Clio Manage Contacts Overview

In Clio, contacts are general or personal contacts, potential clients or leads, clients, companies, co-counsel, opposition counsel, etc. When you add a matter to a contact, the contact becomes a client for whom you keep track of important case information. You can view contacts by viewing an individual contact card, but you can also view all contacts and data in the main Contacts page in both Clio Grow and Clio Manage.

Tip: If you have both Clio Manage and Clio Grow, opt-in to the shared contacts feature to sync basic contact information between Clio Manage and Clio Grow. With shared contacts, you can save time when creating contacts and ensure consistent and accurate contact information across both Clio Grow and Clio Manage. Learn more here.

View all contacts in contacts table

In Clio Manage, contacts are separated into three states—all, people, or companies. You can view your contacts in the main Contacts page once they have been created or imported:

  1. Go to Contacts
  2. Select one of the All, People, or Companies quick filters to view by contact type.
  3. Optional: Click Columns to view specific columns. You can also drag and rearrange columns and click each column to sort ascending or descending parameters.
  4. Optional: Click Filters to sort by filters. Learn more about filters and exporting here.
  5. Optional: Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Expand rows to view full column descriptions.
Tip: Click Recents in the Clio Manage header to view a list of contacts that you recently viewed.


View and manage individual contact cards

When you go into a contact card page for a single contact, you can view all contact-specific data and information in one place. To access a contact card:

  1. Go to Contacts
  2. Find your matter and click the matter’s name.
Tip: You can also search for your matter in the search bar in the Clio Manage header.
The contact’s dashboard provides an overview of contact details such as contact information, the client’s matters, associated matters, custom fields, and billing information. Learn more here.
Contact information:
This section shows key contact identifying information such as contact tags, phone number, address, email address, and date of birth.
Client’s matters:
This section shows the client’s matters or cases. You can edit matters from here and add new ones.
Associated matters:
This section shows matters that the contact has a relationship with that are not legal cases of that contact. For example, you could add matters in this section that a co-counsel contact is working on.
Custom Fields:
This section shows the custom fields you added when creating or editing the contact.
Billing information:
This section shows billing information you added when creating or editing the contact.
This subtab shows communications for this contact, including phone logs, email logs, text messages, internal firm messages, and messages shared with clients through the client portal. Learn more about Communications here.
This subtab shows notes for this contact. Learn more about adding, editing, and deleting notes in the section below: Contact notes.
This subtab shows documents for this contact, including document integrations with third-party drives such as Google Drive. Learn more about Documents here.
This subtab shows bills for this contact. Learn more about Billing here.
This subtab shows transactions for this contact, including payments, funds that were transferred, and trust request transactions. Learn more about payments in this article and trust requests in this article.
Clio for Co-Counsel
This subtab shows resources shared with co-counsel on this client’s matters. Learn more about Clio for Co-Counsel here.


View contacts in quick view

When you are working on a matter, you may need instant access to essential contact details, whether that is for improving client communication, speeding up case progression, or ensuring accurate billing. With the contacts quick view, you can quickly access basic client and contact information in various areas of Clio Manage without having to leave the page that you are working on, allowing you to save time. The quick preview is available in the following areas of Clio Manage:

Matters table
Select Matters in the left navigation menu to access this table.
Bills table
Select Billing in the left navigation menu to access this table.
New bill generation
Select Billing in the left navigation menu and then click New bills to access this section.
Outstanding balance
Select Billing in the left navigation menu and then select the Outstanding Balances subtab to access this table.
Online payments
Select Online payments in the left navigation menu to access this table.
Payment plans
Select Online payments in the left navigation menu and then select the Payment Plans subtab to access this table.
Select Documents in the left navigation menu to access this table. If the Contact column is not visible, click Columns, check the box for Contact, and then click Update columns.
Contact dashboard
Go to a matter or contact and select the Dashboard subtab. Under the Custom Fields section, look for custom fields where you selected contact select as the custom field type. You can also view the quick view for a company contact under the Contact information section. Look for the company's name next to Company/Title.

Note: You cannot customize the information that appears in the quick view.

  1. Go to one of the areas of Clio Manage mentioned above.
  2. Click the information icon next to the contact's name.
    • On the quick view, you can view the contact's name, company/title, primary phone number, primary email address, and primary address.
    • If you click the contact's name, a new window will open where you can view all of that contact's information in the contact's Dashboard.
    • If you click the clipboard icon next to the primary phone number, email address, or address, the information will automatically be copied. This allows you to easily copy contact information for setting up calendar events, preparing document templates, and more. 


Create and manage contact notes

In Clio Manage you can add, edit, and delete notes. You can also add time to notes and export and print notes.

Tip: You can search for notes using content in the body or title of a note in the Clio Manage search bar.

Add Edit Delete Export Print
  1. Go to Contacts and click a contact’s name. You can also search for the contact in the search box.
  2. Click Notes.
  3. Click New note.
  4. Enter the note details and click Save note.


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