Clio for Gmail

Clio for Gmail is an integration between Clio Manage and Gmail that makes it easy to file email correspondence to Clio Manage. Emails and attachments can be found in your Clio Manage Communications and Documents. With Clio’s Gmail Add-on, you can file emails, threads, and attachments, create time entries and track billable communications, and add contacts from Gmail to Clio.

Note: The add-on is available on updated browsers. It will not work in Google’s Gmail app for iPhones and iPads.

Important: To reduce spam and improve email security, Google will automatically block all messages from users that have an abuse complaint rate of 0.3% or higher. Clio's standards for email communications surpass the requirements set by Gmail, which means that if you send emails through Clio Manage or Clio Grow, you do not need to do anything (your emails will continue to be delivered without disruption). If you use the email personalization feature to send emails through your own email address, we recommend you set up Sender Policy Framework (SPF) and DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) for your own hosted email domains to ensure compliance with the new standards. Contact your IT team or email provider to properly configure SPF and DKIM for your own hosted email domains. 

Install Clio for Gmail

You can download Clio’s Gmail Add-on from Google Workspace Marketplace on either the new or original Gmail interface. Once it is installed through your web browser, you can also access the add-on from an Android smartphone.

Tip: In Gmail, click the arrow on the right pane to open the panel.

  1. Click the + button on the right panel in your Gmail account.
  2. Search for Clio.
  3. Click Install.
  4. Click Continue.
  5. Follow the authorization directions and click Allow.
  6. Click Done and close the Google Workspace Marketplace window.


Connect to Clio Manage

Before filing your first email, you need to connect Clio’s Gmail Add-on to your Clio Manage account.

  1. Open an email.
  2. Click the Clio icon in the right panel.
  3. Select your region and click Connect to Clio.
  4. Click Allow Access.

Note: North American accounts are created on the US server by default. If you are unsure if your Clio server region, check your Clio Manage browser window URL.

  • US:
  • Canada:
  • UK and EMEA (Europe, Middle East, Africa):


Personalize emails

While connecting your account in Clio Manage, you can turn on the email personalization feature. With this feature, you can send bills to clients from your Google email address. This allows clients to see that you sent the bill rather than Clio. You will also receive an immediate notification if the bill bounces back or is blocked. Once sent, you can view sent emails in the sent folder of your email inbox. If you do not enable this feature, your bills will continue to send from

If this feature is turned on, the following automated emails will be sent from your Gmail address: bill emails, calendar events, Clio for Clients email messages, Clio Payments bill sharing, task notifications, user invitation emails, and Clio for Co-Counsel assignment and share emails. 

  1. Go to Settings > Apps > Google.
  2. Click Sign in with Google.
  3. Select your Google account.
  4. Check the box next to Send email on your behalf and then click Continue.


File single email

With Clio’s Gmail add-on, you can file incoming emails and any attachments. In Clio Manage, filed emails can be found in Communications and filed attachments can be found in Documents.

  1. Open an email.
  2. Click the Clio icon in the right panel.
  3. Select a matter.
  4. To save the attachment, click View and then Save Attachment.
  5. Click Log Email.
  6. Optional: Click Add Time Entry to add billable or non-billable time, complete the time entry, and then click Save Time Entry.
  7. Click View in Clio to view the email in Clio Manage.

Tip: If you want to file an outgoing email, you can file the email after sending it. Go to your sent folder and file the email from there.


File email threads

With Clio’s Gmail add-on, you can file incoming email threads and any attachments. In Clio Manage, filed emails can be found in Communications and filed attachments can be found in Documents.

  1. Open an email.
  2. Click the Clio icon in the right panel.
  3. Select a matter.
  4. Select Log All Emails to log all emails, including replies, or select Log Email on individual emails to choose which emails you want to file to Clio.
  5. Optional: Click Add Time Entry for each logged email to add time entries.
  6. Click Save All Attachments to log all attachments in the thread or select View and choose which attachments you want to file to Clio.


Create time entry template

If you attach time entries to your filed emails, you can also create one default custom template for a common rate for billable work.

  1. Select an email.
  2. Click the Clio icon in the right panel
  3. Click the three vertical dots and select Settings.
  4. Complete the Default time entry settings. The selections are not locked in, which means you can still change them when filing the email.
  5. Click Save Time Entry Settings.

Tip: Toggle on Include closed matters if you want the option to file emails and attachments to closed matters.


Uninstall Clio for Gmail

  1. Click the + button on the right panel in your Gmail account. You can also click the arrow on the right pane to open the panel.
  2. Click the gear icon and select Manage Apps.
  3. Select Clio for Gmail.
  4. Click Uninstall
  5. Select Uninstall App.


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