Filter, Export, and Sync Contacts

Contacts can be exported out of Clio Manage and Clio Grow for reporting purposes. You can also convert contacts and their data from Clio Grow to Clio Manage when prospective clients become clients and you are ready to begin billing.

Sync contacts between Manage and Grow

When Clio Manage and Clio Grow are connected, new contacts added to Clio Manage automatically sync to Clio Grow and vice versa within a few seconds. Similarly, updates made to contacts in Clio Manage also sync to Clio Grow and vice versa. You can still manually sync contacts from Clio Grow to Clio Manage.

Note: Basic contact information and custom fields sync automatically between Clio Manage and Clio Grow. Notes or communications associated with a contact do not sync between Clio Manage and Clio Grow.
  1. In Clio Grow, go to Contacts.
  2. Click Create new contact.
  3. Select Convert from Clio Manage.
  4. Search for the contact. Once selected, you can select the contact type, lead source, and add any tags.
  5. Click Submit.


Synced items and fields 

When contacts sync between Clio Grow and Clio Manage, all contact fields that exist in both Clio Manage and Clio Grow are automatically synced.

Synced fields for individuals

  • First, middle, and last name
  • Prefix
  • Date of birth
  • Email addresses (multiple)
  • Phone numbers (multiple)
  • Physical addresses (multiple)
  • Contact tags
  • Custom fields created in Clio Manage and synced to Clio Grow

Synced fields for companies

Fields that do not have equivalent counterparts in Clio Grow and Clio Manage, respectively, will not sync. For example, in Clio Grow, the fields for Source, Contact type, or Referred by, do not have equivalent field counterparts in Clio Manage and therefore cannot sync to Clio Manage. 


Filter contacts

Clio Manage  Clio Grow
When filtering contacts in Clio Manage, you can filter by whether the contact is a client, by contact tags, and by custom fields. You can also insert whole keywords into the Filter by keyword field to search for specific contacts.
  1. Go to Contacts.
  2. Use the Filter by keyword search field to search for the contact name. The list of results will update as you type.
Note: You can use the All, People, or Companies quick filters before searching to further limit the list to relevant results. You can also click Filters to filter by contact type, contact tag, or customer fields.

Export and print contacts from Clio Manage

When exporting contacts from the main Contacts tab, the export includes the contact's basic contact information and any custom fields. If you need to export information like notes, documents, transactions, etc. associated with the contact, you can do so by first selecting the contact, then going to the relevant subtab. 

Note: The export will not show billing preferences. 
  1. Go to Contacts.
  2. Optional: Select one of the All, People, or Companies quick filters.
  3. Optional: Select Filters to apply specific parameters.
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Export.
  5. Select the export format.
    • If you select CSV, you can choose to show all columns from the table or only columns that are visible/checked.
    • If you select PDF, the export will include only the most basic contact information.
  6. Click Export.
  7. Optional: You can print your downloaded file.


Export contacts from Clio Grow

You can back up your Clio Grow contact data by exporting a CSV list of your contacts. When exporting contacts in Clio Grow, you can export multiple contacts from the main Contacts tab or you can export specific information for just one contact.

Note: Only administrators can export contacts from Clio Grow.
Export multiple contactsExport single contact
  1. Go to Contacts.
  2. Optional: Select View all, Leads, or Clients.
  3. Optional: Select Apply filters to select specific parameters.
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Export all contacts to CSV.
  5. Click Send CSV.
  6. Go to the email and click the link to the CSV file.


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