Reports in Clio Manage are designed to help your law firm track deliverables and get insights into all aspects of how the firm is performing. Productivity reports provide a comprehensive overview of unbilled and billed time and expense activities by client and user. See below for a summary of each productivity report in Clio Manage and what type of information the report offers.
Productivity by client report
The productivity by client report is designed to give firms a quick breakdown of how much has been billed toward specific clients, and the percentage that each client represents of the firm’s total billed time and expense activities. When generated, this report includes the following categories:
- Client: This column lists the names of clients who have time and expense entries generated on approved or paid bills.
- Amount: This column shows the total dollar amount value of the time and expense entries on approved or paid bills.
- Percentage: This column shows the percentage of total firm billed amounts for each client.
Productivity by user report
The productivity by user report is designed to give firms a summary of each firm user’s time and expense. The history is broken down by unbilled, billed, and total amounts. Unbilled amounts are activities on unapproved bills, such as bills in draft and bills pending approval. Billed amounts are activities on approved bills that are unpaid or paid. This report also includes discounts and is referred to as the lawyer productivity report. When generated, this report includes the following categories:
- Activity class: This column shows either time and expense entries or only time entries. If you selected Money as the Reporting fact when generating this report, you will see both time and expense entries. If you selected Time as the Reporting fact, you will only see time entries.
- Unbilled: This column shows the total amount of unbilled time and/or expenses for each firm user. Unbilled activities are activities on bills in draft or bills pending approval.
- Billed: This column shows the total amount of billed time and/or expenses for each firm user. Billed activities are activities on generated bills that are either unpaid or paid.
- Total: This total is the total summary of the unbilled and billed activity amounts for each firm user.
Matter productivity by user report
The matter productivity by user report is designed to give firms a detailed view of each user’s billed, unbilled, and non-billable time and expense activities grouped by matter. When generated, this report includes the following categories:
- Date: This first line for each matter in this column shows the date that a payment was applied to a bill. The subsequent dates are dates for each activity line item on the bill.
- Status: This column will show whether an item is Billed, Unbilled or Non-billable. Billed items are activities on approved bills that may or may not be paid. Unbilled items are activities not on any approved bills. Non-billable items were marked as non-billable when the activity entry was created.
- Description: This column shows the activity category for each time or expense entry.
- Note: This column shows any notes added to time or expense entries.
- Quantity: This column shows the total number of hours or expenses for the listed activity.
- Rate: This column shows the selected rate of the listed activities.
- Total: This total summarizes the total cost of the time and expense entries. This value may be different from the value under the Rate column depending on the Quantity. For example, if the Quantity for an activity is listed as 0.50, the Rate is $500, then the Total would be $250.
- Unbilled total: This column shows the summarized total cost of unbilled time and expense entries for the user's matter.
- Billed total: This column shows the summarized total cost of billed time and expense entries for the user's matter.
- Matter total: This column shows the summarized total of unbilled and billed time and expense entries for the user's matter.
Realization report
The realization report is designed to give firms a detailed view of each firm user's billable and non-billable time. This report shows the progression of time entries starting with the original amounts and includes discounted or write-off amounts, billed amounts, collected amounts, and outstanding amounts. You can use this report to determine how much of your firm members' recorded time ends up billed and for what amount.
Note: This report can only be generated in CSV format.
When generated, this report includes the following categories:
- Time entry date: This column shows the date each time entry was recorded.
- User: This column shows the user who created each time entry.
- Time Entry Type: This column shows the type of time entry and includes hourly, contingency, flat fee, and non-billable time entries.
- Invoice Status: This column follows the Invoice status column on the Activities tab and indicates whether the time entry is unbilled, in draft, or has been billed. Non-billable time entries that do not appear on a bill will show a dash (—).
- Invoice Number: This column shows the invoice number associated with the time entry if the time entry is on a bill.
- Rate Type: This column shows the billing rate that is used for the matter associated with each time entry and is contingent on rate hierarchy. The rate hierarchy is as follows: Custom rate > Flat fee rate > Matter rate > Client rate > Activity category rate > User default rate. This means that a custom billing rate set on the matter will always override custom rates on the contact and the user's default rate set in their profile. Learn more about rate hierarchy here.
- Rate: This column shows the rate entered for a time entry.
- Quantity: This column shows the total number of hours for a time entry.
- Original Billable Total: This column shows the billable total of a time entry, before any discounts or adjusted amounts.
- Original Non-Billable Total: This column shows the non-billable total of a time entry marked as non-billable, before any discounts or adjusted amounts.
- Adjusted Amount: This column shows the difference between the billed time amount and the original billable total. This is commonly referred to as write-ups/write-downs. If you edit a time entry on a generated bill and do not update the original time entry by checking the Update records box, the changes on the bill will not update the original time entry record. This column shows this difference between the edited amount and the original time entry record.
- Adjusted Hours: This column converts the value in the Adjusted Amount column into hours by dividing it by the rate on the time entry.
- Amount Discounted: This column shows the dollar value of the discount applied to the time entry.
- Hours Discounted: This column shows the billed time entry hours for a time entry that had a discount applied. Billed time entries are time entries on approved bills.
- Billed Time Amount: This column shows the dollar value of a time entry on an approved bill.
- Billed Hours: This column shows the total hours that a firm user spent on a time entry on an approved bill that is unpaid or paid. Credit notes will not affect the number of billed hours but discounts will.
- Billed Time Collected: This column shows the dollar value of a time entry on an approved bill that has been paid.
- Billed Time Credited: This column shows the dollar value of the credit note applied to the time entry.
- Billed Time Outstanding: This column shows the dollar value of a time entry on an approved bill that has not been paid or credited.
- Matter Number: This column shows the matter associated with the time entry.
- Matter Billing Method: This column shows the billing method selected on the matter, with options for contingency, flat fee, or hourly.
- Practice Area: This column shows the practice area associated with the matter. If a practice area was not selected, this column will be blank.
- Responsible Attorney: This column shows the firm user currently responsible for the matter. If a responsible attorney was not selected, this column will be blank.
- Originating Attorney: This column shows the firm user that was selected as the originating attorney on the matter. If an originating attorney was not selected, this column will be blank.