Matter revenue report
The matter revenue report provides firms with a detailed overview of lead sources, referrals, and revenue across matters from Clio Grow to Clio Manage. This report shows contact and matter details from both Clio Grow and Clio Manage, helping you track where your firm's profit originates and identify value sources.
Tip: You can adjust the available data columns after generating the matter revenue report. Learn more about generating this report here.
Note: The data for this report refreshes from Grow when the report is generated or when new filters are applied. Clio Manage data refreshes at midnight EST and the time will appear in the report.
When generated, this report includes the following categories:
- Contact
- This column shows the contact associated with each matter. It is sorted alphabetically by first name. You can click on any contact name to open a new tab with the contact's details. Learn more about Clio Grow contacts here.
- This column displays the primary email address entered when a contact was created.
- Source
- This column lists the source of prospective clients. If no lead source is assigned, this field will be unassigned.
- Referred by
- This column shows the referral source if the prospective client was referred by another contact.
- Matter
- This column lists the name of the matter in Clio Grow. You can click on the matter to open a new tab in Clio Grow with the matter details.
- Description
- This column displays the information entered in the Description field when the matter was created.
- Matter type
- This column shows the type of matter, similar to Clio Manage practice areas.
- Matter status - top level
- This column displays the current top-level status of the matter within the pipeline. Learn more about matter statuses here.
- Matter status - detailed
- This column displays the stage of the matter within the pipeline’s status.
- Status date
- This column shows the date the matter status was last updated.
- Created at
- This column shows the date when the matter was created.
- Location
- This column displays information from the Location field when the matter was created.
- Estimated value
- This column displays the anticipated total legal fees to be earned, as entered when the matter was created.
- Matter
- This column lists the name of the matter in Clio Manage. You can click on the matter to open a new tab in Clio Manage with the matter details.
- Description
- This column displays the information entered in the Description field when the matter was created in Clio Manage.
- Practice area
- This column displays the practice area associated with the matter.
- Matter status
- This column shows the current status of the matter (Open, Pending, or Closed).
- Status date
- This column shows the date when the matter status was last updated.
- Created at
- This column shows the date the matter was created in Clio Manage.
- Location
- This column displays the information entered in the Location field when the matter was created.
- Originating solicitor
- This column lists the firm user selected as the originating solicitor for the matter. If no originating solicitor was selected, this field will be blank.
- Responsible solicitor
- This column lists the firm user currently responsible for the matter. If no responsible solicitor is selected, this field will be blank.
- Unbilled time
- This column shows the total unbilled time for each matter and includes time entries on bills in draft or bills pending approval
- Unbilled hours
- This column shows the unbilled time entry hours for each matter. Unbilled time includes time entries not on approved bills, including those on bills in draft or pending approval.
- Unbilled expenses
- This column displays the total unbilled expenses for each matter. Unbilled activities are those on bills in draft or bills pending approval.
- Billed time
- This column displays the total value of billed time entries for the matter. Billed time entries are those that appear on approved bills.
- Billed hours
- This column shows the number of billed hours for the matter. Billed hours are time entries on approved bills.
- Billed expenses
- This column shows the dollar value of billed expense entries for the matter. Billed expense entries are those on approved bills.
- Collected time
- This column displays the dollar value of billed time entries for which payments have been received.
- Collected expenses
- This column displays the dollar value of billed expenses for which payments have been received.
- Revenue (billable profit)
- This column shows the total revenue for each matter, calculated by subtracting expenses from billable amounts.
Lead source revenue report
The lead source revenue report is designed to give firms a summary of revenue generated by lead sources and the resulting total billable profit in Clio Manage. This report also shows estimated matter values across lead sources. You can use this report to understand the revenue driven from your marketing and referral sources.
When generated, this report includes the following categories:
- Source
- This column shows the source of a prospective client and will be Unassigned if no lead source is assigned.
- Intake matters
- Total number of intakes generated for each lead source. When you click on the number in a particular lead Source row, a Matter revenue report will open in a new tab with the filters associated with the number you clicked (i.e., the original filters used to create the Lead source revenue report, a value of Intake applied to the Matter Status - top-level filter, and the applicable lead source from the row of the number you clicked applied to the Source filter).
- Hired matters
- Total number of hires generated for each lead source. When you click on the number in a particular lead Source row, a Matter revenue report will open in a new tab with the filters associated with the number you clicked (i.e., the original filters used to create the Lead source revenue report, a value of Hired applied to the Matter Status - top-level filter, and the applicable lead source from the row of the number you clicked applied to the Source filter).
- Not hired matters
- Total number of intakes that were not hired for each lead source. When you click on the number in a particular lead Source row, a Matter revenue report will open in a new tab with the filters associated with the number you clicked (i.e., the original filters used to create the Lead source revenue report, a value of Not hired applied to the Matter Status - top-level filter, and the applicable lead source from the row of the number you clicked applied to the Source filter).
- Hired conversion rate
- The percentage of hires from the total number of intakes by lead source.
- Estimated value
- This column is calculated from the amount entered in the Value field when creating a matter in Clio Grow and is a total from all matters.
- Revenue
- This column shows the total revenue earned from the lead source. The number is pulled from the billable profit of the activities in Clio Manage.
- Spend
- For firms in the US advertising on Google’s Local Services Ads, this column shows the amount spent on the firm's Google’s Local Services Ads campaign.
- For firms in the US advertising on Google’s Local Services Ads, this shows the revenue earned divided by the amount spent on ads. You can view this as a multiplier or a percentage.
Matters added report
The matters added report shows a visual overview of matters added to your pipeline including the lead source, value, and the rate at which your firm is converting leads to clients. You can view three separate charts by lead source and filter the date, matter type, matter status, lead source and user.
- Matters added
- This refers to the number of leads or matters that have been added to the account within a given period of time. It is broken down by lead source and matter type. The report provides a visual representation, in either graph or table format, of which lead sources and matter types are generating the greatest number of cases.
- Pipeline value
- This chart displays the estimated value of matters in the pipeline by lead source or matter type over a given period. You can review this report in graph or table format.
- Conversion rate
- This chart shows the total number of hired matters divided by the total number of all matters added in a specific time period broken down by lead source and matter type.
Referral report
The referral report in Clio Grow lists the contacts who refer clients to your firm and the total number of matters, summarizing which referral sources brought in potential clients and the types of matters they referred. When generated, this report includes the following categories:
- Name
- This column shows the name of the referral contact, as entered in the Referred by field when creating a contact.
- Total Referrals
- This column shows the total number of referrals made by the contact.
- Total Matters
- This column shows the number of matters referred to your firm by this contact.
- Intake
- This column shows the number of matters referred to your firm from this contact with an Intake matter status in the Pipeline. Learn more about matter statuses here (include link)
- Hired
- This column shows the number of referrals from this contact that resulted in the firm being hired.
- Did Not Hire
- This column shows the number of referrals where the client chose not to hire your firm.
- Total Value
- This column shows the combined total of the Value fields for all matters referred to your firm by the contact.
- Average Value
- This column shows the average value of matters referred by the contact.
- Intake Value
- This column shows the total value of matters referred by the contact with an Intake status.
- Hired Value
- This column shows the total value of matters referred by the contact with an Intake status.
- Did Not Hire Value
- This column shows the total value of matters where the client did not hire your firm.
- Conversion Rate
- This column shows the percentage of referred matters that resulted in your firm being hired, calculated by dividing hired matters by the total number of referred matters.