Understand account roles in Clio Manage
In Clio Manage, there are three types of accounts roles, each with their own available actions: the primary subscriber, administrator, and user.
- Primary subscriber
- The primary subscriber is a type of administrator. This user is the first user who signed up for the account, which makes them the account owner by default. There can only be one primary subscriber for each account. Additionally, this user is the only person who can pass account ownership to someone else and control the firm calendar.
- Administrator
- Administrators are users who can make changes in settings, but administrators cannot make changes to the primary subscriber’s account. All users with administrator permissions can edit personal and login information and permissions for all other users at the firm, except the primary subscriber, by going into Settings > Manage Users. There can be multiple administrators for each account. Learn more about changing user permissions below.
- User
- Users are normal users on an account who cannot change any account settings or change any other user's permissions. Users have access to various areas of Clio Manage depending on which user permissions an administrator set for them. Learn more about user permissions below.
See below for a high-level overview of which actions are specific to administrators (and the primary subscriber) and which actions are available for all users, depending on their permissions. For specific details, click each link to read more.
Administrator | User |
Bulk actions like deleting matters in bulk, editing expenses in bulk, editing time entries in bulk, and more. | Manage text snippets |
Create permission groups for matters, contacts, and calendars | Delete items like contacts, matters, documents, bills, payments, and more. |
Cancel Clio account | Manage bill settings |
Enable accounting integrations | Manage bill themes |
Enable document integrations | Share calendars |
Enable strong passwords | Manage payment profiles |
Require two-factor authentication | Manage practice areas |
Global exports | Set up personal calendar sync |
Manage account and payment information | View private tasks |
Manage custom fields | |
Update firm contact information | |
Manage Firm Feed | |
Manage matter numbering | |
Manage users permissions | |
Set up firm calendar sync | |
Undo deletion from Recovery Bin for matters, contacts, time entries, and more. | |
View account sessions and IP information |
Transfer account ownership and change primary subscriber
Only the primary subscriber can transfer ownership of the account to an administrator at the firm. The steps for transferring account ownership depend on whether the primary subscriber is still at the firm or if the primary subscriber is no longer at the firm.
If the primary subscriber is still at the firm, they can transfer account ownership to another administrator at the firm.
- Go to Settings > Account and Payment Info > Account Administration.
- Under Transfer the role, choose the new Primary Subscriber.
- Click Transfer Primary Subscriber.
If the primary subscriber is no longer at the firm, try the steps below in the order that they appear.
- Check if they can be reached and then transfer ownership of the account. See the steps for transferring account ownership.
- Contact your internal IT or domain provider to gain access to the primary subscriber’s account. This only works if you know the email and it is a custom firm-wide domain. Once you gain access, you can reset the password and transfer the ownership.
- If neither steps 1 or 2 are feasible, you will need to provide an affidavit. Contact Clio's support team to request more information.
Change user permissions in Clio Manage
In Clio Manage, there are four types of user permissions: administrator, accounts, reports, and billing. There are two additional visibility settings and restrictions for activity hours and billing rate. Learn more here.
Note: Only administrators can change permissions for other users. Administrators cannot edit their own permissions or permissions for the primary subscriber.
A user with administrator permissions can make any change in Clio, including deleting contacts and matters in bulk, editing activities in bulk, removing and adding permissions for other users, and exporting specific account data in bulk. In the settings menu, only administrators have access to the following sections:
- Account and Payment Info
- Manage Users
- Groups, Permissions, and Job Titles
- Custom Fields
- Recovery Bin
- Bill Syncing
- Aggregate Reporting Participation
- Matter Numbering
A user with accounts permissions can see the main Accounts tab and the Transactions subtab within a contact or matter. The user will be able to add trust fund and operating account information and add incoming and outgoing transactions. If this user also has billing permissions, the user can accept bill payments and access the Billing tab.
A user with reports permissions can see the Reports tab and generate reports.
A user with billing permissions can see the main Billing tab, the Bills subtab within a contact or matter, and the Billing section in settings. The user can also edit and create bills and receive bill payments. If billing permissions are removed from a user who receives “reply to” emails for automated bill reminders, the emails will be redirected to the primary subscriber.
Tip: Permissions can also be applied to matters. Learn more about matter permissions in this article.
Follow the steps below to manage user permissions in bulk.
- Go to Settings > Groups, Permissions, and Job Titles > Permissions.
- Next to each of the four permission Roles, select or deselect which users should have specific permissions.
Follow the steps below to manage user permissions for one user at a time.
- Go to Settings > Manage Users.
- Click Edit below a user’s name.
- Scroll down to Permissions and deselect or select the appropriate permissions.
- Click Save New Information.
Change user permissions in Clio Grow
In Clio Grow, there are two permission types: normal and admin.
- Normal:
- This permission setting provides users with access to all areas of Clio Grow other than those limited to administrators.
- Admin:
- This permission setting is limited to administrators. Administrators can change user permissions for all other administrators and all normal users. Administrators can do the following:
- View reports
- Export contacts and matters
- Invite and deactivate users
- Add or remove licenses
- Update billing information
Follow the steps below to change user permissions in Clio Grow:
- Got to Settings > Account.
- In the User settings section, click the blue Admin or Normal link under the Permission column.
- Select the appropriate permission.
- Click Assign permission.
View user activity
You can get an understanding of the entire account’s activity in the Firm Feed, but you can also view an individual user’s firm activity in settings.
Note: Only administrators can create and modify groups.
- Go to Settings > Manage Users.
- Click the user’s name.
- View activity for the user in the Firm Feed section.
- Click the Filter dropdown to view other users’ activity, view the type of activity, and view only activity that the user deleted.