Clio Draft: Matters

In Clio Draft, matters are the legal case files that you link to drafted documents. When you assign documents to matters, Clio Draft retains the matter information that you entered, allowing you to quickly and easily draft forms and templates with pre-populated data.

Create matters

If you connected your Clio Manage and Clio Draft accounts, your Clio Draft matters list will be populated with your Clio Manage matters You can also create new matters directly in Clio Draft when drafting documents. Matters created in Clio Draft will not be synced to Clio Manage. 

  1. Go to the Library.
  2. Add and draft a new document or document set. Learn more here.
  3. In the new document set window, name the document or document set.
  4. In the same window, click the field below. Choose a matter and then select Create new matter.
  5. Enter a name for the matter and then click Create.
  6. Continue drafting the document or document set.


Import individual matters from Clio Manage

If you connected your Clio Manage and Clio Draft accounts, all your open matters at the time of the sync should already be in your Clio Draft matter listing. As you create new matters in Clio Manage, you can resync them all in your Clio Draft integration settings or import them into Clio Draft individually. 

Tip: You can also import individual matters when drafting documents. Learn more about drafting documents here.

  1. Go to Matters.
  2. Click Import from Clio Manage.
  3. Find a matter that you want to import from Clio Manage. You can use the search bar to search by matter name or click each matter to view more information.
  4. Select the matter.
  5. Click Import.


Update individual matters from Clio Manage

After importing your matters from Clio Manage to Clio Draft, you can update your Clio Draft matters by running a sync for your entire account (learn more here) or by updating matters individually. Updating a matter individually is helpful if you know you do not need to run a full account sync. If you do not have permission to access the matter in Clio Manage, you will not be able to sync new data to Clio Draft.

Important: Updating will overwrite your Clio Draft matter data with Clio Manage data. The update will not overwrite data that has already been used to draft existing documents. 

Tip: You can also update individual matters when drafting documents. Learn more about drafting documents here.

Matters tab When viewing a matter
  1. Go to Matters.
  2. Find a matter.
  3. Click the Actions dropdown and then select Get updates from Clio.
  4. Optional: Check the box for Don’t show this again to not see this message again for ALL matters in Clio Draft.
  5. Click Get Updates from Clio Manage.


Search and sort matters

You can search for your Clio Draft matters by matter name and sort them by name and number of attached Clio Draft documents in ascending or descending order.

Search Sort
  1. Go to Matters.
  2. Enter the matter’s name in the search bar.


View, rename, and delete matters

When viewing matters, you can view the matter summary and creation date, any related contacts from Clio Manage, the documents and document sets attached to each matter, and fields associated with documents and document sets for each matter. You can also rename and delete matters.

Note: The Clio Manage and Clio Draft sync is a one-way sync from Clio Manage to Clio Draft, which means changes made in Clio Draft (edits and deletions) will not be made in Clio Manage.

View Rename Delete
  1. Go to Matters.
  2. Find the matter. You can use the search bar to search by matter name.
  3. Click the Actions dropdown and then select View.


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