In Clio Manage, you can apply up to two taxes on any bills that you generate or any bills that you can edit. You can also remove tax from individual line items when editing bills before payment is recorded.
Set up tax settings
When setting up tax in your account, you can name and select the percentage amount for up to two taxes. You can also choose to apply your primary tax on all generated bills by default and select whether the secondary tax should be applied to the pre-tax or post-tax total. Follow the steps below to set up your tax settings.
- Go to Settings > Billing > Bill Settings.
- Scroll down to Taxes.
- Name your taxes and specify the percentage. Clio supports tax percentages of up to eight decimal points.
- Select any other settings.
- Click Save Bill Settings.
Apply tax
You can apply tax to new bills using the quick bill feature or through bulk billing. To apply tax while generating a bill:
- Go to Billing, select New bills, select your bills, and then click Generate bills. You can also go to a matter and click Quick bill.
- Complete the bill generation details. Learn more here.
- Check the box for Apply tax and/or Apply secondary tax.
- Click Generate bills.
By default, full edit functionality is only available for draft bills and bills pending approval. Unpaid bills have some edit functionality, but you cannot add or remove tax from these bills. To apply tax to an existing draft bill or bill that is pending approval:
- Go to the main Billing tab or the Bills subtab in a matter or contact.
- Select the Draft or Pending approval quick filters.
- Click Edit.
- Click Edit tax.
- Select the primary and secondary tax amounts and click Update tax on invoice.
- Under Tax 1 and/or Tax 2 click No and check the box so that it says Yes.
- Click Save invoice.
Remove tax from line items
When you enable tax in your settings, all activities on a bill will have tax applied to them. You can remove tax on some items, such as expenses, when editing the bill. To remove tax from individuals line items:
- Go to the main Billing tab or the Bills subtab in a matter or contact.
- Select the Draft or Pending approval quick filters.
- Click Edit. You can also click Edit when viewing the bill.
- Optional: Click Columns and select the Tax 1 and Tax 2 columns.
- Under Tax 1 and/or Tax 2 click Yes for a line item (a pencil icon will appear).
- Uncheck the box.
- Repeat steps 5 and 6 for any remaining line items.
- Click Save invoice.