Filter and Export Tasks

Filter tasks

You can narrow your task search results directly on the Tasks page using filters, by sorting columns, and by searching specific date ranges or no due date. Filter preferences cannot be saved or set as default, which means you will need to apply the filters again when you leave the Tasks page.

Tip: Scroll to the bottom of the Tasks page and click Expand rows to view expanded rows with full task descriptions.

Apply filters Sort table columns Filter via date range
  1. Go to the main Tasks tab or the Tasks subtab within a matter.
  2. Click Filters.
  3. Sort by your choice of filters and then click Apply filters.
  4. Click Clear filters when you are finished.

Tip: If you need to bulk delete or reassign a deactivated user’s tasks, select All users in the Assigned to field to show all firm users. Then you can sort the Tasks table by the Assigned to column to find the deactivated user’s tasks.


Print tasks

When you print a single task, the printed document will show all the task details.

  1. Go to the main Tasks tab or the Tasks subtab within a matter.
  2. Click the down arrow next to Mark complete and select Print task.


Export tasks

When exporting tasks, you can use filters to narrow your task results or export all tasks. Outstanding and completed tasks can only be exported in separate document files.

  1. Go to the main Tasks tab or the Tasks subtab within a matter.
  2. Click either Outstanding or Completed.
  3. Optional: Click Filters to narrow your results.
  4. Scroll down and click Export.
  5. Select either PDF or CSV and then click Export.


Set up task feeds

If you want to view your Clio Manage tasks in a calendaring application like Google or Apple iCal, you can set up a one-way task feed sync. 

  1. Go to Tasks.
  2. Select Task feeds.
  3. Follow the steps below depending on if you are using Apple iCal, Google, or another calendaring application:
    • Apple iCal: Click Personal task ics feed (Outlook/iCal) and follow the on-screen prompts to set up the feed.
    • Google or other calendaring applications: Right-click Personal task ics feed (Outlook/iCal) and then select Copy Link Address. Use the link to add your tasks to your preferred calendaring program. 


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