When you create a new matter or edit an existing matter, you can change the billing method for the matter in the Billing preference section of the matter form. By default, all matters are set to hourly, but you can also set the matter's billing method to fixed rate or contingency fee.
Tip: Learn more about creating matters and the matter form sections here.
Create and manage contingency fee matters
If you are working on a contingency fee case for a client, you can set the matter to be billed accordingly. This means that you can track time and expense entries for this matter along with multiple awards or settlement amounts once the case has been completed. You can also edit and delete award or settlement amounts. Then, you can generate the award or settlement and other activities on a bill.
Step 1: Create contingency fee matter
- Create a new matter or edit an existing matter and scroll down to Billing preference.
- Under Billing method, choose Contingency fee.
- Select the firm user who will earn the contingency fee.
Enter the percentage of the award or settlement that the firm user on the case will earn.
- When adding a new award, you can change the percentage value. You can also add multiple awards with different fee recipients within the firm and different fee percentages.
- Click Save matter.
Step 2: Add activities
- Go to the matter's Activities subtab and select New time entry or New expense.
Complete the details of the activity entry.
- By default, time entries for contingency fee matters are marked as Non-billable and will therefore not appear on the bill invoice. You can still show these time entries on the bill by checking the box for Show this entry on the bill. Learn more about non-billable time entries here. You can also mark the time entries as billable and therefore charge your client by unchecking the Non-billable box.
Note: You can change the default behaviour in your settings to mark all time entries for contingency fee cases as billable. Once changed, all hourly time entries will automatically have a $0.00 rate that you can update manually. Learn more here. - By default, both hard and soft cost expenses are billable. If you do not want to charge your client for any expenses, check the box for Non-billable. If you are not charging your client but want to show the expenses on the bill, also check the box for Show this entry on the bill. Learn more about non-billable expenses here.
- By default, time entries for contingency fee matters are marked as Non-billable and will therefore not appear on the bill invoice. You can still show these time entries on the bill by checking the box for Show this entry on the bill. Learn more about non-billable time entries here. You can also mark the time entries as billable and therefore charge your client by unchecking the Non-billable box.
- Save the activity entry.
Step 3: Add, edit, or delete award or settlement
Once a contingency fee matter has been won or is settled, you can record the award or settlement amount. You can also add multiple awards with different fee recipients from within the firm and different fee percentages, and you can edit or delete awards. After an award is added, it will appear in the Activities subtab of the matter. You can generate all the awards on a single bill or bill each award separately.
Note: You can only add one firm user as the fee recipient per award. If you have multiple firm users collecting a fee for the case, you can add multiple awards, each with its own firm user as the fee recipient.
Tip: You can view the total value of the awards added to the matter and total fees earned in the Financial section of the matter's Dashboard. These total values will be updated when you add, edit, or delete awards.
- Go to the matter’s Dashboard.
- Click Update award.
Under Amount, enter the full amount of the settlement or award that was won.
- The fee earned will be calculated automatically based on the percentage value in the Rate field. This percentage value was entered when creating or editing the matter, but you can still change it at this step.
- Add the date of the settlement or award and the fee recipient at your firm.
- Optional: Add a description.
- Click Save award.
- Go to the matter’s Activities subtab.
Find the award and click Edit award.
- Awards are added as time entries. Click the Time subtab in the Activities table to quickly find your award.
Make your changes and then click Save award.
- When editing an award, you can change the amount of the award, the rate, date, fee recipient, and description.
- Go to the matter’s Activities subtab.
Find the award.
- Awards are added as time entries. Click the Time subtab in the Activities table to quickly find your award.
- Click the down arrow next to Edit award and select Delete award.
- When the warning prompt appears, click Delete entry.
Step 4: Generate bill
For a contingency fee matter, you can generate a bill using either the quick bill feature or bulk billing. If you checked the box for Show this entry on the bill for any of your non-billable time or expense entries, you can only show these activity entries on the bill by using the bulk billing feature. Once the bill is generated, the amount of the award received on behalf of the client will appear on the bill. Learn more about generating bills here.
If you are receiving the amount of the award in trust for your client, you can record the amount as a trust deposit transaction. Once added, the client's trust account will show the new balance. Learn more about trust requests here.
Create and manage fixed rate matters
If you are working on a fixed rate case for a client, you can set the matter to be billed accordingly. When you create a fixed rate matter, the fixed rate added during matter creation will automatically appear as a billable time entry in the Activities subtab for the matter. You can then generate the bill or continue to add billable or non-billable time or expense entries for this matter. Additional fixed rate time entries added to the matter will be billable.
Step 1: Create fixed rate matter
- Open the matter and scroll down to Billing preference.
- Under Billing method, choose Fixed rate.
- Select the firm user who will earn the fixed rate.
Choose either an existing activity category or enter a custom fixed rate fee.
- The fixed rate time entry will automatically be added to the Activities subtab for the matter. You can still edit the time entry up until the activity is generated on a bill.
- Click Save matter.
Step 2: Create fixed rate time entry categories
- Go to Activities > Manage categories.
- Click New category.
- Under Category type, select Time entry category.
- Name your activity category. You can use the name to easily identify the category in a list. The name will also show in a bill.
- Under Billing method, select Fixed rate.
- Optional: Under Rate, add a fixed rate for this activity category. You can leave this field blank if you want to change the fixed rate amount each time you use this category.
- Optional: Under Permission groups, search for permission groups and users specific to your firm. Only these groups and people will have access to this activity category. If you do not enter any group or name, all firm members will be able to use the activity category.
- Click Save category.
Step 3: Add activities
- Go to the matter's Activities subtab and select New time entry or New expense.
Complete the details of the activity entry.
- By default, only fixed rate time entries are billable. Hourly time entries are automatically marked as non-billable and therefore will not appear on a bill invoice. You can still show these time entries on the bill by checking the box for Show this entry on the bill. Learn more about non-billable time entries here. You can also mark them as billable and therefore charge your client by unchecking the Non-billable box.
Note: You can change the default behaviour in your settings to mark all time entries for fixed rate cases as billable. Once changed, all hourly time entries will automatically have a $0.00 rate that you can update manually. Learn more here. - By default, both hard and soft cost expenses are billable. If you do not want to charge your client for any expenses, check the box for Non-billable. If you are not charging your client but want to show the expenses on the bill, also check the box for Show this entry on the bill. Learn more about non-billable expense entries here.
- By default, only fixed rate time entries are billable. Hourly time entries are automatically marked as non-billable and therefore will not appear on a bill invoice. You can still show these time entries on the bill by checking the box for Show this entry on the bill. Learn more about non-billable time entries here. You can also mark them as billable and therefore charge your client by unchecking the Non-billable box.
- Save the activity entry.
Step 4: Generate bill
For a fixed rate matter, you can generate a bill using either the quick bill feature or bulk billing. If you checked the box for Show this entry on the bill for any of your non-billable time or expense entries, you can only show these activity entries on the bill by using the bulk billing feature. Learn more about generating bills here.