Clio Manage Billing Reports

Reports in Clio Manage are designed to help your law firm track deliverables and get insights into all aspects of how the firm is performing. Billing reports provide a comprehensive overview of accounts receivables, amounts billed, outstanding balances, billable work in progress, billing history, and bill payments and refunds. See below for a summary of each billing report in Clio Manage and what type of information the report offers.

Note: Every report in Clio is unique in the criteria it uses to calculate financial data. This means that comparing reports is not recommended. Additionally, not all reports are available for all Clio subscription plans. Learn more about reports available on your subscription plan and upgrading your plan here.
Tip: Learn more about generating reports, creating reports presets, and viewing a history of generated reports here.

Accounts receivable report

The accounts receivable report is designed to help firms determine and quantify billable amounts that are outstanding on all unpaid and past due bills on a per user, per client, and per matter basis. This report details amounts due on approved outstanding bills, partial payments made toward those amounts, accrued interest, and credit notes applied to bills. When generated, this report includes the following categories:

Invoice number
This column shows invoice numbers for all bills that are outstanding. If a bill has been approved but is not paid, you will see it listed under this column. If the bill is in draft, it will not appear in this report.
This column shows either Past Due or Open. If a bill is overdue and past its grace period or due date, this column will show the bill as Past Due. If a bill has been approved bit is still within the grace period or due date, this column will show the bill as Open.
Due date
This column lists the due date for the bill or interest charge. If the due date has passed and interest is to be applied as per the payment profile, there will be an additional line in this column showing when the next interest charge is due.
This column shows the total for each bill, including interest charges. The total does not include payments, credit notes, or taxes. 
This column shows bill payments and interest charges from direct payments or payments recorded from operating or trust accounts.
Credit notes
This column shows amounts written off on bills.
This column shows the dollar amount that is outstanding on the bill or interest charge after any payments or credit notes have been applied. This is the amount that still needs to be paid.
Matter total
This total summarizes the amounts that are outstanding for the matter.
Client total
This total summarizes the amounts that are outstanding across all of a client's matters.
Attorney total
This total appears if you sort the report by attorney. It is the total amount summarized for all matters that are assigned to the responsible attorney, including a total for matters not assigned to any responsible attorney.


Accounts receivable aging report

The accounts receivable aging report is designed to help firms track unpaid bills. This report groups overdue accounts receivables by the amount of time bills have been past due. You can use this report to follow up with clients whose bills are overdue. When generated, this report includes the following categories:

This column shows matters that have unpaid or overdue bills.
Originating attorney
This column shows the originating attorney assigned to the matter.
Responsible attorney
This column shows the responsible attorney assigned to the matter.
Bill id
This column shows the bill associated with the matter and line items. 
This column shows the amount currently due for an approved bill that is not overdue. Only bills within their grace period will appear in this column.
1-30 days
This column shows overdue amounts that are past 1-30 days of the bill due date.
31-60 days
This column shows overdue amounts that are past 31-60 days of the bill due date.
61-90 days
This column shows overdue amounts that are past 61-90 days of the bill due date.
91+ days
This column shows overdue amounts that are 91 days or more past the bill due date.
This column shows the total amount that is overdue or unpaid.
Matter total
This total summarizes the total amount overdue or unpaid for each of a client's matters.
Client total
This total summarizes the total amount overdue or unpaid for each client.
Attorney total
This total appears if you sort the report by originating or responsible attorney. It is the total amount summarized for all matters that the originating or responsible attorney is assigned.
Total uncategorized
This total appears if you sort the report by originating or responsible attorney and there are matters with no assigned originating or responsible attorney. It is the total amount overdue or unpaid for each matter that does not have an originating or responsible attorney.


Billing history report

The billing history report is designed to give firms a detailed view of bills that are unpaid (open), paid, and past due. This report shows bill status, due dates, payments, credit notes, interest, and the balance. When generated, this report includes the following categories:

Invoice number
This column shows invoice numbers for all bills that are outstanding, past due, or paid.
This column shows whether a bill it outstanding, past due, or paid. A bill is considered paid when a full payment has been received. Open bills are approved bills that are within their grace period and have not received full payment. Past due bills are outside of their grace period and have not received full payment.
Due date
This column shows the due date for the bill.
This column shows the total for each bill, including interest charges. 
This column shows bill payments and interest charges from direct payments or payments recorded from operating or trust accounts.
Credit notes
This column shows amounts written off on bills.
This column shows the dollar amount that is outstanding on the bill or interest charge after any payments or credit notes have been applied. This is the amount that still needs to be paid.
Matter total
This total summarizes the amounts that are outstanding for the matter.
Client total
This total summarizes the amounts that are outstanding across all of a client's matters.
Attorney total
This total appears if you sort the report by attorney. It is the total amount summarized for all matters that are assigned to the responsible attorney, including a total for matters not assigned to any responsible attorney.


Matter balance summary report

The matter balance summary report is designed to give firms a quick view of receivables, current billable work in progress, and expenses in progress across matters. You can also show client and matter trust funds. When generated, this report includes the following categories:

This column shows matters. If you group results by client, all of a client's matters will be listed together. If you group results by attorney, a client's matters may be separated depending on the responsible attorney assigned to the matter.
Accounts receivable
This column shows outstanding time and expense entry amounts on approved, unpaid bills. This is the money that your firm is expecting to receive on open matters. Amounts on a draft bill will not be included in this total.
Work in progress
This column shows unbilled time and expense entries.
Expenses in progress
This column shows amounts for time and expense entires on unbilled bills. It includes entries created and added to bills in draft and bills pending approval. 
This total is the combined total of the accounts receivable, work in progress, and expenses in progress for which your firm expects to receive funds.
Client trust funds
If you chose to show this, it will show client trust funds in the specified date range.
Matter trust funds
If you chose to show this, it will show matter trust funds in the specified date range.


Invoice payments report

The invoice payments report is designed to give firms a summary of bill payments and Clio Payments refunds made on bills, the allocation of payments toward each bill line item including overpayments, and the firm users responsible for the line items. This report shows accrued interest, tax, credit notes, and billable time and expenses. You can use this report to calculate staff compensation amounts based on billable work and for listing bill payments for account reconciliation.

Note: By default, partial payments and credit notes applied to invoices are allocated proportionally across all line items. If you change this setting to allocate partial payments and credit notes in a different way, the Credit column and the summary table at the bottom will be calculated depending on the selected allocation method. Learn more about the reports allocation setting here.

When generated, this report includes the following categories:

The first date in this column shows the date that the payment was applied to the bill invoice. The subsequent dates are for each line item on the bill invoice, including service and expense items.
This column shows the name of the client who was billed.
This column shows the name of the matter that the bill was generated for. Multi-matter bills will show separately and sequentially on the report by matter number.
The first item in this column shows the source of the payment applied toward the bill. The subsequent transactions are for each line item the payment was applied to, including services, expenses, and taxes. Next to each line item is the attorney responsible for that service or expense. 
This column shows the bill invoice number that the payment was applied to.
This column shows the payment amount applied to the bill. Overpayments will be listed as separate line items.
This column shows the charges for line items on bills that have been paid by the payment listed under the Debit column. If a bill is not fully paid, it will only show the line items that the payment was available to be applied to.
This total shows the total amount of Debits followed by the total amount of Credits.


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