Migrating Data From Your Current Software [T-Z]

This article explains what data can be migrated from your current practice management software and how to export the data from that software. Software applications starting with the letters T, U, W, and Z, and any numbers are listed below.

Tip: See one of the articles below if your current practice management software does not start with the letters T, U, W, Z, or any numbers.



What can I migrate? How do I migrate my data?
  • Contacts
  • Matters
  • Unbilled Expenses Entries
  • Unbilled Time Entries
  • Related Contacts
  • Matter Notes
  • Calendar Events
  • Tasks
  • Email Communications
  • Phone Communications
  • Outstanding (a single line item that represents the summative balance at time of export for a Matter)
  • Trust Balances (a single line item that represents the summative balance at time of export for a Matter or Contact)

Note: Depending on the quality of your data, we may also be able to migrate email and phone communications, related contacts, contact and matter notes, calendar events, tasks, and unbilled time and expense entries. 


Time & Chaos

What can I migrate? How do I migrate my data?
  • Contacts
  • Matters (limited information from v. 10.2)
  • Tasks
  • Unbilled Time Entries (v. 10.2)
  • Unbilled Expense Entries (v. 10.2)
  • Calendar Events

Note: We have not confirmed the exact nature of what can be migrated from this program to Clio. You can, however, still follow the export directions. 


Time Matters

What can I migrate? How do I migrate my data?
  • Contacts
  • Matters
  • Notes
  • Related Contacts
  • Tasks (To dos)
  • Unbilled Time Entries 
  • Unbilled Expense Entries
  • Calendar Events

Note: Depending on the quality of the data, we may be able to migrate email and phone communications and outstanding balances. 



What can I migrate? How do I migrate my data?
  • Contacts
  • Matters (derived from contact listing)
  • Unbilled time and expense entries



What can I migrate? How do I migrate my data?
  • Contacts

  • Matters (derived from the client list)

  • Unbilled Time Entries

  • Unbilled Expense Entries

  • Outstanding balances (a single line item that represents the summative balance at time of export for a matter)

  • Trust Balances (a single line item that represents the balance at time of export for a matter or contact)


Note: You can only export from TimeSlips if you are operating a version of a program from 2006 or later.



What can I migrate? How do I migrate my data?
  • Contacts
  • Matters
  • Contact Notes
  • Matter Notes
  • Unbilled Time Entries
  • Unbilled Expense Entries
  • Outstanding Balances (a single line item that represents the balance at the time of export for a matter)

Note: Depending on the quality of your data, we may also be able to migrate accounts receivables. Accounts Receivables are derived from the Invoice.csv file with "Unpaid" status and may not accurately provide a true outstanding balance as payments are not being applied to these amounts. In addition, we cannot bring in outstanding balances when multiple matters are being invoiced on one bill. These need to be entered into Clio manually to each matter by following these instructions in the Manually import outstanding balances tab of this article.


Total Attorneys

What can I migrate? How do I migrate my data?
  • Contacts



What can I migrate? How do I migrate my data?
  • Contacts
  • Matters



What can I migrate? How do I migrate my data?
  • Contacts



What can I migrate? How do I migrate my data?
  • Contacts
  • Matters



What can I migrate? How do I migrate my data?
  • Contacts
  • Matters (limited)



What can I migrate? How do I migrate my data?
  • Contacts
  • Matters
  • Accounts receivable balances 



What can I migrate? How do I migrate my data?
  • Contacts 



What can I migrate? How do I migrate my data?
  • Contacts
  • Matters
  • Notes



What can I migrate? How do I migrate my data?
  • Contacts


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