once it is populated.
  4. Add matter details.
  5. Click Create matter.
Note: By default, Clio Grow uses automatic formatting for phone numbers, including the use of parentheses and hyphens. You can disable this formatting in Settings > Contacts. Under Contact Options, uncheck Enable automatic phone number formatting.


Understand contact details in Clio Grow

See below for key details of unfamiliar fields in the Clio Grow contact form:

Contact type
This is similar to Clio Manage contact types, including person, company, etc. It refers to the type of contact, including client, lawyer, lead, did not hire, etc. You can add, edit, and delete contact types by going to Settings > Contacts.
Lead source
This refers to how the prospective client found your firm. Click Add a referral relationship to add an existing contact who may have referred the prospective client. You can add, edit, and delete lead sources by going to Settings > Contacts.
This refers to extra information that you may need for a prospective client. Once added, tags are easily visible when viewing the Contacts overview page. You can add tags for whether a prospective client is low income, high value, a student, part of a specific organization, etc.


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