Legal Aid: Grants Dashboards, Exports, and Reports

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View dashboards and metrics 

There are three different dashboards and an organization timeline to help you keep track of how time is spent on matters and grants:

Personal Dashboard:

This dashboard shows a high-level overview of how you are spending your time in correlation to grants and matters. You can find this dashboard by selecting Dashboard in the left navigation menu. This dashboard includes the following:

  • Tasks Due Today: This highlights any priority tasks for today.
  • Calendar Events: This shows events that you have scheduled for today.
  • Time allocation: This section shows your time entries for the specified timeframe. You can filter by time in hours and time as a percentage.
  • Export CSV: This lets you export a CSV file of your filtered date, including start date, end date, user, grant name, time in hours, and time as a percentage.

Organization Dashboard:

This dashboard shows a high-level overview of how organization members are spending time in correlation to grants and matters. You can find this dashboard by selecting Dashboard in the left navigation menu. This dashboard includes the following:

  • Time allocation: This section shows time entries for the specified timeframe across firm users. You can filter by time and date, user, time in hours, and time as a percentage
  • Export CSV: This lets you export a CSV file of your filtered date, including start date, end date, user, grant name, time in hours, and time as a percentage.
Note: Only users with administrator permissions can view this dashboard.

Organization Feed:

This feed shows a timeline of all organization-wide activity in the account. All users can see the feed; however, only administrators can view all activity. Other users can only view activity for matters that they have access to view. You can find this feed by selecting Dashboard in the left navigation menu.

Tip: Learn more about matter permissions here.

Matter Dashboard:

When you add a grant to a matter, that matter's dashboard will show a new section for grants and associated time and expense activities and the grants that you selected for case reporting. This dashboard will also show matter form details from when the matter was created, custom fields, the client on the matter and related contacts, and a timeline of activity on the matter. You can find this dashboard by going to a matter.


Generate reports

You can generate four matter reports and three productivity reports for grants. You can also customize reports with filters and group reports by client, grant, practice area, or attorney.

Note: If you are generating the matters & grants report, you can select client and matter custom fields, specific grants, and filter by matter status.
  1. Go to Reports.
  2. Click a report name.
  3. Make your selections.
  4. Click Generate report.


Export matters with associated grants

In the main Matters tab, you can select columns and specify filters relevant to a particular export you may need to track a specific deliverable, including cases closed under a specific grant. When adding a grant to a matter, if you check the box for Use this grant for case reporting, the grant will appear in the Grants column and in the export.

Tip: When selecting your filters and columns, you also have the option to select custom fields. These custom fields will appear in your export, allowing you to report on them.

  1. Go to Matters.
  2. Click Columns, check the box for Grants, and then click Update columns.
  3. Select Filters to sort data by specific filters, including specific grants or custom fields, and then click Apply filters.
  4. Optional: In the search box, use a keyword search to filter your matters.
  5. Scroll to the bottom of the table and click Export.


Export activities with associated grants

In the main Activities tab, you can select columns and specify filters relevant to a particular export you may need to track a specific deliverable. To export grant information from the Activities tab:

  1. Go to Activities.
  2. Click Columns, check the boxes for Grant and Matter, and then click Update columns.
  3. Select Filters to sort data by specific filters, including specific grants, and then click Apply filters.
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the table and click Export.


Export grants

In the Grants tab, you can export your organization's grants to get an understanding of how much of a spend down there has been from the grants. The data will be exported in CSV format and will show manual spend downs recorded by someone on your organization's account.

  1. Go to Grants
  2. Select the Active quick filter to export only active grants or All to export active and archived grants.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the table and click Export.


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