Mobile App: Contacts and Contact Notes

Create new contacts

When creating a new contact on the mobile app, you can add contact information such as name, phone number, email address, website, address, date of birth, and company. You can also view contact custom fields on the mobile app if the custom fields were added to the contact from the desktop app. 

Note: You cannot add custom fields and billing preference information on the mobile app. Create or edit the contact on the desktop app to add or modify this information. 

  1. Go to the Home tab.
  2. Click the + icon for the create new menu and select Contact.
  3. Select whether the contact is a Person or Company contact and then complete the remaining fields.
  4. Click Save.


Filter contacts

On the mobile app, you can filter contacts by the type of contact (all, person, or company) or by client status (contacts and clients or only clients).

  1. Go to the Home tab.
  2. Select the Contacts tab.
  3. Click Filter contacts.
  4. Select your filter options and then click Done.


View contact details

When viewing contact details, you can interact with hyperlinked information by clicking any information in blue text. For example, if you click the contact's phone number, you can place a call from your mobile device. 

  1. Go to the Home tab.
  2. Select the Contacts tab.
  3. Find your contact by scrolling or using the search bar.
  4. Optional: Click Filter contacts to further narrow your results. 
  5. Click the contact to view detailed information.


View and create contact notes

You can create notes attached to a contact from the create new icon or when viewing a contact card. 

Create new icon Contact card
  1. Go to the Home tab.
  2. Click the + icon for the create new menu and select Note.
  3. Complete the fields and click Save.


Edit contacts

When editing contacts on the mobile app, you can edit contact information such as name, phone number, email address, website, address, date of birth, and company.

Note: You can only edit custom fields and billing preference information by editing the contact from the Clio Manage desktop app. 

  1. Go to the Home tab.
  2. Select the Contacts tab.
  3. Find your contact by scrolling or using the search bar.
  4. Optional: Click Filter contacts to further narrow your results. 
  5. Click the contact and select Edit.
  6. Make your changes and then click Save.


Delete contacts

  1. Go to the Home tab.
  2. Select the Contacts tab.
  3. Find your contact by scrolling or using the search bar.
  4. Optional: Click Filter contacts to further narrow your results. 
  5. Click the contact.
  6. Click the three vertical dots in the upper right and select Delete contact. You can also click Edit and select Delete contact from the contact form.
  7. Confirm the action by clicking Delete.


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