Clio Grow Pipeline

In Clio Grow, the matter Pipeline provides an overview of all your matters by matter status. Each matter status is categorized into one of three categories: intake, hired, or not hired. You can also use filters to view matters in the Pipeline based on specific parameters.

Tip: Newly created matters will have a purple New label in the Pipeline. When you change the matter's status, the label will be removed.


Rearrange Pipeline

When viewing the matter Pipeline, you can rearrange Pipeline columns. These columns are matter statuses, which you can create and modify in your settings and then apply statuses to matters when adding or editing matters. You can also click and drag matters to new columns, which changes the matter status.

Tip: Click Quick view on a matter in the Pipeline to view essential matter information directly from the Pipeline.
Rearrange matter status columns Move matters between columns
  1. Go to Pipeline.
  2. Select one of the Intake, Hired, or Did Note Hire subtabs.
  3. Drag and drop a matter status column to a new location.


Filter and sort Pipeline

You can filter the Pipeline view by the user assigned to a matter, the matter type, lead source, matter value if this was specified when creating the matter, creation date, and you can view only matters that need your firm's immediate attention. You can also sort matters in a single column alphabetically by contact name or matter creation date. 

  1. Go to Pipeline.
  2. Click Filters.
  3. Select the appropriate filters.
    • If you toggle on Matters that need the firm's attention, only matters with an automated workflow error or New label will be visible. 
  4. Click Filter view.


View only your own matters in Pipeline

You can choose to view matters in the Pipeline for all firm users or only your own matters. The default setting shows all users’ matters. To change this setting:

  1. Go to Settings > Pipeline.
  2. Check the box for Default the pipeline to show only matters assigned to you.


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