This article explains what data can be migrated from your current practice management software and how to export the data from that software. Software applications starting with the letters T, U, W, and Z, and any numbers are listed below.
Tip: See one of the articles below if your current practice management software does not start with the letters T, U, W, Z, or any numbers.
- Contacts
- Matters
- Unbilled Expenses Entries
- Unbilled Time Entries
- Related Contacts
- Matter Notes
- Calendar Events
- Tasks
- Email Communications
- Phone Communications
- Outstanding Balances (a single line item that represents the summative balance at time of export for a Matter)
- Trust Balances (a single line item that represents the summative balance at time of export for a Matter or Contact)
Note: Depending on the quality of your data, we may also be able to migrate email and phone communications, related contacts, contact and matter notes, calendar events, tasks, and unbilled time and expense entries.
Note: Tabs3 does not have an export function. Your data can only be exported through the PracticeMaster interface. The PracticeMaster version should be compatible with the Tabs3 version to synchronize properly. If you are having issues with setting up PracticeMaster or have sync issues, contact Tabs3 support to set up PracticeMaster.
Contacts, matters, and other files:
- Select the Maintenance tab and click File Maintenance.
- Select the desired Export Files.
Data type File location File name Matters Client CMCLIENT Contacts Lookup Files > Contact CMRELATE Notes and communications Common Client Related Files > Journal CMJRNL Tasks and calendar Calendar CMCAL Expenses Common Client Related Files > Cost CMCOST Fees Common Client Related Files > Fee CMFEES - Click OK.
- Select Utility and click Export Data.
- Rename the file and add .csv to convert it into a spreadsheet format.
- Click Ok.
Timekeeper list (with ID numbers):
- Go to the TABS module.
- Click Reports > Miscellaneous > Timekeepers List.
- Export file to XLSX format.
Category list (with ID numbers and for practice areas):
- Go to the TABS module.
- Click Reports > Miscellaneous > Category List.
- Export file to XLSX format.
Task code list (with ID numbers):
Note: The Tcode column in CMFEE and CMCOST will migrate to the activity categories for time and expenses in Clio.
- In the search bar, search for Transaction Code List.
- Export file to XLSX format.
Time & Chaos
- Contacts
- Matters (limited information from v. 10.2)
- Tasks
- Unbilled Time Entries (v. 10.2)
- Unbilled Expense Entries (v. 10.2)
- Calendar Events
Note: We have not confirmed the exact nature of what can be migrated from this program to Clio. You can, however, still follow the export directions.
- Click Reports and select Contacts.
- Right click on any of the columns to show a list of available fields. Select the fields you want included in the export.
- Click Find Now.
- Select all items.
- Click File and select Export to Excel.
- Repeat the above steps for Calendar and Tasks.
Time Matters
- Contacts
- Matters
- Notes
- Related Contacts
- Tasks (To dos)
- Unbilled Time Entries
- Unbilled Expense Entries
- Calendar Events
Note: Depending on the quality of the data, we may be able to migrate email and phone communications and outstanding balances.
Database Backup
- Open Time Matters.
- Go to File > Backup Time Matters Data.
- Verify that the Shared Files Backup location is correct.
- Optional: Click the ellipsis to change the location where the shared files will be saved.
- Check the box next to Skip files in the Documents and Documents Index Directories.
- Check the box next to Skip backing up of email attachments.
- If you are using a non-default location and want Time Matters to remember the location selected in the Shared Files Backup, check the box next to Remember this destination for future backups.
- Click the radio labeled as Backup Now in the bottom. This may or may not be an available option.
- Click OK to start the backup process.
Front-end reports
Step 1: Follow these initial steps to get started.
- Open Time Matters.
- Go to File > Setup > User and Security > Security Settings.
- Uncheck the box for Activate Security Features Throughout the Application (Recommended).
- Recheck the box once the export is completed.
Step 2: Export your data. See the sections below.
Important: When doing a typical Time Matters migration, only the Contacts and Matters front-end reports are exported along with the Time Matters database backup. Additionally, only export the remaining sections as a workaround if you are unable to export a Time Matters database backup.
- Open Time Matters.
- Go to File > Export > Custom Export.
- Select Create a new Export Template.
- Click Next.
- On the Select Export File Format page, select ASCII - Comma Delimited (.TXT or .CSV) > check Include field names labels as first record in Export > click “...” > assign the file a name and select a location, typically in c:\Clio Export\ (creating the folder Clio Export).
- On the Specify Time Matter Record Type page, select the Export the following Record Type dropdown menu and choose Contacts.
- On the Select Pre-Merge Record page, select None > click Next.
- On the Export Custom Forms page, select None > click Next.
- On the Select Contact Export Fields page, click Add All > remove the Memo field from the selection > click Next > when it asks about Archived Status, make sure to get BOTH non-archived data and archived data (unless preferences are otherwise).
- On the Launch Application After Export page, select No, do not launch an application > click Next.
- On the Ready to Begin Export page, select Yes. Save this Export Template > click Finish.
- When the export is complete, click OK.
- Open Time Matters.
- Go to File > Export > Custom Export.
- Select Create a new Export Template.
- Click Next.
- On the Select Export File Format page, select ASCII - Comma Delimited (.TXT or .CSV) > check Include field names labels as first record in Export > click “...” > assign the file a name and select a location, typically in c:\Clio Export\ (creating the folder Clio Export).
- On the Specify Time Matter Record Type page, select the Export the following Record Type dropdown menu and choose Cases.
- On the Select Pre-Merge Record page, select None > click Next.
- On the Export Custom Forms page, select None > click Next.
- On the Select Matter Export Fields page, click Add All > remove the Memo field from the selection > click Next (filter and export by practice area to get header names) > when it asks about Archived Status, make sure to get BOTH non-archived data and archived data (unless preferences are otherwise).
- On the Launch Application After Export page, select No, do not launch an application > click Next.
- On the Ready to Begin Export page, select Yes. Save this Export Template > click Finish.
- When the export is complete, click OK.
Calendar events:
- Open Time Matters.
- Go to File > Export > Custom Export.
- Select Create a new Export Template.
- Click Next.
- On the Select Export File Format page, select ASCII - Comma Delimited (.TXT or .CSV) > check Include field names labels as first record in Export > click “...” > assign the file a name and select a location, typically in c:\Clio Export\ (creating the folder Clio Export).
- On the Specify Time Matter Record Type page, select the Export the following Record Type dropdown menu and choose Events.
- On the Select Pre-Merge Record page, select None > click Next.
- On the Export Custom Forms page, select None > click Next.
- On the Select Matter Export Fields page, click Add All > remove the Memo field from the selection > click Next > when it asks about Archived Status, make sure to get BOTH non-archived data and archived data (unless preferences are otherwise).
- On the Launch Application After Export page, select No, do not launch an application > click Next.
- On the Ready to Begin Export page, select Yes. Save this Export Template > click Finish.
- When the export is complete, click OK.
- Open Time Matters.
- Go to File > Export > Custom Export.
- Select Create a new Export Template.
- Click Next.
- On the Select Export File Format page, select ASCII - Comma Delimited (.TXT or .CSV) > check Include field names labels as first record in Export > click “...” > assign the file a name and select a location, typically in c:\Clio Export\ (creating the folder Clio Export).
- On the Specify Time Matter Record Type page, select the Export the following Record Type dropdown menu and choose To Dos.
- On the Select Pre-Merge Record page, select None > click Next.
- On the Export Custom Forms page, select None > click Next.
- On the Select Matter Export Fields page, click Add All > remove the Memo field from the selection > click Next > when it asks about Archived Status, make sure to get BOTH non-archived data and archived data (unless preferences are otherwise).
- On the Launch Application After Export page, select No, do not launch an application > click Next.
- On the Ready to Begin Export page, select Yes. Save this Export Template > click Finish.
- When the export is complete, click OK.
- Open Time Matters.
- Go to File > Export > Custom Export.
- Select Create a new Export Template.
- Click Next.
- On the Select Export File Format page, select ASCII - Comma Delimited (.TXT or .CSV) > check Include field names labels as first record in Export > click “...” > assign the file a name and select a location, typically in c:\Clio Export\ (creating the folder Clio Export).
- On the Specify Time Matter Record Type page, select the Export the following Record Type dropdown menu and choose Notes.
- On the Select Pre-Merge Record page, select None > click Next.
- On the Export Custom Forms page, select None > click Next.
- On the Select Matter Export Fields page, click Add All > remove the Memo field from the selection > click Next > when it asks about Archived Status, make sure to get BOTH non-archived data and archived data (unless preferences are otherwise).
- On the Launch Application After Export page, select No, do not launch an application > click Next.
- On the Ready to Begin Export page, select Yes. Save this Export Template > click Finish.
- When the export is complete, click OK.
Time and expenses:
- Open Time Matters.
- Go to File > Export > Custom Export.
- Select Create a new Export Template.
- Click Next.
- On the Select Export File Format page, select ASCII - Comma Delimited (.TXT or .CSV) > check Include field names labels as first record in Export > click “...” > assign the file a name and select a location, typically in c:\Clio Export\ (creating the folder Clio Export).
- On the Specify Time Matter Record Type page, select the Export the following Record Type dropdown menu and choose Billing.
- On the Select Pre-Merge Record page, select None > click Next.
- On the Export Custom Forms page, select None > click Next.
- On the Select Matter Export Fields page, click Add All > remove the Memo field from the selection > click Next > when it asks about Archived Status, make sure to get BOTH non-archived data and archived data (unless preferences are otherwise).
- On the Launch Application After Export page, select No, do not launch an application > click Next.
- On the Ready to Begin Export page, select Yes. Save this Export Template > click Finish.
- When the export is complete, click OK.
- Contacts
- Matters (derived from contact listing)
- Unbilled time and expense entries
- Click on export in the main menu.
- Select Export to Excel.
- Select Clients from the dropdown.
- Select All or the date range for the data.
- Click Export.
Time entries:
Note:If time entry exports are too large, the file may become corrupted. Time entry data may have to be exported in smaller batches.
- Click on export in the main menu.
- Select Export to Excel.
- Select Time from the dropdown.
- Select All or the date range for the data.
- Click Export.
Expense entries:
- Click on export in the main menu.
- Select Export to Excel.
- Select Expenses from the dropdown.
- Select All or the date range for the data.
- Click Export.
Matters (derived from the client list)
Unbilled Time Entries
Unbilled Expense Entries
Outstanding (a single line item that represents the summative balance at time of export for a matter)
Trust Balances (a single line item that represents the balance at time of export for a matter or contact)
Note: You can only export from TimeSlips if you are operating a version of a program from 2006 or later.
Contacts and matters:
- Click Reports > Clients.
- Click the + sign in the top right of the dialogue box.
- Click Add a specific standard report to the report list.
- Select the Client Info Listing report and then click Next.
- Click Next.
- Click Open Report Entry and then click Next.
- Double click Client Classification and filter for open, closed, or inactive records as needed.
- Click Options and confirm that all the boxes are checked.
- Click Print to, select Microsoft Excel File and then click Print.
- Check the box for Include column titles and then click OK.
- The excel file will automatically open after the export. Once opened, save the file in .xls format.
Unbilled time and expense entries:
- Click Reports.
- Click the + sign in the top right of the dialogue box.
- Click Add a specific standard report to the report list.
- Select the Slip Listing report and then click Next.
- Click Next.
- Click Open Report Entry and then click Next.
- Select Slips from Filter Groups.
- Double click Slip Billed and set it to No.
- Click Print to, select Microsoft Excel File and then click Print.
- Check the box for Include column titles and then click OK.
- The excel file will automatically open after the export. Once opened, save the file in .xls format.
Outstanding balances:
- Click Reports.
- Click the + sign in the top right of the dialogue box.
- Click Add a specific standard report to the report list.
- Select the Aged AR Balances By Date report and then click Next.
- Click Next.
- Click Open Report Entry and then click Next.
- Click Print to, select Microsoft Excel File and then click Print.
- Check the box for Include column titles and then click OK.
- The excel file will automatically open after the export. Once opened, save the file in .xls format.
- Contacts
- Matters
- Contact Notes
- Matter Notes
- Unbilled Time Entries
- Unbilled Expense Entries
- Outstanding Balances (a single line item that represents the balance at the time of export for a matter)
Note: Depending on the quality of your data, we may also be able to migrate accounts receivables. Accounts Receivables are derived from the Invoice.csv file with "Unpaid" status and may not accurately provide a true outstanding balance as payments are not being applied to these amounts. In addition, we cannot bring in outstanding balances when multiple matters are being invoiced on one bill. These need to be entered into Clio manually to each matter by following these instructions in the Manually import outstanding balances tab of this article.
- Open TimeSolv.
- Hover over the Account tab at the top of the screen and click Import/Export from the menu.
- Select the Export Excel subtab.
- Select Client from the dropdown menu.
- Click Export.
- Repeat the above steps to download the Client Note and Client/Matter contact options from the dropdown menu as well.
- Open TimeSolv.
- Hover over the Account tab at the top of the screen and click Import/Export from the menu.
- Select the Export Excel subtab.
- Select Matter from the dropdown menu.
- Click Export.
- Repeat the above steps to download the Matter Notes options from the dropdown menu as well.
Expense entries:
- Open TimeSolv.
- Hover over the Account tab at the top of the screen and click Import/Export from the menu.
- Select the Export Excel subtab.
- Select Expenses from the dropdown menu.
- Select a date range, if applicable. If left blank, all expense entries will be exported.
- Select Unbilled for status.
- Click Export.
Time entries:
- Open TimeSolv.
- Hover over the Account tab at the top of the screen and click Import/Export from the menu.
- Select the Export Excel subtab.
- Select Time from the dropdown menu.
- Select a date range, if applicable. If left blank, all expense entries will be exported.
- Select Unbilled for status.
- Click Export.
- Repeat the above steps to download the Task Codes option from the dropdown menu as well.
Outstanding balances:
- Open TimeSolv.
- Navigate to the Reports tab at the top of the screen.
- Scroll down to the Aged Invoices.
- Select csv as the format the dropdown menu and click Export.
Total Attorneys
- Contacts
- Click Contacts.
- At the bottom of the screen, click Export to Excel.
- Contacts
- Matters
There are two methods for exporting data from Trial Works: by requesting a backup from their database and accessing the backup using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express (option 1), or by exporting using their reports functionality to export contacts, clients, and matters (option 2).
Option 1
Step 1: Contact TrialWorks to request a backup of the TrialWorks database.
Step 2: Follow these steps to access the data in your backup:
- Open SQL Server Management Studio Express and connect to the SQL server.
- Expand Databases.
- Right-click on the database you want to back up, and then select Tasks > Back up (this is not available for version 2018/2019).
- On the Back Up Database window, make sure the Database field contains the name of the database you want to back up.
- Select Full for the Backup Type.
- Click Remove to remove the default/last backup file name.
- Click Add to open the Select Backup Destination window.
- Click [...] next to the File Name field.
- On the Locate Database Files window, select the folder where you want the backup file to go. By default, it is ..\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Backup.
- In the File Name field, type the name for this backup, with a .bak extension. For example, xyz_20080221.bak for a backup of the XYZ database created on 21 February 2008.
- Click OK to close the Locate Database Files window.
- Click OK to close the Select Backup Destination window.
- Click OK to start the backup. The progress icon displays in the lower-left corner, and a completed successfully message displays when it is done.
Option 2
Export contacts:
- Click Reports in the menu bar and select Report Writer to open the Custom Report Export window.
- Click Edit Queries…
- In the Query/Filter Name enter an export name. E.g. Clio Export Contacts.
- Select Contacts Table for the Table Name.
- Add a new row for each field you want to include in the report:
- Select the FieldName that you would like included in the export.
- Select SHOW for the Condition.
- Click the Exit.
- In the Export Format, select Excel and click Export. Save the file when the report opens in Excel.
Export clients:
- Click Reports in the menu bar and select Report Writer to open the Custom Report Export window.
- Click Edit Queries…
- In the Query/Filter Name enter an export name. E.g. Clio Export Clients.
- Select Clients Table for the Table Name.
- Add a new row for each field you want to include in the report:
- Select the FieldName that you would like included in the export.
- Select SHOW for the Condition.
- Click the Exit.
- In the Export Format, select Excel and click Export. Save the file when the report opens in Excel.
Export matters:
- Click Reports in the menu bar and select Report Writer to open the Custom Report Export window.
- Click Edit Queries…
- In the Query/Filter Name enter an export name. E.g. Clio Export Matters.
- Select Matters Table for the Table Name.
- Add a new row for each field you want to include in the report:
- Select the FieldName that you would like included in the export.
- Select SHOW for the Condition.
- Click the Exit.
- In the Export Format, select Excel and click Export. Save the file when the report opens in Excel.
- Contacts
- Click Reports and select the report in Type of Report.
- In Date Range, select All Time.
- In Grouping, select Don’t Group, Just List Everything.
- Click Save/Export.
- Select Save as CSV File.
- Contacts
- Matters
- Go to Tools > List Users Currently Logged On.
- Ensure that no other users are logged into the program.
- Go to Tools > Backup/Restore Data.
- Backup your Tussman data.
- Go to Clients > Label and Export.
- Modify selections under the Include (Y/N) section if needed.
- Choose CSV File Export.
- Select any relevant fields and click OK.
- Repeat steps 5 to 8 for matters.
- Contacts
- Matters (limited)
- Click Contacts.
- Select All Contacts.
- Click Export and select CSV.
- Click Quick View.
- Set the filter to All Matters.
- Click Export and select CSV.
- Contacts
- Click CONTACTS from the MY PRACTICE menu.
- Click MORE, and then click Export Contacts.
- Contacts
- Matters
- Notes
- Log in to Zoho.
- Click Setup > Data Administration > Export.
- Go to the Export Data page.
- From the Select Export Module list, select the modules from which you want to export data from. Leads, Vendors, Customers are modules you will likely want to export.
- Click Export.
- Repeat until all desired modules are exported from.
Note: There is a limit of 3000 records when exporting. This will affect items such as notes and emails. You can also request a full backup of your data from Zoho to receive all records.
- Contacts
- Navigate to the Contacts tab on the left windowpane.
- Filter contacts to include All, Clients, Leads and Archived contacts.
- Click the gear icon next to the filter options.
- Click Export Contacts. A csv file will download.