Payment Profiles

Payment profiles are customized payment terms that you can specify for individual clients. You can use this feature to create payment profiles for charging interest after a specified time period, for early payment discount, for bill payment due dates, and more.

Note: By default, all new and existing contacts use Clio’s Default payment profile. You can edit the terms of this profile.

Create new payment profiles

When you create a new payment profile, you can specify whether bill payment is due immediately upon receipt or create custom payment terms. The grace period is the amount of time that the client is provided to pay the bill before the bill is overdue and/or interest begins to accumulate.

Tip: For pro-bono cases, set a one-day grace period with 100% discount after one day.
  1. Go to Settings > Billing > Payment Profiles.
  2. Click Create a payment profile.
  3. Name the profile.
  4. Select Custom Payment Terms to set a custom grace period, discount, and/or interest.
  5. Click Create Profile.


Apply payment profiles to contacts

You can only apply one payment profile for each contact. Follow the steps below to apply a payment profile to a contact.

  1. Go to the contact.
  2. Click Edit contact.
  3. Scroll down to Billing preferences.
  4. Click the field below Payment profile and select the appropriate payment profile.
  5. Click Save contact.


Edit payment profiles

You can edit any payment profile you create, and you can also edit Clio’s Default payment profile.

Note: If a client already has a generated bill and you want to apply a different payment profile, you will need to change the profile in the contact card, void the bill, and regenerate the bill.
  1. Go to Settings > Billing > Payment Profiles.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. Make your changes.
  4. Click Update Profile.


Delete payment profiles

When you delete a payment profile, all contacts who have that payment profile applied will switch to Clio’s Default payment profile. Existing bills will retain the deleted payment profile, but new bills will use the new payment profile. 

  1. Go to Settings > Billing > Payment Profiles.
  2. Click Delete.
  3. When the warning prompt appears, click Delete.


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