When you take on a personal injury matter, you know how important it is to track requests for medical files and received medical records and bills for any treatment that your client received as a result of their injury. With Clio's Personal Injury Add-On, you can track requests for medical records and bills, track treatment dates, follow up on requests, upload medical files, and track liens and outstanding balances that need to be paid out of the settlement all in one place, allowing you to efficiently manage large caseloads and move cases forward with simplified workflows.
Note: This feature is a component of Clio's Personal Injury Add-On and is not available for all Clio subscription plans. See which plans have Clio's Personal Injury Add-On here. If you have questions about upgrading, contact Clio's support or sales teams here.
Tip: With the damages and settlement components of Clio's Personal Injury Add-On, you can track damages for your client, record proposed recovery amounts and your legal fees, and calculate your client's net recovery after deductions and legal fees. Learn more about tracking damages here and settlement details here.
Add, edit, and delete medical provider cards
You can add medical providers associated with your client's matter directly in the Medical records subtab of the client's matter. Once added, each medical provider card will show the medical provider's details, your client's treatment status and dates, and an overview of medical record and medical bill requests. You can also edit and delete medical provider cards.
Tip: Once you have added medical bills to a medical provider's card, the provider's card will also show the total amount billed for the medical bills, along with the amount that was paid by and is owed to payers and/or providers for any associated medical bills. Learn more about adding medical bills to a provider's card here.
When adding medical providers, you can choose contacts that already exist in your Clio Manage account or create new medical provider contacts. You also have the option to add treatment information and details about medical record and medical bill requests. You can also add this information later by editing the provider's card.
- Go to the matter and select the Medical Records subtab.
- If this is your first time adding a provider for this matter, click Add medical provider. If you have already added at least one medical provider, click Add provider
- Follow the steps listed below for each section of the medical provider's card and then click Save.
- Under Medical provider, add the medical provider contact.
- If the medical provider already exists as a contact in your account, select them from the list.
- If the medical provider is not a contact, click New contact. Then, add basic contact details for the medical provider and click Save provider contact. The medical provider will be created as a new contact in your Clio Manage account.
- Under Description, enter a description for the medical provider contact. The description will be visible when viewing the medical provider's card.
This section of the medical provider's card is relevant to your client's treatment dates. If you do not have the complete information, you can make updates later by editing the medical provider's card.
- Under First treatment date, select the date that the medical provider first treated your client.
- Under Last treatment date, select the date that the medical provider last treated your client.
- If treatment with this provider is complete, check the box for Treatment is complete.
This section of the medical provider's card is relevant to the request that you submitted for medical records from this provider. If you do not have all of the information for the medical record request, you can make updates later by editing the medical provider's card.
- Under Medical record request date, select the date that you requested your client's medical records from this medical provider.
- Under Add follow up date, you can select a date to follow up on the request if you have not received the medical record and create a follow-up task.
- If you check the box for Create a task to follow up on medical records, you can select the firm user responsible for the task and the task's priority. You can view the task in the matter's Tasks subtab and in the Tasks calendar of your main Calendar tab as an all-day event. In both spots, you can edit, delete, and mark the task complete.
- Under Medical record status, select the status of the medical record request. You can choose from the following:
- Not yet requested: Select this option if you have not requested the medical record yet.
- Requested: Select this option if you requested the medical record but have not received it.
- Received: Select this option if you requested and received the medical record. If you received the medical record, you can add it as a document attached to the medical provider and the matter. Learn more on the section below on adding medical records to medical provider cards.
- Incomplete: Select this option if you requested the medical record and received an incomplete record.
- Certified: Select this option if you need to notify the court that a medical provider has certified the medical record.
This section of the medical provider's card is relevant to the request that you submitted for medical bills associated with your client's treatment from this provider. If you do not have all of the information for the medical bill request, you can make updates later by editing the medical provider's card.
- Under Medical bill request date, select the date that you requested your client's medical bill from this medical provider.
- Under Add follow up date, you can select a date to follow up on the request if you have not received the medical bill and create a follow-up task.
- If you check the box for Create a task to follow up on medical records, you can select the firm user responsible for the task and the task's priority. You can view the task in the matter's Tasks subtab and in the Tasks calendar of your main Calendar tab as an all-day event. In both spots, you can edit, delete, and mark the task complete.
- Under Medical bill status, select the status of the medical bill request. You can choose from the following:
- Not yet requested: Select this option if you have not requested the medical bill yet.
- Requested: Select this option if you requested the medical bill but have not received it.
- Received: Select this option if you requested and received the medical bill. If you received the medical bill, you can add it as a document attached to the medical provider and the matter. Learn more on the section below on adding medical bills to medical provider cards.
- Incomplete: Select this option if you requested the medical bill and received an incomplete record.
- Certified: Select this option if you need to notify the court that a medical provider has certified the medical record.
When you edit a medical provider's card you can change the provider's name and the description that appears on their card. You can also change any information that you entered or left incomplete for treatment dates and medical record and medical bill requests.
- Go to the matter and select the Medical Records subtab.
- In the right corner of the medical provider's card, click the pencil icon that represents Edit details.
- Under Medical provider details, make any necessary changes to the medical provider's name and/or description. You can also update information for treatment dates and medical record and bill requests. Learn more about updating this information below on the section about updating treatment statuses and requests.
- Click Save.
If you delete a medical provider, all the information that you added to the medical provider's card will also be deleted. This includes treatment information and details about medical record and medical bill requests. Additionally, once a medical provider is deleted, medical record and bill documents will no longer be associated with the matter.
- Go to the matter and select the Medical Records subtab.
- In the right corner of the medical provider's card, click the trash can icon that represents Delete provider.
- Check the box confirming the action.
- Click Delete medical provider card.
Update treatment statuses and requests
Once you have added medical providers to your client's matter and sent out medical record requests on behalf of your client, you can track the status of your client's treatment and your requests for medical bills and medical records. Each medical provider's card will show an overview of the information that you entered. You can update the treatment status and request information by editing the provider's card. Within each medical provider's card, you can track the following:
- Treatment dates: This includes the first and last treatment dates and whether the treatment is complete.
- Medical record request dates: This includes the medical record request date, follow-up date, and the status of the request. You can also create a task for the follow-up date.
- Medical bill request dates: This includes the medical bill request date, follow-up date, and the status of the request. You can also create a task for the follow-up date.
- Go to the matter and select the Medical Records subtab.
- In the right corner of the medical provider's card, click the pencil icon that represents Edit details.
- Under the Treatment dates section, you can add a First treatment date, Last treatment date, and check the box for Treatment is complete.
- The medical provider's card will show the First treatment date and Last treatment date. If you do not enter a date for either of these fields, the medical provider's card will show a blank value under the fields.
- If you mark the treatment as complete, the medical provider's card will show the treatment status as Treatment complete. If you leave the box unchecked, the medical provider's card will show the treatment status as In treatment.
- Click Save.
- Go to the matter and select the Medical Records subtab.
- In the right corner of the medical provider's card, click the pencil icon that represents Edit details.
- Under the Medical record request dates section, you can select the Medical record request date, Add follow up date, Medical record status, and check the box to Create a task to follow up on medical records.
- The medical provider's card will show the Request date and Follow-up date. If you do not enter a date for either of these fields, the medical provider's card will show a blank value under the fields.
- The medical provider's card will default to the request status as Not yet requested. If you change this field, the medical provider's card will show the selected status.
- If you choose to set a task for a follow-up date, the task will appear in your matter's Tasks subtab, your main Tasks tab, and in the main Calendar tab. You can edit, delete, and mark the task complete from any of those places.
Tip: If you want to view the task in the Calendar tab, remember to check the box for the Tasks calendar.
- Click Save.
- Go to the matter and select the Medical Records subtab.
- In the right corner of the medical provider's card, click the pencil icon that represents Edit details.
- Scroll down to the Bill request dates section.
- Under the Bill request dates section, you can select the Medical bill request date, Add follow up date, Medical bill status, and check the box to Create a task to follow up on medical records.
- The medical provider's card will show the Request date and Follow up date. If you do not enter a date for either of these fields, the medical provider's card will show a blank value under the fields.
- The medical provider's card will default to the request status as Not yet requested. If you change this field, the medical provider's card will show the selected status.
- If you choose to set a task for a follow-up date, the task will appear in your matter's Tasks subtab, your main Tasks tab, and in the main Calendar tab. You can edit, delete, and mark the task complete from any of those places.
Tip: If you want to view the task in the Calendar tab, remember to check the box for the Tasks calendar.
- Click Save.
Tip: You can track a client's ongoing treatment and multiple record requests as follows:
- Mark the treatment as incomplete and set the medical record and bill statuses to Incomplete.
- As you receive medical records and bills, name the files with their respective treatment dates to identify each treatment and bill.
- Change the follow-up dates for the medical records and bills to remind yourself to follow-up on subsequent treatment files.
- Once treatment is complete and you have received all medical records and bills, mark the treatment complete and set the medical record and bill statuses to Received.
Add, edit, and delete medical records
After requesting medical records on behalf of your client and successfully receiving them, you can add the document files and maintain a record of all received medical records for each medical provider on the matter. Once added, medical records will appear in tabular format with information about record start and end dates and the received date in each respective medical provider's card. You can also edit and delete medical records.
Once medical records are attached to each medical provider, you can view the document files under each medical provider's card and in the matter's Documents subtab.
- Go to the matter and select the Medical Records subtab.
- Scroll to the bottom of the medical provider's name and click Show more.
Tip: Use the Search by medical provider dropdown to quickly find the medical provider from a list, or use the Sort by or Filters buttons to help you find specific providers. The Sort by button can be used to organize the medical providers alphabetically or chronologically by certain event dates. The Filters button can be used to limit the list of medical providers based on certain statuses.
- Click Add medical record.
- Click Choose file to find the document file and optionally rename the file.
- Under Medical record received date, select the date that you received the file from the medical provider and then under Record start date and Record end date, select the dates associated with the medical record.
- Optional: Click Add another medical record to add another medical record for this provider.
- Under Status update, check the box for either Received or Incomplete, depending on whether you received the request or whether the request is incomplete. Selecting one of the two options will adjust the medical record status on the provider's card.
- Click Upload.
When editing a medical record, you can make changes to the date that the document was received and the start and end dates.
- Go to the matter and select theMedical Records subtab.
- Scroll to the bottom of the medical provider's name and click Show more.
Tip: Use the Search by medical provider dropdown to quickly find the medical provider from a list, or use the Sort by or Filters buttons to help you find specific providers. The Sort by button can be used to organize the medical providers alphabetically or chronologically by certain event dates. The Filters button can be used to limit the list of medical providers based on certain statuses.
- Find the medical record that you want to update.
- Under the Actions column, click the pencil icon that represents Edit details.
- Make any necessary changes to the medical record.
- Click Save.
You can delete medical records that you no longer need attached to a medical provider's card. Once deleted, the documents will be deleted from both the Medical records subtab and the matter's Documents subtab.
Note: When you delete a medical record the request's status will not automatically change. This means that if you delete a record where the status is set to Received, the status will stay the same until you manually change it by editing the medical provider's card.
- Go to the matter and select the Medical Records subtab.
- Scroll to the bottom of the medical provider's name and click Show more.
Tip: Use the Search by medical provider dropdown to quickly find the medical provider from a list, or use the Sort by or Filters buttons to help you find specific providers. The Sort by button can be used to organize the medical providers alphabetically or chronologically by certain event dates. The Filters button can be used to limit the list of medical providers based on certain statuses.
- Find the medical record that you want to delete.
- Under the Actions column, click the trash can icon that represents Delete record.
- Check the box for I confirm that I understand the consequences of this action and then click Delete medical record.
Add, edit, and delete medical bills
After requesting medical bills on behalf of your client and successfully receiving them, you can add the document files and maintain a record of all received medical bills for each medical provider on the matter. Once added, medical bills will appear in tabular format with information about bill amounts and dates, amounts paid, adjustments, and balances owed in each respective medical provider's card. You can also edit and delete medical bills.
When adding medical bills, you can track payers, lien holders, and adjustments on bills. Once medical bills are attached to each medical provider, you can view the document files under each medical provider's card and in the matter's Documents subtab.
Note: When you add medical bills to medical providers' cards, the bills will also appear as a single summarized total for all medical providers in the damages table. Learn more about this component of Clio's Personal Injury Add-On here.
- Go to the matter and select the Medical Records subtab.
- Scroll to the bottom of the medical provider's name and click Show more.
- Click Add medical bill.
- Click Choose file to find the document file and optionally rename the file.
- Under Bill date and Received date, select the bill's date and the date that you received the file from the medical provider, and under Bill amount enter the amount due for the medical bill.
- In the Payers section, click Add payer to add the payer or insurance provider who paid the bill and the amount that was paid, and choose whether this amount is a lien or outstanding balance.
- The payer will need to first be created as a contact in your account before they can be selected. Click New contact in the Payer dropdown to create the payer contact.
- If the amount paid by the payer is a lien or outstanding balance, check the box for Mark as lien or outstanding balance. The amount and the lien or balance holder will appear in the Settlement subtab under the Medical liens and outstanding balances table. Learn more about this component of Clio's Personal Injury Add-On here.
- You can add another payer for this medical bill by clicking Add another payer.
- In the Total section, you can enter an adjustment amount if any amount of the medical bill was adjusted by any party prior to settlement, the balance owed to the medical provider if the medical bill is not covered by the payer, and choose whether this amount is a lien or outstanding balance.
- If the balance owed to the medical provider is a lien or outstanding balance, check the box for Mark as lien or outstanding balance. The amount and the lien or balance holder will appear in the Settlement subtab under the Medical liens and outstanding balances table. Learn more about this component of Clio's Personal Injury Add-On here.
- Under Status update, check the box for either Received or Incomplete, depending on whether you received the request or whether the request is incomplete. Selecting one of the two options will adjust the medical bill's status on the provider's card.
- Click Save.
- Once saved, the medical bill will appear as a damage in the matter's Damages subtab. The medical bill damage will be a single line item showing a summary of all accumulated medical bills across all medical providers for this matter.
When editing a medical bill, you can change the bill date, received date, bill amount, the payer and amount paid by the payer, any adjustments and amounts owed to the medical provider, and whether a bill should be marked as a lien or outstanding balance.
- Go to the matter and select the Medical Records subtab.
- Scroll to the bottom of the medical provider's name and click Show more.
- Find the medical bill that you want to update.
- Under the Actions column, click the pencil icon that represents Edit details.
- Make any necessary changes to the medical bill.
- Click Save.
You can delete medical bills that you no longer need attached to a medical provider's card. Once deleted, the documents will be deleted from both the Medical records subtab and the matter's Documents subtab.
Note: When you delete a medical bill, the request's status will not automatically change. This means that if you delete a bill where the status is set to Received, the status will stay the same until you manually change it by editing the medical provider's card.
- Go to the matter and select the Medical Records subtab.
- Scroll to the bottom of the medical provider's name and click Show more.
- Find the medical bill that you want to delete.
- Under the Actions column, click the trash can icon that represents Delete bill.
- Check the box for I confirm that I understand the consequences of this action and then click Delete medical bill.
Add, edit, and delete comments on medical records and bills
Once you have added a medical record or medical bill to a medical provider's card and attached a document of the record or bill, you can add comments related to the medical record or bill. Comments will show a date and timestamp for when the comment was added and the name of the firm user who added the comment. You can also edit and delete your own comments.
Note: All firm users can view each other's comments, but you can only edit and delete your own comments.
- Go to the matter and select the Medical Records subtab.
- Scroll to the bottom of the medical provider's name and click Show more.
- Find the medical record or medical bill for which you want to add a comment.
- Under the Actions column, click the paper icon that represents Comments.
- Once comments are added, the paper icon will show the number of comments for each medical record or medical bill.
- Type in your comment and then click Post.
- Go to the matter and select the Medical Records subtab.
- Scroll to the bottom of the medical provider's name and click Show more.
- Find the medical record or medical bill for which you want to add a comment.
- Under the Actions column, click the square paper icon that represents Comments.
- Click Edit next to the comment that you want to update.
- Make your changes and then click Save.
- Go to the matter and select the Medical Records subtab.
- Scroll to the bottom of the medical provider's name and click Show more.
- Find the medical record or medical bill for which you want to add a comment.
- Under the Actions column, click the square paper icon that represents Comments.
- Click Edit next to the comment that you want to delete.
- Click Delete.
Search, sort, and filter medical provider cards
If you have a large number of medical providers for a matter, you can use the search, sort, and filter functionalities to quickly find the provider that you are looking for.
- Go to the matter and select the Medical Records subtab.
- In the Search by medical provider search box, start typing the medical provider's name, then select the relevant option from the dropdown list. Alternatively, use the down arrow to open the list of provider names.
- Go to the matter and select the Medical Records subtab.
- Click Sort by.
- Choose the relevant option to sort by.
Note: Note: You can sort the medical providers in alphabetical or reverse alphabetical order using Name, or sort them in chronological or reverse chronological order by a particular type of date event. To sort in chronological order, select Oldest for your chosen date type, or to sort in reverse chronological order, select Newest.
- In the Search by medical provider search box, start typing the medical provider's name, then select the relevant option from the dropdown list. Alternatively, use the down arrow to open the list of provider names.
- Go to the matter and select the Medical Records subtab.
- Click Filters.
- Select one of the filter options.
Treatment status:
- Select the relevant status of In Treatment or Treatment complete to filter the list of medical providers accordingly.
- Select None to remove this filter value. When None is selected the resulting list will show all providers regardless of treatment status.
Medical record status:
- Select the relevant status of Not yet requested, Requested, Received, Incomplete, or Certified to filter the list of medical providers accordingly.
- Select None to remove this filter value. When None is selected the resulting list will show all providers regardless of medical record status.
Medical bill status:
- Select the relevant status of Not yet requested, Requested, Received, Incomplete, or Certified to filter the list of medical providers accordingly.
- Select None to remove this filter value. When None is selected the resulting list will show all providers regardless of medical bill status.
Treatment status:
Export medical expenses and bills
You can run two reports for medical records—one for medical expenses and one for medical expense payments. The medical expense report provides a comprehensive overview of medical expenses across all medical providers for the matter, including any liens and outstanding balances. The medical expense payments report shows payments made by payers, including any liens and outstanding balances. Learn more about each report here.
- Go to the matter and select the Medical records subtab.
- At the top, click Export and then select either Medical expense report or Medical expense payments report.
- The reports will be saved to your computer in CSV format.
- Go to the main Reports tab and then click Reports.
- In the Personal injury section, click Medical expenses or Medical expense payments.
- Select the matter and then click Generate report.
- The report will be saved to your computer in CSV format.