Set Up Clio Grow

Clio Grow is a client intake tool where you can track leads, intake new clients, and develop a web presence with your custom webpage. After signing up for Clio Grow, you can begin setting up your account. Take a look at the resources below to learn more about setting up your Clio Grow account.

Note: Contact Clio's support or sales team to sign up for Clio Grow. Learn more here

Tip: Clio offers a practice management software application that works alongside Clio Grow called Clio Manage. With Clio Manage, you can manage your firm clients, cases, files, invoices, payments, and more. If you connect both applications, you can also send your Clio Grow contact and matter information to Clio Manage. Learn more about Clio Manage here

Log in to Clio Grow desktop app

  1. Go to
  2. Enter your email address and then click Next: Password.
  3. Enter your password and then click Sign In.
  4. Note: If you forgot your password, select I forgot my password and follow the prompts.
  5. Optional: If you have 2FA enabled on your account, enter the six-digit code generated by your authenticator app. Check the box for Keep me logged in for one week to extend your session and click Sign In.


Access Clio Grow on mobile device

While Clio Grow does not have a mobile app, you can use the mobile web version to access Clio Grow on a mobile device. The mobile web version is configured for easy navigation on a mobile device and can be accessed from your device's web browser. You can also create a website shortcut on iPhones or save the site as a bookmark on Android devices for an "app-like" experience, allowing you to quickly access Clio Grow on your mobile device. 

Tip: With the Clio Manage mobile app, you can manage your Clio Manage matters right from your mobile device. Learn more here.

  1. Open your mobile device's web browser. 
  2. Go to
  3. Enter your email address and then click Next: Password.
  4. Enter your password and then click Sign In.
    • If you forgot your password, select I forgot my password and follow the prompts.
  5. Optional: If you have 2FA enabled on your account, enter the six-digit code generated by your authenticator app. Check the box for Keep me logged in for one week to extend your session and click Sign In.
  6. Add a Clio Grow website icon to your iPhone's Home Screen or save Clio Grow as a bookmark on your Android device to quickly access Clio Grow.
    • Apple iPhones: Learn how to add website icons to your Home Screen here.
    • Android: Learn how to create bookmarks on Chrome here.



In your settings, you can set up, enable, or disable all Clio Grow related settings. An account administrator has full privileges, while a normal user only has limited things they can access. To find the Settings menu, click Settings in the left navigation menu. 


In this section, you can edit and update personal information, including password and notification preferences. You can also enable two-factor authentication for your account to strengthen account security. Learn more about two-factor authentication here.


In this section, you can manage account licenses, invite users to join the account, deactivate users, set user permissions, and change account settings like your default currency and number and date formats.

Payment info

In this section, you can manage your payment information for your Clio Grow account. 


In this section, you can create appointment types and default automated reminders for your client appointments. You can also set up Clio Scheduler, which is an online appointment booking tool for prospective clients. Learn more about Clio Scheduler here.

Communication templates

In this section, you can create and manage email templates for when you send intake forms and documents, for appointments, and for intake process items sent directly from a matter's intake process page. Learn more about communication templates here.

Logo & letterhead

In this section, you can edit the law firm information that appears on intake forms and documents. You can also add or remove your firm's logo. Learn more here.


In this section, you can create a professional website without having to learn to design or code. Once published, your firm's website makes it easy for your clients to find your services, book and pay for consultations online, and collect prospective client information. Learn more here.

Email & calendar

In this section, you can connect your Clio Grow appointments and tasks to your Clio Manage calendars, add a personal email signature for emails sent from Clio Grow, and connect your personal email address to send emails, documents, and intake forms in Clio Grow from that email address. Learn more about connecting your email address here.


In this section, you can set up lead sources and contact types for your Clio Grow contacts. Lead sources are used to inform you of how prospective clients are finding your firm. Contact types are used to categorize and inform you of the status of your contacts. 


In this section, you can set up matter types, matter statuses, and locations for your Clio Grow matters. Matter types are similar to Clio Manage practice areas and can help you organize your matters by the type of law or case. Matter statuses are used to categorize the state of a matter from start to finish. You can also sort your Pipeline using these matter statuses. Locations refer to custom locations of where a matter may have occurred.

Automated workflows

In this section, you can set up automated workflows for your matters, allowing you to establish a consistent intake process for your firm and intake new clients faster. You can build and customise automated workflows from pre-built templates and choose how you want your emails, intake forms, and appointments to be sent out and when you want matter statuses to be changed. Learn more here.

Checklists & campaigns

In this section, you can create checklist templates to add groups of actionable items, such as appointments, tasks, forms, documents, and emails, to your matters. You can also create email campaigns, which can be added to your matter's intake process and scheduled to automatically send to your clients. Learn more here.

Custom fields

In this section, you can sync your Clio Manage custom fields to Clio Grow, create contact or matter custom fields in Clio Grow, and overwrite your Clio Manage custom fields with your Clio Grow custom fields. Learn more about custom fields here.


In this section, you can connect your Clio Grow and Clio Manage accounts and then sync custom fields from Clio Manage to Clio Grow. You can also integrate your account with the listed applications in the app directory. 

Note: The list of applications you can integrate your Clio Grow account with will vary depending on your region. 

Import data

In this section, you can import your contacts and matters from your previous practice management software into Clio Grow. Learn more about importing your data here.


In this section, you can default your matter Pipeline to only show matters assigned to you, and not all matters across the firm account. Learn more about the Pipeline here.


Connect Clio Grow and Clio Manage

If you have both Clio Grow and Clio Manage, you can connect both products for a more streamlined experience. Once connected, you can convert contacts and matters from Clio Grow to Clio Manage and view ad hoc and Clio Scheduler appointments in your Clio Manage calendar. You can connect both products in Clio Grow.

Note: Each Clio Grow user needs to complete this step.

  1. In Clio Grow, go to Settings > Integrations.
  2. Under Clio, click Connect.
  3. If you are not signed into Clio Manage, sign in when prompted.
  4. Select Allow Access.
  5. Look for the green Connected message next to the Clio box in the settings page. 


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