Advanced Tasks: Task Types, Status, and Estimate

Basic task management in Clio allows you to track what you need to do for your matters and conveniently and quickly assign multiple actionable items that you work on most often. Advanced tasks provide additional capability for categorizing and reporting on your tasks. With task types, more task statuses, and time estimates, you can run the task progress by user and task productivity by user reports to get a better understanding of your firm's tasks and progress. 

Note: Advanced tasks are only available for accounts on Clio's Advanced and Complete subscription plans.

Create and manage task types

Task types are categories for tasks that you create. Once created and assigned to tasks, you can filter and export your tasks by searching for specific task type categories and generate reports for task productivity and progress. You can also disable tasks types that you longer need and re-enable them if you do need them. 

Create Assign Rename Disable Enable

Important: All users can use task types, but only administrators can create and manage task types.

  1. Go to Tasks > Task types.
  2. Click Add.
  3. Name the task type.
  4. Click Save to save the task type and close the modal. Click Save & add another to save the task type and open a new modal for another task type.


Set task status

When creating or editing a task, you can specify the status of that task. This helps firm users determine whether the task is pending, in progress, in review, or complete. You can then use the Status column in your Tasks table to sort tasks by status.

  1. Go to the main Tasks tab or the Tasks subtab within a matter.
  2. Click New task to create a new task or click the down arrow next to Mark complete and select Edit task to edit an existing task.
  3. Under Task status, select the relevant status.
  4. Save the task.

Tip: Your Personal Dashboard displays tasks that you have due today and any of your overdue tasks. You cannot mark tasks as complete from this location.


Enter estimated task time

When creating or editing a task, you can specify the amount of time you think a task should take. You can then filter tasks by the time estimate column and report on the time estimate against actual time recorded using the task progress by user report.

  1. Go to the main Tasks tab or the Tasks subtab within a matter.
  2. Click New task to create a new task or click the down arrow next to Mark complete and select Edit task to edit an existing task.
  3. Under Time estimate, enter the estimated time the task might take.
  4. Save the task.


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