Sync and Convert Custom Fields

Sync Clio Manage custom fields to Clio Grow

If you have a subscription for both Clio Manage and Clio Grow, you can sync your custom fields from Clio Manage to Clio Grow. Custom fields cannot be synced from Clio Grow to Clio Manage; however, you can allow Clio Manage custom fields to be overwritten by changes in Clio Grow when updating matters or contacts.

Note: Most custom field types will sync from Clio Manage to Clio Grow, but the Contact Select, Matter Select, Integer, and Time custom field types will not sync over.

Tip: Before syncing custom fields, check that the integration between Clio Grow and Clio Manage is set up. See the "Convert from Clio Grow to Clio Manage" section of this article to learn more.
  1. In Clio Grow, go to Settings > Custom fields.
  2. Click Sync Clio Manage custom fields.
  3. Select Sync Clio Manage custom fields.
  4. Click Done.
  5. Optional: Toggle on Allow custom fields overwrite to allow your Clio Manage custom fields to be overwritten by changes in Clio Grow.


Convert custom fields in Clio Manage

If you created a custom field that was previously not a default option in Clio but now is a default option, you can convert the custom field that you created to the default Clio custom field. This will automatically map and merge the data from the custom field that you originally created to the new default custom field.

  1. In Clio Manage, go to Settings > Custom Fields Convert custom fields.
  2. Under Transfer data to, select the new default custom field that Clio has added.
    • Your existing custom field data will be transferred to this new custom field.
  3. Under Transfer data from, select the matching custom field that you originally created.
    • Your existing data will transfer from this custom field to the Clio default custom field selected in step 2.
  4. Check the box confirming that you understand the consequences of this action.
  5. Click Convert field.
  6. Once the conversion is complete, click Done.
  7. If the custom field data was only partially converted, click Download CSV to view the errors and manually make the appropriate corrections.


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